Is Miria useful with ANY weapons?


Mildly Dipped
She's just a liability in my party at the moment and I don't really want to divorce her because im a good character.

Is there anything I can do which you know....wont make her a total waste of space.
Miria's best combat skill is Unarmed. Try giving her a power fist.

But honestly, she and Davin are the weakest NPCs, easily, and that can't be helped. They'll always be a bit of a waste of space.

The only excuse from a power gamer viewpoint to pick up either one is if you already have all your NPC slots full, since you can still marry them then (though they'll steal a slot if you let them)
PastaMasta said:
Damn it...

If you really want to get rid of your wife without "murder" or divorce...

Load up your assault rifle or combat shotgun, and proceed to walk around till you find a random encounter. Walk behind her, turn on burst, and aim at the furthest enemy. Leave encounter a widow(er).

Alternatively: Give Sulik any burst weapon.

She never levels up, has zero combat potential, and can be a huge liability by wasting an early NPC slot. The sooner you can get rid of her, the better.
JesusC said:
Load up your assault rifle or combat shotgun, and proceed to walk around till you find a random encounter. Walk behind her, turn on burst, and aim at the furthest enemy. Leave encounter a widow(er).

Alternatively: Give Sulik any burst weapon.


yeah man... she sucks. either reload or let her dieeeeee! worst post nuclear wife EVER