ftp://fallout:fallout@stone-d.dyndns.org/fallout/NPC Enhancement - Miria 1.0.zip
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into your web browser.
When prompted, use "fallout", LOWER CASE, as both the user and password. Go to the Fallout directory, and grab away.
This site is a tad slow, being a crap ADSL connection in Indonesia, so be patient. If it really sucks for you, wait until around 13:00 GMT then try again... but then, my P2P apps will be hogging the bandwidth. ;'D
Some crap from the included README.TXT :
The actual readme.txt contains even more shit for you to sift through.
If that doesn't work, type :
into your web browser.
When prompted, use "fallout", LOWER CASE, as both the user and password. Go to the Fallout directory, and grab away.
This site is a tad slow, being a crap ADSL connection in Indonesia, so be patient. If it really sucks for you, wait until around 13:00 GMT then try again... but then, my P2P apps will be hogging the bandwidth. ;'D
Some crap from the included README.TXT :
NPC Enhancement - Miria
Version 1.0 [23/09/2003]
This MOD is partially based on code provided in the B-Team MOD by Jargo of the Fallout Modding Centre (fmc.prv.pl). Muchos gracias! I've pruned and optimized it a bit - feel free to mess around and use. Etc.
I've always felt that the two 'nuisance' NPCs in Modoc, Davin and Miria, were a wasted opportunity. I've played through Fallout 2 four times now, thrice when the game initially came out and post-patch, and again very recently. I intend to do so again this evening.
This time, however, I want to go through the game roleplaying a married couple. To this end, I've beefed up Miria's character by A) giving her the ability to level up and B) giving her a huge amount of floating-text style speech possibilities. These comprise of the following :
- Location specific, a la Cassidy
Most locations have two text possibilities, except for some where I either
A) couldn't think of anything or
B) it wouldn't be appropriate
The Enclave maps only have one text possibility... you're not likely to notice
any variations there.
- Armour specific, when she changes armour
Two comment possibilities per armour 'graphic' style. In other words, two
comments for all armour that 'looks' like combat armour. Etc.
- When you 'push' her
Four possibilities here
- When you 'look' at her
Seven possibilities here
- When she feels ill
Two possibilities for each condition - radiated, crippled, poisoned, hurt etc.
- Using items on her - stimpacks, drugs, booze
Lots here.
This version is, unfortunately, non-interactive. I'm considering making it so though for the future.
Now, although this is labelled as version 1.0, I don't personally consider it complete. For me, this is a test release. See what the reaction is to my changes. This does NOT mean that it is buggy - everything works like it should. The NPC levelup stages may be a tad unbalanced though... you tell me.
Usage / Installation
Inside the archive, you will find this document and two directories : 'Interaction' and 'Levelup'. The two are independant of each other - if you want one but not the other, fine.
To install, simply copy the contents of the directory you wish to install directly into your "Fallout2/Data" game directory.
Whatever you install, make sure that the copied files are marked "READ ONLY" - right-click the files, and check the read-only checkbox. For those inclined to do so, you will find it easier using ATTRIB from the commandline. Doing this ensures that Fallout won't nuke these modifications during runtime. I think this only applies to PROTO files, but I could be mistaken... better safe than sorry.
Note that the 'Interaction' part already includes a version of the B-Team code, so if you install that AFTER this MOD, do NOT overwrite MCMIRIA.INT.
Levelling up
Miria will level up roughly every two of your levels, up to a maximum of six times, like Cassidy or Sulik. Being brought up on a farm, her skills tend toward small guns, some melee and some throwing. Being a woman, she has some skill with tending wounds. She's a stunning beauty, so her charisma and speech are waaay up. She's had to dodge and fend off many horny men in her life, so her agility and perception are up too. Her father taught his kids well, and they have had a good background in living in the wild, raising their outdoorsman skill. By the time Miria reaches her sixth level, she will have roughly 110 hitpoints, 11 action points, over 100 in small guns and about 60 in energy weapons. Oh, and she can carry a truck or three. ;)
The actual readme.txt contains even more shit for you to sift through.