If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
It's a hypothetical scenario. What if the war was fought without nuclear weapons and the nuclear holocaust was averted? I see a very long war of attrition between the U.S and China. With each country running long range bombing runs on each other. Respectively the West Coast would been hit hard in strategic bombing runs by Chinese aircraft carrying thermobaric weapons. Either way, L.A would've been fucked up and so would San Fran. And maybe further inland as well. So thoughts?
Eventually oil would've run out so unless they powered everything with nuclear power or a new energy source the war would've likely died out due to lack of resources.
Eventually oil would've run out so unless they powered everything with nuclear power or a new energy source the war would've likely died out due to lack of resources.
Likely in fact. But I'd still most of the U.S government and Chinese government falling a part due to this lack of resources. But I don't see as many cities falling to such circumstances of nuclear bombings. More like a slow steady decline to the bottom.
I think the Great War probably would have been localized over resource-rich terrain, and eventually would have petered after said resources were sufficiently depleted (or too expensive to take/hold) to justify the costs of sending troops there. At this point it's likely that both the U.S. and China devolve into a state of Civil War and stop worrying about each other.
I think the Great War probably would have been localized over resource-rich terrain, and eventually would have petered after said resources were sufficiently depleted (or too expensive to take/hold) to justify the costs of sending troops there. At this point it's likely that both the U.S. and China devolve into a state of Civil War and stop worrying about each other.
I can see pro democracy like civilians involved in guerilla warfare fighting off what's left of the government in post war times trying to let everyone know they've been used as experiments. I can another civil war happening in China because of China being nationalistic and focusing all allocations into fighting the war that they feel is senseless. And likely the knowledge of Plan R knowing that China would run strategic nuclear bombardment of the U.S
With all the crazy viruses, bio engineered monsters, power armors and robots, I think the bombs were actually a more mercyful fate for humanity in the world of Fallout.
I can't say the same. I think the bombs let them all loose and further made them more dangerous than they should be.
If the bombs hadn't hit, the lack of resources, the abudnance of warring technology and viruses would have destroyed society too, but on a more drawn out and permanent way, the Bombs destroyed society but at the same time put a stop on the escalating conflict and over population and forced people to work together, giving humanity in Fallout a second chance they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
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If the bombs hadn't hit, the lack of resources, the abudnance of warring technology and viruses would have destroyed sociey too, but on a more drawn out and permanent way, the Bombs destroyed society but at the same time put a stop on the escalating conflict and the over population and fiorced people to work together, giving humanity in Fallout a second chance they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
Hmmm good point. I actually like that idea in a way. But I think the radiation and fallout would've dealt with whoever was left though and there wouldn't be really that many people left to come back and restart society. I think the bombs themselves are a drawn out way for humanity to die. Though in the following years there would likely be new resources to use or new technology to indefinitely duplicate the resources they so desperately need. Sure, viruses could kill so many people off. But there's also the idea that cures and immunization by generation steps in that the people who've been exposed to the virus and later have offspring could have children that have already adapted to the effects of it and their immune systems recognize the virus and know how to exterminate or deal with it. Though this is through generations. I think the second chance in the alternate scenario is taking what they have on the first and making better with what's left and rebuilding from there.
The world wouldn't have had a total collapse, hence large civilizations/societies could have been formed and made early on, instead of the slower start up in Fallout. We could see independant states with proper country laws fighting each other and more like that. Basically the world would collapse but reform much quicker.
The world wouldn't have had a total collapse, hence large civilizations/societies could have been formed and made early on, instead of the slower start up in Fallout. We could see independant states with proper country laws fighting each other and more like that. Basically the world would collapse but reform much quicker.
That sounds a bit optimistic in a way. Falls like the Roman Empire but quick to get it back up and make small city states or countries.
The world wouldn't have had a total collapse, hence large civilizations/societies could have been formed and made early on, instead of the slower start up in Fallout. We could see independant states with proper country laws fighting each other and more like that. Basically the world would collapse but reform much quicker.
That sounds a bit optimistic in a way. Falls like the Roman Empire but quick to get it back up and make small city states or countries.

That's my theory.
More like primitive in their ways of thinking? Socio and economical and political?

No more like primitive weapons and buildings. Remember, in this scenario oil and coal would run out ENTIRELY, no quick break and a bit left over.
I don't know about primitive weapons. But primitive buildings? I can see that.

Ammunition would run out, so would shells and armour. Tech would be way rarer because it's all being used up.
More like primitive in their ways of thinking? Socio and economical and political?

No more like primitive weapons and buildings. Remember, in this scenario oil and coal would run out ENTIRELY, no quick break and a bit left over.
I don't know about primitive weapons. But primitive buildings? I can see that.

Ammunition would run out, so would shells and armour. Tech would be way rarer because it's all being used up.
from what I've concluded from another topic ammunition is actually easier to make then what's been noted. Though experienced people in the chemistry field are needed. But ammunition won't run out. Tech won't exactly run out when the knowledge is passed on digitally and physically so the specs for such tech can be developed and made better. More energy efficient and long lasting.
More like primitive in their ways of thinking? Socio and economical and political?

No more like primitive weapons and buildings. Remember, in this scenario oil and coal would run out ENTIRELY, no quick break and a bit left over.
I don't know about primitive weapons. But primitive buildings? I can see that.

Ammunition would run out, so would shells and armour. Tech would be way rarer because it's all being used up.
from what I've concluded from another topic ammunition is actually easier to make then what's been noted. Though experienced people in the chemistry field are needed. But ammunition won't run out. Tech won't exactly run out when the knowledge is passed on digitally and physically so the specs for such tech can be developed and made better. More energy efficient and long lasting.

True, but energy will run out. This isn't a break and left overs, this is finishing the destruciton of earth's natural resources. Forget this and that, it's gone! Junk rounds will be the norm as factories will not run.