movies and wine


First time out of the vault
movies are a lot like wines. some years get you plenty of good vintages, some years don't. just as the wine vintage reflects the climate leading up to that year, the movie vintage can capture the social, economic, and political climate leading up to it.

1974 was an amazing year for films. chinatown and the godfather part 2, both films with near-perfect ratings and eleven oscar nominations, were released in that year. it was also a terrible year for the country--dealing with the aftermath of watergate and watching the painful collapse of south vietnam, as well as managing a failing economy mired in an energy crisis.

i hope this year will be a bad year for films, but after talking to guys working on both the obama and romney campaigns, i feel sick inside. then i want to fast forward a year and watch the oscars.
2008 was pretty badass. After that, the movies went downfall quite fast. Here's hoping we'll see a great year again.

P.s. 700th post. Yay!
Sub-Human said:
2008 was pretty badass. After that, the movies went downfall quite fast.

Name these badass films please, because I don't recall anything amazing in film-world for about 30 years.
.Pixote. said:
Sub-Human said:
2008 was pretty badass. After that, the movies went downfall quite fast.

Name these badass films please, because I don't recall anything amazing in film-world for about 30 years.

30 years you say? Are you just exaggerating or are you serious?
maybe he avoided watching TV, going to the cinema, buying DVDs, CDs and VHS systems for the last 30 years oh and watching movies on the PC of course. Then you might get the idea that there was no "great" movie released in that time.
.Pixote. said:
Name these badass films please, because I don't recall anything amazing in film-world for about 30 years.

Go through the Oscar list to get an idea. You can exclude Slumdog Millionare.
well calling every movie that got an oscar "good" is a bit of a strech in my eyes. Particularly as its rather strange to talk about quality in general when much of it depends on your personal preference.

But to say there have not been good movies in the theaters in the last 30 years is pretty ... well silly.

One must have a real dislike for ALL movies in general as there have been at least some good movies.

Titanic, apollo 13, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, No country for old Men, Signs and many many more.
Crni Vuk said:
Titanic, apollo 13, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, No country for old Men, Signs and many many more.

Only two of those were even good (well I can't really speak for Apollo 13 since I haven't seen it).

.Pixote. said:
Name these badass films please, because I don't recall anything amazing in film-world for about 30 years.

Mulholland Drive, La Haine, Chungking Express, Synecdoche New York, Drive, Shame, La Pianiste, the Three Colors trilogy, Lost in Translation, American Beauty, etc.

Don't exclusively watch summer blockbusters then complain about there being no "good" movies.

Sub-Human said:
Go through the Oscar list to get an idea.

This is terrible advice to give to someone who's looking for good movies.
Crni Vuk said:

Crni Vuk said:

Aliens who are mortally allergic to water invading a planet that's like, 80% water?

M. Night Shyamalan really should have just stopped making films after Sixth Sense.
The aliens of Sings were probably allergic to meat too. And they had a society based on physical height and liked candy.
Courier said:
Crni Vuk said:

Aliens who are mortally allergic to water invading a planet that's like, 80% water?

M. Night Shyamalan really should have just stopped making films after Sixth Sense.
well it was good up to that point though.

I always was curious about one thing though ... what do this aliens do when it rains?
Courier said:
Mulholland Drive, La Haine, Chungking Express, Synecdoche New York, Drive, Shame, La Pianiste, the Three Colors trilogy, Lost in Translation, American Beauty, etc.

Sure some of those films are fine, but are they badass. Out of that list I would say Three Colors trilogy are the best. Drive, Lost in Translation and American Beauty are overrated IMO, nevertheless they are superior to Titanic (1997) the winner of the best picture award...yep Titanic was the best film. :roll:
I see a lot of turds flying around.

Apocalypto, Mad Max, Matrix, THIS IS SPARTA, Shawshank redemption, Pulp fiction...

To bad you guys missed those.
What is with all the art fag films? Fuck the Oscars really. :lol:

Blade Runner, Empire Strikes Back, Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, LotR (Fellowship), Donnie Darko, American Psycho, and Braveheart are all badass movies IMO. Oh, and Avengers. :mrgreen:

Crni Vuk said:
Courier said:
Crni Vuk said:

Aliens who are mortally allergic to water invading a planet that's like, 80% water?

M. Night Shyamalan really should have just stopped making films after Sixth Sense.
well it was good up to that point though.

I always was curious about one thing though ... what do this aliens do when it rains?

I wouldn't call Signs a badass movie at all though. A decent movie maybe, but never, ever, badass. What do they do when it rains? You give Shyamalan too much credit. Crni you disappoint me. :wink:

donperkan said:
I see a lot of turds flying around.

Apocalypto, Mad Max, Matrix, THIS IS SPARTA, Shawshank redemption, Pulp fiction...

To bad you guys missed those.

Those are pretty badass, but I don't know what Shawshank is doing there. It is only awesome, not badass. :)

Courier said:
.Pixote. said:
Name these badass films please, because I don't recall anything amazing in film-world for about 30 years.

Mulholland Drive, La Haine, Chungking Express, Synecdoche New York, Drive, Shame, La Pianiste, the Three Colors trilogy, Lost in Translation, American Beauty, etc.

Don't exclusively watch summer blockbusters then complain about there being no "good" movies.

I have never watched etc. Is it any good? :P
Oscars don't necessarily mean it's a great movie, that doesn't mean great movies can't win Oscars.

Courier said:
Mulholland Drive, La Haine, Chungking Express, Synecdoche New York, Drive, Shame, La Pianiste, the Three Colors trilogy, Lost in Translation, American Beauty, etc.
Only two of those were even good.

Sub-Human said:
This is terrible advice to give to someone who's looking for good movies.
This can be said for any advice on stuff that depends largely on personal taste. I'd say Slumdog Millionaire and The Artist where amongst the best films of the last decade (that I have seen). *cue ridicule*
Courier said:
This is terrible advice to give to someone who's looking for good movies.

Wouldn't say so. If the Oscar list's majority are brilliant, then this shows there certainly was a step beyond the average cinematography year (i.e. as I mentioned, 2011 as the most recent example).

The Oscars can be a good start for someone who's looking for good movies. These are usually the most hyped products out there. Beyond that you of course look at Film Festivals (their winners) and so on...