First time out of the vault

*You encounter some unwashed villagers*
Hello everybody!
I am new here and would like to say hello to everybody, i have been reading post and threads at this forums for the last week or so, and i must say you have some interesting discussions going on here!
I come from Denmark, so some of my sentences might be grammaticly incorrect! Heck, some words might even be spelled totally wrong, but i trust that you to some extent will see through this!
So with that out of the way i would also like to give my thanks to Silencer for hooking me up here, wich was mighty nice of him *applauds*
Anyways i look forward to participate in some of the discussions thats going on here and hope i can contribute with something besides the otherwise total mindless'ness im known for in real life!
*you get hit by the door on your way out for 4 hit points*
*EDIT* I just noticed the Spellcheck button, nice touch, i guess i will be using that alot
Hello everybody!
I am new here and would like to say hello to everybody, i have been reading post and threads at this forums for the last week or so, and i must say you have some interesting discussions going on here!
I come from Denmark, so some of my sentences might be grammaticly incorrect! Heck, some words might even be spelled totally wrong, but i trust that you to some extent will see through this!
So with that out of the way i would also like to give my thanks to Silencer for hooking me up here, wich was mighty nice of him *applauds*
Anyways i look forward to participate in some of the discussions thats going on here and hope i can contribute with something besides the otherwise total mindless'ness im known for in real life!
*you get hit by the door on your way out for 4 hit points*
*EDIT* I just noticed the Spellcheck button, nice touch, i guess i will be using that alot