Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

PastaMasta said:
Maybe we are all dead and this is a frigment of our imaginations? :P

If that is true I would like to know at what moment I thought it would be fun to imagine loosing my USB stick with all my school assignments and portfolio on it.

Besides if I am dead than I have must have gone to hell, there is no way you can convince me that this is the other place.
Re: Large Hadron Collider. AKA. Killing machine

Sicblades said:
Well they finally collided two particles today.

They said it's only at about half energy (1.18m eV, if I recall correctly)

Daaaamn. And there I was hoping that a collision at half a speed will annihilate just your half of the world.

Sicblades said:
it'd still take them another 3 years to collide the particles at 99.995% the speed of light.

Oh well. Hope springs perennial.
I'm pretty sure your shit hole would be closer and go out of existence first. Disabling your joy of seeing my shit hole being destroyed afterwards.

I actually wanted to hear the results about the damn Higgs boson. Another 3 years wait is just retarded.
I read in an article that the energy is 7 TeV, and after two years they're going to take a one year break for repairs, then push the 14 TeV barrier in 2013.
Sicblades said:
I'm pretty sure your shit hole would be closer and go out of existence first. Disabling your joy of seeing my shit hole being destroyed afterwards

I wouldn't be so sure of that, it stands to reason that anti-matter woul behave counter-intuitively, obliterating your manure orifice first ;)
With the way Geneva is growing in the science related industries, I expect by the end of 2020 that Europe is going to be the protoss nexus.

Ohh wait, that requires testicles.
Hmm, I actually have a decent chance of getting into a study exchange program in Switzerland. If there's a decent scientific region, I might stick around.
))<>(( said:
With the way Geneva is growing in the science related industries, I expect by the end of 2020 that Europe is going to be the protoss nexus.

Ohh wait, that requires testicles.
You're gonna need a lot of pylons and vespene gas.
we have lots of Vespas



And Pylons also.


Next thing you know the LHC elevates everyone in Europe to the status of beings of thought and energy, manipulating reality with our mind.
Thus, we shall attain the level of self-importance and obliviousness long since enjoyed by our Yankee counterparts.

Except with energy and not body fat.
Silencer said:
Thus, we shall attain the level of self-importance and obliviousness long since enjoyed by our Yankee counterparts.

Except with energy and not body fat.

We'll see what happens when we Americans bomb you guys with Big Macs and heart disease.