Lived Through the Heat Death

Welcome ironman and Saruman 8)
Gekko said:Jootervevaankaikilleteilleuusillejäsenillejoopajoohihhiliheijoujouhoumatofako!
Nope I spotted it 'cosScampi said:My nickname is....SCAMPI! Didn't guess it? Can't blame you.
JoeMataius said:I know this is late, but Hello. I am Joe. They tried to put me in a volcano.
mattness_pl said:I post mod idea to F2 & sex mod).
[CZ said:PIPboy]Well, hi. I am PIPboy
Scampi said:I also like to sound like I'm really wise and mighty, maybe because I have a small wait! I was just thinking out loud, wasn't going to say anything...disturbing.