TheTreasoner said:
The biggest problem, of course being rabid fanboys like everyone here.

Unreasonable standards are better than no standards at all.

While I'm on the subject though, Rosh, do you have like a poster of Pipboy in your room you jerk off to to make up for not having a life or ever being able in your life to get a woman (or man)?

He might, but I have a counter question.. How's the blow up doll of Chucky Cuevas with the two entry points working out for ya?

I mean, if being ignorant about a pathetic arguement between a bunch of fanboys and some developers makes me worthy of death... being one of the pathetic fanboys must be an atrocious sin, worthy of a lot worse. I'll take my death thanks.

Can we get this in writing?

I didn't respond to any of your points, because there weren't any. You just kept quoting bits of what I said, and insulting me. How are those points?

Depends on which definition you're using. Obviously you're using the wrong one. He's not talking about a sharpenned tip.

There's a reason why I didn't reply in-depth to anything you said, because I know no matter what I said, I would always be wrong, to you. You win. Is that what you want? Probably not. You want me to keep spouting off things and keep saying inane shit about a goddamned video game! ITS A GAME. Go out in the world, spend some time with people for crissakes... give it a fucking rest.

I've always thought this was funny. Someone who spends a lot of time on several gaming forums(like GameFAQs) and is involved in a multipage argument with another person attempting to stop said argument saying the other person needs to get a life because they take their games too seriously.
TheTreasoner said:

i only really registered to post some reviews, but i feel like saying that you're one arrogantly retarded dickhead who wandered in here expecting to erase five years of bullshit from Interplay after all of us heard the great and brilliant wisdom of your words, because you're such a wonderful person, you pompous chump.

now you're going to post again and again and again until you're satisfied that people are calling you a flaming idiot because there's something wrong with them, rather than you actually are a flaming idiot.

yeah, "we" are just assholes and "fanboys" and whatever it takes for "our" opinions to be worthless, keeping in mind "our" opinion is that you're retarded. sure, you need to put on this show because you furiously wan't to convince -yourself- that you aren't a dick, but that's only details, right? oh, i didn't deserve it! -they're- wrong! it's all -their- fault! well, it's not anyones' fault but your own that you're an intrusive, self-important asshole.
TheTreasoner said:
...being one of the pathetic fanboys must be an atrocious sin, worthy of a lot worse.

I'll try to type s-l-o-w-ly so you can understand. I beleive that the meaning of the word "fanboy" is someone "who is so fond of an aspect of a product/idea that they will completely ignore the quality of everything else around the product (and often defend the product with relgious fervor). In essense, the comment can be used to indicate that a person's opinion is invalidated due to extreme and/or misplaced bias." there are other meanings, but that's the jist of it.

Now lets look at that-
"a fanboy is someone who is fond of a product regardless of quality."- everybody has different feelings about the game- most people think it's a bag of shitnuggets, some have different feeelings about it. Also most fanboys have little reason to defend/attack a product- they only attack/defend it because it's that company that produced, it's that series of the game, etc.

Now if you look thorugh the forums you'll find thousands of reasons why we hate FO:POS- this means that we hate with valid reasons.

Of course you may not understand this so I'll summarise:
You dumb dip-shit. We smart.
jr. said:
TheTreasoner said:

i only really registered to post some reviews, but i feel like saying that you're one arrogantly retarded dickhead who wandered in here expecting to erase five years of bullshit from Interplay after all of us heard the great and brilliant wisdom of your words, because you're such a wonderful person, you pompous chump.

now you're going to post again and again and again until you're satisfied that people are calling you a flaming idiot because there's something wrong with them, rather than you actually are a flaming idiot.

yeah, "we" are just assholes and "fanboys" and whatever it takes for "our" opinions to be worthless, keeping in mind "our" opinion is that you're retarded. sure, you need to put on this show because you furiously wan't to convince -yourself- that you aren't a dick, but that's only details, right? oh, i didn't deserve it! -they're- wrong! it's all -their- fault! well, it's not anyones' fault but your own that you're an intrusive, self-important asshole.


Treasoner, you came here knowing we really do not approve of the thing which is Fallout: POS. The second thing you did was to defend IPLAY's massacre of Fallout. As Rosh has pointed out time and time again, game companies rely on clueless apologists to go out to fund their half-assed projects. I and many others here have again and again brought up the analogy of why would a game company spend $100 (this is just an example incase you try to twist the discussion into something irrelevant) to produce a quality game to sell to customers who demand quality when they can spend $50 to make a half-assed name whoring game that clueless apologists like you are willing to buy. Oh BTW, there is a word for half-assed products who claim they are the real things, they are called BOOTLEGS.

Are you getting Rosh's explanations now that I have dumbed it down for you? If a majority of the market is ok with buying half-assed, name whoring crap, then companies will be more than happy to churn out more shit.

Lastly, what really highlighted your ignorance was when you had to rely on insulting the entirety of the NMA in your post instead of trying to argue the points Rosh has pointed out. Granted Rosh is a bit more 'spirited' in his arguments than others, it is because he has to deal with clueless morons like you day in and day out. For lack of better words, you came here expecting to change our minds with your great words and instead recieved a verbal beatdown. Go back to gamefaqs buddy.
DarkCorp said:
I and many others here have again and again brought up the analogy of why would a game company spend $100 (this is just an example incase you try to twist the discussion into something irrelevant) to produce a quality game to sell to customers who demand quality when they can spend $50 to make a half-assed name whoring game that clueless apologists like you are willing to buy.

This is pretty much why there's no PS:T2. It made a profit, but it didn't make a super profit like IWD did because IWD didn't take long to make.

