London flashback: eDome

Even "I" don't get how Bioshock could be an RPG. The only choices you get to make are how you kill stuff, shotgun, pistol, crossbow, etc. and which plasmids (spells) you use.
Agreed, at least Ken Levine was always honest about it being a shooter.

Unlike other development companies.
"Fallout 3 could be an RPG or perhaps a shooter. You tell us which you would prefer to play and we'll tell you that THAT is the type of game it is. "

(Lucky for me I like both RPGs and shooters. )

"Fallout 3, eventually (with mods) it can be all things to all people."

Now that would be some good honest PR!
The previewer got some small quests, and he only had the directions given by the NPCs to go on – there were no markers on the map or the compass
wait they got rid of the magic compass?
oihrebwe said:
wait they got rid of the magic compass?

I remember one other preview that said there were no compass markers, but since Bethesda themselves have confirmed compass points in interviews I think it's safe to say they're there.
PaladinHeart said:
remove the nuclear catapult from the game (or make it a unique weapon with only one shot)

Apparently the nuclear catapult is somewhat quest-related, and that ammo for it is EXTREMELY rare. The E3 demos gave some people the impression that you'd be lobbing them around like footballs, which is incorrect. You can probably just churn through the entire game without ever firing a shot out of it.
Per said:
oihrebwe said:
wait they got rid of the magic compass?

I remember one other preview that said there were no compass markers, but since Bethesda themselves have confirmed compass points in interviews I think it's safe to say they're there.

I'd guess it's an option, as at least one reviewer gave the impression that they had to find the goal simply by following directions...
ArmorB said:
I'd guess it's an option, as at least one reviewer gave the impression that they had to find the goal simply by following directions...

Could you be thinking of... this thread?
Uh...maybe. :mrgreen: Heh, pretty hard to keep track of everything 'upstairs' sometimes. Not sure if I read something yesterday or several weeks ago. LOL.
Seymour the spore plant said:
Public said:
Fallout 3 looks worse than Nightwish sounds without Tarja Turunen.

Well, Amaranth was a good track, and I don't think it would have sounded the same with Tarja. The same can't be said of anything they changed in Fallout 3.

a bit off topic:

Umm accually that was a crap song all in all.
You can even compare Nightwish to Fallout 3 to be honest.
When they had Tarja they had the more unique style, something not everyone was doing and it sounded good.
Now they are doing what every other "metal" band is doing. More people like it, but does that make it good ? I would say NO! They sound like one of those Idol bands now, with the lets put some guys who will play "hard rifs" and a cute chick to sing = $$ mentality. Even the video was chessy as hell for that song. :D
If the Fat boy or whatever is a weapon that you can easily not find--ala some of the higher weapons in FO2( laser gatlin, bozar, etc) that would definitely be great news. Granted those weapons weren't really difficult to get if you went looking for them, but they didn't fall off of every other high level you killed.

Though I can't recall if the laser gatlin is findable or if you have to get it built...been too long since I have actually gotten the thing.
oihrebwe said:
wait they got rid of the magic compass?
I'd imagine that depends on the quest, i.e. if the quest giver gives you the exact location, it'll be marked on your map and compass. If they give you vague directions, you'll need to figure out the way yourself.

The previewer in this case explicitly mentions the lack of Oblivion-esque compass markers, and says you'll have to make do with whatever directions the quest giver gives you. Bethesda has mentioned the quest compass is in though, so I guess it depends on the quest.
ArmorB said:
Per said:
oihrebwe said:
wait they got rid of the magic compass?

I remember one other preview that said there were no compass markers, but since Bethesda themselves have confirmed compass points in interviews I think it's safe to say they're there.

I'd guess it's an option, as at least one reviewer gave the impression that they had to find the goal simply by following directions...

From what I recall the compass gives you a general direction. it doesn't hold your hand to where you need to go.

But like everything you ever hear.......Take it with two grains of salt.
But it's there and a thought comes in mind

"Ok, maybe this time I'll look at it"

and then again the same thought later...
Phancypants said:
My only question right now is PC vs. PS3. One has modding potential, and the other has a 42" Plasma TV and a sofa. I'm leaning towards the big TV right now.
Why don't you just hook up your computer to the telly?
You'd get better visuals, better controls, the exclusive DLC, and modding all from the comfort of your sofa.
All for the low low cost of a DVI<->HDMI cable and wireless keyboard 'n' mouse combo. :)
My only question right now is PC vs. PS3. One has modding potential, and the other has a 42" Plasma TV and a sofa. I'm leaning towards the big TV right now.

I'm leaning towards modding potential. Modding = Making game better in all ways. Big TV = Making it only look better.
Inspired by the award-winning Fallout game-series
FOBOS 2 a Washington 2022 A.D. tale.
A post-apocalyptic FPS-game
Dourvas said:
thats why i will buy it...stop the frickin nonesence about how much it will such do didnt even play it long its not BOS its gonna be must understand THATS the revolution of gaming sadly..lets prey its better than we expect and just shut up

Personally, I am not going to buy it. I'm going to hope it fails miserably and Bethesda loses money, because that's the only way I see them getting their grubby mitts off the franchise. Maybe ten years from now someone with some integrity will make a real Fallout sequel. I'm willing to wait.

Because I don't have to play every game just because it's there.