My rant about Interplays BS


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
So this is my fist topic. I'll try to make it worth-while.

I know this has been covered to death. Not just covered to death, but covered in a fire blanket made of asbestos, wrapped in heavy rusty chains, placed in a slightly decomposed wooden coffin, dipped in FEV, then dipped in kerosene, lit of fire, thrown into a vat of acid, chucked into the glow, and then nuked a second time, but god dammit, I need to let this intense homicidal feeling of frustration out.

When did corporations stop listening to their customers?
I feel like phoning up fox and asking "What the fuck? You cancelled Family Guy you dickheads! The greatest cartoon ever! No, I don't care if its coming back in 2005, I still hate you!"

But that’s not what my rant is about, it about the excrement that passes for fallout games these days.

Is interplay going to try every possible defilement of a once-proud franchise until the laws of probability force them to actually branch off Fallout into a long-forgotten genre that they never would think of utilising? A RPG.

Here's how I like to think of fallout games in general:
*If it doesn't have the 50's atmosphere of fallout 1 and 2, then it isn't a fallout game.*

I don't care what its setting is or how many F's, A's, L's, O's U's, or T's are in the title, if it doesn't have that 50's feel, then it isn't a fallout game. Hell, they could have made tactics feel like the 50's, and its obvious they tried, but it doesn't live up to the real Fallout games. All they had to do was change the opening cinematic a little to include a 50's song and replace that awful sound track with a more fallouty selection. (The sound in tactics doesn't even have music, just some ambient noise and sound clips that are triggered by battle sequences.)

I refused to buy fallout tactics at first on the principle that it was made instead of fallout 3 (I say instead because they could have developed and released fallout 3 in the time they made tactics). But after a few months I bought it and had fun, but that doesn't change that fact that it isn't a fallout game.

If they would take two seconds to listen to their customers, Interplay would realize that the sales generated by the fans ALONE would more than make it worth their while to develop Fallout 3, but the company is run by a bunch of corporate execs more interested in making dirty whore money off of cheap games (Read FO:BOS) than delivering what will actually sell well. The only possible explanation for why there isn't a fallout 6 at this point in time is that the people of the board who run Interplay are all over 55 years of age and have never played a single computer game in their lives.

Heck, even if they made a Fallout 3 with the same exact engine used in the first two Fallout games, I'd buy it.

Sorry for the rant, but I just needed to express my frustration at Interplay for this crime against humanity they continually commit every day.

I feel better now.

BTW, thanks to the admins for getting my login working. :)
calculon000 said:
Heck, even if they made a Fallout 3 with the same exact engine used in the first two Fallout games, I'd buy it.

Exactly. I wonder how many people would do the same?

Oh yeah, and Family Guy ruled for the time that it was on. Pity got canceled.
Family Guy was ridiculously offensive at some points, and I realized watching reruns of Family Guy that they cut all of those parts for the Cartoon Network run. Probably the whole episodes, too, since I have yet to see Kool-Aid man jump through the wall and scream, "Oh, yeah!"

Coincidence? I think not.

Needless to say, it's an incredibly funny show, the creator just had no idea what he wanted to do with it...make people laugh with really awful offensive jokes or make people laugh with his clever sense of humor.

But they did show Wish upon a Weinstein, which is a pretty offensive episode Fox refused to show, but not even close to what got Family Guy cancelled in the first place.

EDIT: Oh, and where have you been, man, Fallout 1 and 2 only have one song and you can barely hear it.
The episode with the Kool Aide man bursting through the wall was shown on Cartoon Network, yes sir.

I don't see why you think it is 'offensive.'

I would put it more on the terms of 'unwholesome.'


Oh yeah, not to derail the thread...down with interplay!
Daemon Spawn said:
Oh yeah, not to derail the thread...down with interplay!

Yes, down indeed. But what if they ever do make a fallout 3? What would happen? Would we forgive them?
I might, it depends on how they handle the development. They have lost me as a customer forever, unless they make significant changes to policy, and leadership. In their current state, no matter what they do, I will never forgive them for what they have done to Black Isle Studios. Not even Fallout 3 will change my mind if it comes from the current Interplay.
I guess that we should be unforgiving... Nuke the hell outta IPLY!

Let Troika make Fallout 3, and that's gonna be the best! If IPLY makes FO3... we'll see. Hey, but they're still gonna be vilified in my eyes.
Daemon Spawn said:
The episode with the Kool Aide man bursting through the wall was shown on Cartoon Network, yes sir.