It's also why they sacrificed BG3 for BG: DA3 through BG: DA5. The irony of that, of course, is that BG3 would have been released last year, so Interplay wouldn't be so hosed going in to 2004. I'm not saying that BG3 would have been good, it could have sucked. However, it would have probably been a lot better than SuperMarioD&D, which is basically what BG: DA and it's ilk are.
Super Mario D&D

:rofl: LOL

As to the rest Proverbius is correct. If the market majority is willing to buy cheap shit, who do you think the game companies will cater to.
I don't know what you can do Roshambo, with a MSU account, but I'm really rather interested in what you can do, seriously. I'm not trying to be smart or try to defend myself in any way, I'm actually honestly interested in what an administrator at a website has access to, in terms of banning/revoking and the like. Seriously.

<edited out a paragraph after realizing while thinking about other stuff, I am 'stupid'... silly me. I can't upload my dunce cap avvy, presumably because my post count is not high enough. damn.>

I still haven't defended the game though, well, not here at least. I DID try to say somethings that were moronic, and impossible, but since I came to realize that defending the game was in the wrong (I might have accidentally said it was in the right here) on GameFAQs before posting here, it was never my intention to defend the game. From my first post it was only my intention to maybe not give any fuel to either side in their fight. If anything, if you do not have it already, perhaps said screenshot of the ending credits would help to prove I was really never trying to chafe you in the wrong way? It was never my -intent- to defend the game, but I came off as defensive of the game. It can never compare to any Fallout game, ever. I know this. I've known this since I spent my used games on BoS. That's why I frequently just call it Brotherhood of Steel, and don't even use the Fallout moniker. It might even be wrong to associate it with BoS, and maybe call it Collective of an Alloy Metal or something similar. I know it has problems with the setting. I know that the swearing/language is completely childish and is definately not in the spirit of Fallout in the least. I know that the "babes" in the game are completely out of place, especially when the -men- in the game are so goddamned ugly (everyone should be ugly, or not pretty at least). I know that the first impression of the Brotherhood of this game (eliminating mutants as a policing force) is wrong (though that impression is ultimately wrong as well, but the fact that its misleading in the first place, is again wrong). I know all this. I just didn't want to help you guys out, which I know was a mistake to even open my mouth in defense of anykind of BoS.

I am apologizing, after thinking it over for nearly two days, I guess. Put a fork in me, I'm done.
Kharn said:
TheTreasoner said:
GoblinKing, (whom I thank for being mostly civil in our debates, unlike a lot of individuals, most of whih reside here, I find).

GoblinKing? Civil? Really?

He must be sick or something...

No i was actually being myself. Y'know, like everyone around here.
I should have known that any thread that has gone on this long in this channel was a flame war. The elitists vs. the priveledged. I love it, it's the same reason why I love the first few weeks of American Idol...to see those people thinking they are owed an ear to their often horrific voices and how Simon disabuses them of that notion. I sing to my wife, but it horrifies her, except when I occasionally manage to do something worthy of my chorus days, but I'm not expecting her to praise my voice ever. Roshambo is the Simon here and is working to educate people that they aren't entitled to immediate inclusion here just because they believe they are entitled here. For myself, I hope that I would be included despite my small time on this board, but I understand what's going on here...this is a bunch of people that appreciate quality. It may seem snobbish to the outsiders, and it would be if we infiltrated their territory and told them how to act (interplay boards are fair game, we are just calling it as we see it), but we are here and there are expectations. I think continuing a flame war just for the sake of trying to claim a right to be here is a little naive. That Ferrari fella seemed to learn that the hard way, but he learned...and that is what I hope Rosh it trying to provide in this situation, a learning environment through the methods of tough love. Listen and learn is a good thing...time to suck up pride and let the teacher teach. If the teacher is mistaken, and I am not mistaken, I believe he would be very happy to educated. It may seem elitist to the outside, but here it's just a trial by fire. I hope I'm not way off on this, but I just thought I would chime in again, because I think that this is a thoughtful group of people who demand certain expectations.

Glad to see that he was able to listen and learn...Rosh is doing a good job.

Okay...that's my brief commentary, now back to the weather.
Hey...no need to mock Super Mario Brothers...that's a platformer to put most to shame. A great series with plenty of little intricacies in its simplicity. Something that BG:DA could never hope to achieve.
It is all about education. If more and more people take a stand and say, "I won't stand for a piece of shit game", companies will see their customer base for shit games fall and start pumping quality games.
Also, Super MArio may be fun but it also is annoying as hell with puzzles that just insult ones intelligence. I mean I remember the first part of world eight, there were these single steps all near eachother with a pit inbetween each of them. So if you just happened to accidentally push forward too much, you were fucked. Or other dumbass gauntlet tricks where they make the jumps almost impossible unless done perfectly and then punishes the player for making the smallest mistake.
Well, it's certainly not as bad as Ghosts and Goblins and Ghouls and Ghosts, and Maximo for that matter...ugh, those had some killer traps. I can't agree on the level of intelligence of their puzzles on an individual basis, there are some that suck and some that were awesome. I am referring to the 2D series as a whole, not just SMB1 and certainly not Super Mario 64 or Mario Sunshine at all.

Super Mario World is one of the most awesome platformers ever created...lots of neat tricks in that one.

Too bad it's over already... Anyone else with the guts do defy NMA-veterans?
I'm about to....does turrican have turtle shells you can kick turtles out of and then use as weapons? That is genius...of course Mario Bros. was one of my favorite games of all time, so the turtles are dear to me. I wish they would put the fly's in a recent version.
You'll be happy to know that I traded in BoS to assist me in purchasing a GBA, so I can play Metroid Zero Mission. Yay.