First time out of the vault

Hello, I'm glad to be here
Also I once stabbed myself through the hand at the age of 18, It was not that painful to be honest... I was curious how it felt, turns out, It feels stupid!
First post already sig material. Good work.
About the steamforums and for me Reddit too, you hit the nail on the head. Have a like!So, eh...howdy alll!
I came to this forum just a few days ago after I was diagnosed with cancer from the Fallout 3 and 4 Steamforums (again), and therefore I was looking for cure.
I came along this post >> http://mygodwhathassciencedone.blogspot.co.at/2013/03/great-games-that-actually-suck-fallout-3.html <<, and found it to absolutley nail my opinion on Failout 3.
I like games. To be more precise, RPGames. Besides jRPGs, they are horrible. There's not much to say otherwise, maybe a small helllo to everyone who reads this.
No problems mateOy, thank you Draitex c:
I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.
Just because new games these days are shit(besides some glistening gems) doesn't mean you can't find games of old that still hold up to today's games and blow them out the water. Well besides the graphics but good graphics does not make a good game.Since I'm new here an introduction is in order, soo... Hi all!
I'm not a fan of the first hour, but I became a fan with FO3 and especially FONV. Don't hate me... ^_^
Unfortunatelly content quality is not a priority in video game development anymore and so I rarely play video games anymore.
Especially, if you want good roleplaying you just have to stick to Pen & Paper, which I focus on nowadays...
I'm glad to see there is a P&P forum now, and that's where I will head over now...
Entirely true! Just a few weeks ago I rediscovered Dungeon Keeper I & II on GoG... I became 12 again instantly!Just because new games these days are shit(besides some glistening gems) doesn't mean you can't find games of old that still hold up to today's games and blow them out the water. Well besides the graphics but good graphics does not make a good game.