It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Grumpy... Grump. Grump.

That survivalist looks suits you.

I'm almost embarrased the kind of equipment we are still using over here, that helmet looks right out of a WWII movie.

Also, notice how I'm still getting fat? I'm geting bariatric surgery, drastic measures should be taken or else my health is going to suffer.


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Can't you go to the nearest drill sergeant and tell him to PE the shit out of you?
There is no running, just standing in full gear for 8 hours a day every day where I'm posted.
What kind of shitty drill sergeant can't find whatever shitty reason to run a dozen miles uphill? Or do burpees if you can't move from the post. Or squat with a full backpack. Find something!
That's the Argentine Federal Police for you. No time for health, everyone has to stand on the street like a guard at the royal palace for 8 hours with no rest for marketing purposes so that the govenrment wins the coming elections. I invite you to go running after that 8 hours shift and 12 hours on weekends.

You must think I work for a police force in the first wolrd or something.
You go work out, I'll go to sleep, thanks. They aren't even paying me enough for the 8 hours.
That's right, the biggest threat to you is Darth... err your own superiors than the Reb... err the criminals.
Which is why I'll try to make myself as small as possible and I'll make my own employers pay for the surgery.

And I have to get my own country back first, I'll worry about the Falklands only after that.

Heres hoping the current govenrment looses big time in the next election.
Gonzalez, from what I hear, Argentina has some of the best food in the world, including those nice steaks etc. So I kind of understand your heftyness-issue. Don't let those fattening foods lure you to the dark side. :D

Ignore the disgusting neckbeard and my grotesque fatness, but rather focus on the outfit. I call it Union Casual.