Look, Ma! Two Heads!

After several years, I played Fallout 3 for the first time in a long while. I beat the game with all my skills and SPECIAL stats maxed. But I'm wondering if the character could have been done differently or better.
Here was my starting SPECIAL: S: 5 P: 5 E: 5 C: 4 I: 8 A: 7 L: 6
Perks: Intense Training (1 rank only, spent on Intelligence), Lady Killer (since I was male), Child At Heart, Entomologist, Iron Fist (3 ranks), Bloody Mess, Finesse, Robotics Expert, Entomologist, Toughness, Strong Back, Cyborg, Silent Running, Better Criticals, Gunslinger, Commando, Sniper, Concentrated Fire, Action Boy, Paralyzing Palm, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Nerves of Steel, Concentrated Fire, Lawbringer, Mysterious Stranger, Quantum Chemist, and Almost Perfect.
My endgame armor was the Winterized T-51b Power Amor with Ledoux's Hockey Mask. My endgame arsenal included the Reservist Rifle, Novasurge, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Metal Blaster, Vengeance, Deathclaw Gauntlet, Shishkebab, and Nuka Grenade. Since I was picking up a lot of crap to sell, I didn't have enough carry weight space to carry Chinese Stealth Armor with me. I also found that the Updated Unofficial Patch doesn't allow me to wear it along with Ledoux's Hockey Mask.
I found by the end of the game that Mysterious Stranger wasn't appearing as much as he used to. And even after I took him, most of the time I was killing my enemies in one turn. The payout from fingers wasn't as much as I get from other npcs when I give them Blood Packs (Vance), Pre-War Books (Yearling), Sugar Bombs (Murphy), or selling to merchants my excess crap. Aside from having an easier time getting Sapling Yew's charm, getting James to steal random ammo for me, convincing the Mechanist to stand down, getting the fungus deal in Little Lamplight, and gaining access to a blocked off area in Mothership Zeta, Child at Heart was of minimal use. However, the ability to bypass speech checks was useful, especially Sapling Yew. Lady Killer did help me in getting the Antagonizer to stand down, getting the password to Moriarity's terminal, having an easier time seeing Ian, and getting Dukov's key for free.
I'm considering adding in Demolition Expert. I didn't take it this playthrough because they don't affect the Nuka Grenade and it would have felt like a waste of a perk if I used those grenades above all others endgame. I'm using the Updated Unofficial Patch, but I'm not sure if this oversight was corrected. I'm also thinking of adding the Bottlecap Mine to my arsenal and using it and other mines to set traps or to plant on my enemies to kill them. Taking all three ranks of the perk would require me to get rid of three perks I previously used with this character.
What perks can I do without? What perks should I add in? Should I change my starting SPECIAL in any way? Should I dump Charisma altogether even if it means making speech checks more difficult to pass? What else can I do differently if I remake this character?
Here was my starting SPECIAL: S: 5 P: 5 E: 5 C: 4 I: 8 A: 7 L: 6
Perks: Intense Training (1 rank only, spent on Intelligence), Lady Killer (since I was male), Child At Heart, Entomologist, Iron Fist (3 ranks), Bloody Mess, Finesse, Robotics Expert, Entomologist, Toughness, Strong Back, Cyborg, Silent Running, Better Criticals, Gunslinger, Commando, Sniper, Concentrated Fire, Action Boy, Paralyzing Palm, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Nerves of Steel, Concentrated Fire, Lawbringer, Mysterious Stranger, Quantum Chemist, and Almost Perfect.
My endgame armor was the Winterized T-51b Power Amor with Ledoux's Hockey Mask. My endgame arsenal included the Reservist Rifle, Novasurge, A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Metal Blaster, Vengeance, Deathclaw Gauntlet, Shishkebab, and Nuka Grenade. Since I was picking up a lot of crap to sell, I didn't have enough carry weight space to carry Chinese Stealth Armor with me. I also found that the Updated Unofficial Patch doesn't allow me to wear it along with Ledoux's Hockey Mask.
I found by the end of the game that Mysterious Stranger wasn't appearing as much as he used to. And even after I took him, most of the time I was killing my enemies in one turn. The payout from fingers wasn't as much as I get from other npcs when I give them Blood Packs (Vance), Pre-War Books (Yearling), Sugar Bombs (Murphy), or selling to merchants my excess crap. Aside from having an easier time getting Sapling Yew's charm, getting James to steal random ammo for me, convincing the Mechanist to stand down, getting the fungus deal in Little Lamplight, and gaining access to a blocked off area in Mothership Zeta, Child at Heart was of minimal use. However, the ability to bypass speech checks was useful, especially Sapling Yew. Lady Killer did help me in getting the Antagonizer to stand down, getting the password to Moriarity's terminal, having an easier time seeing Ian, and getting Dukov's key for free.
I'm considering adding in Demolition Expert. I didn't take it this playthrough because they don't affect the Nuka Grenade and it would have felt like a waste of a perk if I used those grenades above all others endgame. I'm using the Updated Unofficial Patch, but I'm not sure if this oversight was corrected. I'm also thinking of adding the Bottlecap Mine to my arsenal and using it and other mines to set traps or to plant on my enemies to kill them. Taking all three ranks of the perk would require me to get rid of three perks I previously used with this character.
What perks can I do without? What perks should I add in? Should I change my starting SPECIAL in any way? Should I dump Charisma altogether even if it means making speech checks more difficult to pass? What else can I do differently if I remake this character?