Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hey, folks.
Been lurkin' for a while now, will probably lurk a little more.
I've played all the games over and over again, as many ways as possible (except Tactics, which I got about halfway through - I'll get back to it eventually), I still go back to some even now. I'm playing back through NV for the zillionth time.
In order of favourites (top to bottom), 2, 1, NV, 3, 4. I figure I'm not exactly alone in that regard.
Anyway, just a quick hello and a cheerio for now.
Not an introduction, since of course that would be illogical considering the fact that I am already present.

More of an 'I'm back'.

Haven't been well for a bit, hurt my foot really badly, and to add insult to injury (or rather injury to injury it took infection, severely, and I've been immobile for a considerable time and doing not much but playing tactics and relying on repeat injections of morphine, plus regular doses of IR oxycodone, although even the additional lot of those on top of that I usually take for my joint pain(s) has more or less only let me keep myself knocked unconscious, my antiseizure meds making sure of that along with more than the occasional hefty dose of nitrazepam (a strong benzo with long duration of action)

Anyhow, I'm back. Anyone care to remind me where we were, with regards to topics being replied to or posted in at the time if they remember?
Hello Everyone.

Been lurking for a bit, finally decided to join. Not sure if I've seen someone like this on here, but I actually got into Fallout from Fallout 4. Had much higher opinion of that game then than I do now..... I guess it gets some credit for getting me interested in the rest of the series.

Then went to 3 (really a long route into Fallout proper) and finally NV, which I loved and lead me to discover this site, where I've been learning about the Lore (both good and bad) and what makes a good RPG (and Fallout game)

About to start playing Fallout 1 and then 2.
Hello Everyone.

Been lurking for a bit, finally decided to join. Not sure if I've seen someone like this on here, but I actually got into Fallout from Fallout 4. Had much higher opinion of that game then than I do now..... I guess it gets some credit for getting me interested in the rest of the series.

Then went to 3 (really a long route into Fallout proper) and finally NV, which I loved and lead me to discover this site, where I've been learning about the Lore (both good and bad) and what makes a good RPG (and Fallout game)

About to start playing Fallout 1 and then 2.

You're basically playing the games in order of quality, depending on who you ask. Lucky you, because a lot of people experienced it the opposite way.

Welcome to the biggest Bethesda Haters Club on the internet. Glad to see the non-Synder Rorschach could make it.
I have to say, while its a lot different to the other games in the series, Tactics is another good offering, its been rather addictive of late.

I think a download of fallout 3 and the expansion packs will be next on the list. Started out with fallout I, then II, then tactics. I have to say, its rather interesting having a much better-implemented (IMO) deathclaw companion (recently recruited the deathclaw matriarch, a close-combat oriented unit, as you'd expect, exceptionally physically strong and agile, damned fast and whilst she can't use most weapons is still capable as a grenadier. Which is the role she's operating in, has a lot of AP to use in moving and fighting, and her primary attack isn't fantastic (although will experiment with the mutate! perk), using that 'weapon slot' to hold various thrown unpleasantries and having her use her dirty great big horns in combat, loaded with plenty stimpacks/super stimpacks, she's fast enough to get in close by stealth then charge an enemy, and stick those horns in a foe's eyes whilst shrugging off assault rifle blasts and let loose with a grenade, molotov cocktail etc. if needing to take on an enemy at range or behind a barrier she can't charge past)

Much more well-implemented than goris, IMO, at least, as a combat character, shows off her nature a lot better as a deathclaw rather than a hooded, robed scholar, she's the hulking great tank of a killer lizard you'd expect a deathclaw matriarch to be.
Hello everyone! New user but I’ve lurked here for about a year or two. Unfortunately started the series with Fallout 4 then 3, but after those I played New Vegas and the originals (still working through Tactics) and greatly preferred those 4 to the Bethesda entries. My order of favorite games is NV>1>2>Tactics>>>>>>> 3 and 4. Favorite companions are ED-E, Veronica, Marcus and Goris and my favorite factions are the Legion and the Enclave.
Haven't played 3/4, NV or expansions of them yet, I'll download them after finishing tactics.

