I know this topic is really old, but recently i was looking for the files and i remember them in the download section but now they seem to be mysteriously missing. Anyone have the file you can send me? I remember using it years ago with the Mysterious Stranger patch and the miria and klint patch.
klint: power armor, turbo plasma rifle
Sulik: Advanced power armor, supersledge. (or .223 pistol)
Vic: Hardened power armor, gauss rifle.
cassidy: Hardened power armor, gauss rifle.
skynet: gauss
Lenny: power armor .223 pistol or alien blaster
Marcus: turbo plasma or pulse rifle
Myron: power armor, pulse alien blaster or gauss pistol.
Miria: power armor, .223 pistol
what an unbeatable combo, plus the lineup of the 3 dogs and goris
i have all the other mods i needed but i thought that with FO3 coming out that more people would want to play through FO2 some and i'd like to do it with my party members, since you have to earn most of them with tasks i think its a fair and balanced mod, i mean keeping up with all these members is more tough than going solo. (try to take goris and dogmeat into navarro and win with them alive when you walk out) my email is:
skanknuts@touchmyinfection.com you can email me any size file or reply with a link. thanks a bunch!