Most powerful Fallout 3 character

The part about hating the game less as you grow older I've found to be untrue in my case. I replayed 3 and it's DLC back in 2015 and thought it was alright. I tried replaying it just this past month and couldn't stomach it at all. Liked it way way less.
It is true in my case, but it's worth noting that I played it ~2009 or 10, and it was my first Fallout game. Came to dislike it more and more after I got in to New Vegas and then the isometrics, but as I've gotten odler I've mellowed out a lot on it, I think mainly as a consequence with comparing it to Fallout 4.
It is true in my case, but it's worth noting that I played it ~2009 or 10, and it was my first Fallout game. Came to dislike it more and more after I got in to New Vegas and then the isometrics, but as I've gotten odler I've mellowed out a lot on it, I think mainly as a consequence with comparing it to Fallout 4.

To me they're equally vapid and irritating but 4 has the advantage of being more technically impressive and feeling better to play.

Ironically I like 76 the best of the Beth games