Of 1/2/tactics, I have to say I really like tactics. Order of preference is 1 running neck and neck in a vicious brawl for supremacy with tactics.

Then 2 last, of the ones played so far.
Hello everyone.

Underrail and F1/2 are my favorite games. I really like them. Also I'm indie developer of my turn based RPG Sands of Space.


Welcome to the biggest Bethesda Haters Club on the internet. Glad to see the non-Synder Rorschach could make it.
:monocle: I don't hate them, I just dislike how they abused (and defaced) the Fallout franchise. There are games I would like to see them make, and that I would probably buy.
I like it! Do you have a website or any other place with more info on the game?
Hi! Thank you for the feedback. Right now I'm focusing on the game, I dont have a team I'm working alone, so thats why I dont have a website yet.
On the next weeks I'm planing to run thread here. :)

But you can track status on IndieDB:

:monocle: I don't hate them, I just dislike how they abused (and defaced) the Fallout franchise. There are games I would like to see them make, and that I would probably buy.

Hey folks, feel free to call me Jass. I got into Fallout around 7 years ago with New Vegas when it was relatively fresh. Proceeded to play all the DLC for that and got enamoured by it, so I've played all of the games aside from PoS. My favourites are probably New Vegas and 1.

Hi! I'm new here, but I'm sure you figured that out by now. I've been watching this website for years. Usually seeking y'alls opinion on things. this forum seems to see the game as I do, which why I eventually decided to make an account here.

I started off on New Vegas, and is my favorite game of the franchise. though I've played all except tactics and brotherhood. I believe Bethesda needs to respect the lore more.

I probably wont be posting a lot. but i'll be around for sure.
Hiya all I'm UberMorpth, I've been a fan of the Fallout series back when Fallout 3 came out (Don't worry I hate it now today along with Fallout 4 and love the orginals and Fallout New Vegas) I only came on nma since I heard from lot of people (mostly from reddit threads) about how this is the most "toxic group of old fallout fanboys" or something of that regard but when I came up on here to read the posts I was pleasantly surprised with how I agreeded with lot of what most of you all said.

Course at this time (around 2016) I despised Fallout 3 but for some reason still didn't play Fallout New Vegas and played a lot of Fallout 4 loving it, that all changed course when I turned older and began to understand well how games and stories work, in short nma showed me how much Bethestard is total garbage at making a compealing story.

So after that point I decided to recently (about couple weeks ago) to try out my copy of Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition and I been having a blast with my guns/sneak/critical and sergent doran characters all the while being enmersed in one of the best rpgs I ever played course I haven't played Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 due to my living conditions but I hope to get them once I do.

I just hope to have some grand discussion's with you all on the subjects in question!
I only came on nma since I heard from lot of people (mostly from reddit threads) about how this is the most "toxic group of old fallout fanboys" or something of that regard

The correct term is "Glittering gems of hatred" or "eleven angry guys on a website".

I also just realised I skipped doing this thread, so I've lurked here for close on two decades - since it was brand new - but never felt the need to sign up, until someone (Hassknecht, I think, but I don't remember with certainty) wrote a post about this place dying, and needing to get some new members in somehow, and so I finally did.

Yay, look at me, I did an intro.
The correct term is "Glittering gems of hatred" or "eleven angry guys on a website".

I also just realised I skipped doing this thread, so I've lurked here for close on two decades - since it was brand new - but never felt the need to sign up, until someone (Hassknecht, I think, but I don't remember with certainty) wrote a post about this place dying, and needing to get some new members in somehow, and so I finally did.

Yay, look at me, I did an intro.

I prefer to get over with most grettings quickly, I'm more just interested in talking bout other things then about myself since I'm socially akward as fuck in public.
I prefer to get over with most grettings quickly, I'm more just interested in talking bout other things then about myself since I'm socially akward as fuck in public.

Yeah you better look out, then. This is a role-playing game fansite, so everyone here is a perfectly adjusted social butterfly in real life. :nod:

But seriously though, welcome to the darkside.