Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Yesterday you were brought up at Codex and I defended your honor. Not in a white knight way mind you in a psyop "totally did this for a selfish reason" kinda way.

Codex posters that are migrating here all have complex backstories and if you have more than one Codex member in a party together they kill each other.
Do you have screenshots? I can't believe that there are people I am not aware of discussing me.
I had that checked as you know. A few polyps, non-cancerous, but at the bottom of the bottom were two raised areas like little volcanoes. Doctor/technician guy said they were piles.

I wanted the footage for YT, but they thought I was Joe King.
Do you have screenshots? I can't believe that there are people I am not aware of discussing me.

That whole thing was brought up about why Rangerboo was booted and me and Rangerboo dry humped. I won't share because it got nasty. People just knew Rangerboo got booted because she ranted about it there afterward, and not long back I lobbed a couple rounds due to not liking being called a pedophile.
People gossip especially when they have nothing better to talk about. I like giving people things to talk about.
I wish them the best of luck.
I don't need luck. Maxie is the biggest of posers and rejects. He postures and tries to act tough and the moment you confront him he shits all over himself and runs to one of his countless other alts. I'm sure he has dozens here just like on the codex. Slimey little punk weasel.
Hey guys if you create a dozen alts make sure they post a lot about video games or movies or something. Not about how that nigger for sure ruined the country or whatever.
I don't need luck. Maxie is the biggest of posers and rejects. He postures and tries to act tough and the moment you confront him he shits all over himself and runs to one of his countless other alts. I'm sure he has dozens here just like on the codex. Slimey little punk weasel.

I'll bear that in mind, WaterDrinker. Or is it Abracadabra these days?

A gentleman forgets.
I gave Rich a warning for backseat moderating. Gotta keep the law around here. HAHAHAAAAAAA.