It Wandered In From the Wastes

Moving Target said:Nope, I'm actually a pretty mellow person in real life. Unless something gets me riled.
Like totally moronic and senseless nuclear catapults in a game where, in the alleged predecessors, nuclear radiation was seen as a very serious and painful thing.
In Fallout 1, you had the Glow and random pockets of radiation. Without Rad-Away, you were dead.
In Fallout 3, you have a nuclear-bomb launching catapult, which you can use to shoot at enemies from close range and not get irradiated to hell.
Oh, and I forgot about the lockpicking minigame. Didn't look so hot. Should've just kept to skill rolls, not change it to digital whack-a-mole.
Yeah I see your point, it's incredibly lame. Although I think the lock picking mini game could be good. We don't know to what extent your skill effects the game, it's probable you won't even get to play the mini game if your lockpicking skill isn't high enough, and it's also probable that the game will be unwinnable if your skill isn't high enough.
I can't really see why they'd have the skill there otherwise, although it's also highly probable that bethsoft isn't that good at making design decisions. Time will tell. Until then, there's a whole wealth of happiness to be found in not getting riled up over things you can't change.