Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

Just found out that I can't use the mapper anymore with my current graphic card. Either the screen stays black or everything seems to be "out of screen" with totally fucked up colors. Same happens to Fallout2.exe - but I can kinda fix this with switching to dx9 mode (everything is highly pixelated and shitty looking, though. That was never the case before (/edit: ok, fixed this with setting GraphicsWidth/Height the same values as my screen resolution with the high res patch)... which I apparently can't do with the mapper.

Any ideas on how I can fix this? Not being able to use the mapper is like... well... kinda shitty.
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What does your m2_res.ini look like, Lexx? I for sure am not having a ddraw.ini or ddraw.dll in my Mapper directory.
i recently installed the high res mod for fallout 1 and my game has green pixels all over the screen how do i fix this? it only happens when this is enabled


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Alright, trying to get this set up and having a little trouble. Using Win7 64-bit, and since alt+tab doesn't work while the game is running, decided I'd run it in windowed mode...
And I can't get any windowed mode. I can't even change any settings in ddraw.ini, because it's not there. No .ini file.
Running from a disc install, upgraded to 1.2 and then 1.3.5.
Alright, trying to get this set up and having a little trouble. Using Win7 64-bit, and since alt+tab doesn't work while the game is running, decided I'd run it in windowed mode...
And I can't get any windowed mode. I can't even change any settings in ddraw.ini, because it's not there. No .ini file.
Running from a disc install, upgraded to 1.2 and then 1.3.5.
For hi-res patch settings, you need to edit f1_res.ini, not ddraw.ini.
Sounds reasonable. I'm still not seeing anything relating to windows or graphics.
Not sure why you didn't see these in INI:
; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=0 to enable Basic mode which supports resolution change only. 
; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=1 to enable Direct Draw 7 mode. 
; Set GRAPHICS_MODE=2 to enable DirectX9 mode. 

; Set the Fullscreen colours here.
; 8 for 8bit colour output (original)
; 16 for 16bit colour output (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)
; 32 for 32bit colour output (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)

; Set WINDOWED=1 to enable windowed mode. 
So apparently this mod is not needed if you install fixt because it is already combined with fixt.

But it is not clear if you need to install it if you install "Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)", does the restoration project include this mod?
Not sure why you didn't see these in INI:

Huh. Because it's not there. Use the search function for 'graphics,' 'fullscreen,' and 'colour,' and all I can find at all is:
;Set the screen resolution here

;Set the number of colours here
; 8 for 8bit(original)
; 16 for 16bit colour (set only if your not using Sfall with graphics modes 4 or 5)

;Text displayed on the Main-menu for the Options/Game Preferences window.
Huh. Because it's not there. Use the search function for 'graphics,' 'fullscreen,' and 'colour,' and all I can find at all is:
I have a feeling that there are more than one f1_res.ini in your system due to its UAC_AWARE setting.
Or just extract the original f1_res.ini from hi-res patch (Fallout1_High_Resolution_Patch_4.1.8.exe), the INI should be 9,629 bytes.
I don't see any more, but maybe the version has an effect. I downloaded 4.1.7 from the Downloads section. I'll try 4.1.8 from the thread.
Aaaand there it is. Needed an upgrade.
Thanks. Just wish I saw that in the Download section first.

Now to play around with settings until I can get it both pretty and not too tiny to see things.
Hello. A question: how could I get official BIS mapper work with current RP version? I have tried to apply city patch and high res patch, but it still does not work :/.
In F1 high res patch, Is there any way to get the view from 1440x900 resolution but also get a the size of the interface from 800x600, I love the high res view but the interface is so small and the option with 2x scaling just limit my resolution choices to 2 for some reason. I also tried the zooming option in the other package but it just jumps like crazy, it goes from normal view to almost satellite view when I zoom out with the mousewheel and I don't now if that is configurable