I don't see why you think it is 'offensive.'

I would put it more on the terms of 'unwholesome.'


Oh yeah, not to derail the thread...down with interplay!

You have to see the episode. I won't even mention it.

And Troika making Fallout 3? NOOOO! They haven't hit the bullseye on a game yet.
Family Guy rules.

calculon00 said:
I know this has been covered to death. Not just covered to death, but covered in a fire blanket made of asbestos, wrapped in heavy rusty chains, placed in a slightly decomposed wooden coffin, dipped in FEV, then dipped in kerosene, lit of fire, thrown into a vat of acid, chucked into the glow, and then nuked a second time, but god dammit, I need to let this intense homicidal feeling of frustration out.

...I'll join you.

Interplay did it because they think they could get more money for putting less into a game. They split BOS into two games. Two games = twice the money. Perhaps they figured they could make up the money they'd lose from the fans by appealing to the sex-crazed youth of today.

Then there's the people like my boyfriend who actually want to buy the game. No, I'm not kidding.
Get this, I showed him the trailer (to demonstrate why I'm irritated), and he said "That's awesome!" as soon as the scantaly clad woman hit the screen, and became further excited when the metal band started up. He wants this game, bad.
...then he had the nerve to say "It's an improvement from the crap fallout games you like." (someone, shoot me NOW)
The original Fallout games apparently don't appeal to his 2 second attention span (it sounds mean, but he'd probably agree). He said it was "One of the worst games he's ever encountered". Sometimes I think he's *trying* to start fights.
So yes. He wanted me to buy him BOS for Valentine's Day (suggested it after I showed him the trailer). Like hell I will.

ugh. It's people like him that prevent the output of quality games. When people buy games with little effort put into them, it keeps these shady companies going.

Katja said:
He wanted me to buy him BOS for Valentine's Day (suggested it after I showed him the trailer). Like hell I will.

Told you he was the devil, BEHOLD THA MONSTAAH!

But seriously Katja is correct, they did split up Bos into two games to milk it :SHOCKER:.....
Katja said:
Family Guy rules.

calculon00 said:
I know this has been covered to death. Not just covered to death, but covered in a fire blanket made of asbestos, wrapped in heavy rusty chains, placed in a slightly decomposed wooden coffin, dipped in FEV, then dipped in kerosene, lit of fire, thrown into a vat of acid, chucked into the glow, and then nuked a second time, but god dammit, I need to let this intense homicidal feeling of frustration out.

...I'll join you.

Interplay did it because they think they could get more money for putting less into a game. They split BOS into two games. Two games = twice the money. Perhaps they figured they could make up the money they'd lose from the fans by appealing to the sex-crazed youth of today.

Then there's the people like my boyfriend who actually want to buy the game. No, I'm not kidding.
Get this, I showed him the trailer (to demonstrate why I'm irritated), and he said "That's awesome!" as soon as the scantaly clad woman hit the screen, and became further excited when the metal band started up. He wants this game, bad.
...then he had the nerve to say "It's an improvement from the crap fallout games you like." (someone, shoot me NOW)
The original Fallout games apparently don't appeal to his 2 second attention span (it sounds mean, but he'd probably agree). He said it was "One of the worst games he's ever encountered". Sometimes I think he's *trying* to start fights.
So yes. He wanted me to buy him BOS for Valentine's Day (suggested it after I showed him the trailer). Like hell I will.

ugh. It's people like him that prevent the output of quality games. When people buy games with little effort put into them, it keeps these shady companies going.


How can he say that about Fallout?!? He's sounds like one of my friends who like First Person Shooters and hates RPG's. I'm not a hardcore christian or anything but the way they've *Trashed it up* wth all the cheap sex sells stuff in BOS is just ruining the Fallout name. If it were a first person shooter with a little more thought, less thongs, and that classic 50's feel of Fallout, I would have no problem. That "27 things about Fallout BOS" hit the nail on the head when it comes to what's wrong with the game.
.then he had the nerve to say "It's an improvement from the crap fallout games you like."

I agree with Rosh. Comments like that would not allowed continued life.

Has he even played them?
I've no problem with him not liking the Fallout RPG's, hell they're not everyone's cup'o'tea, but there is no excuse for liking BOS
Big_T_UK said:
I've no problem with him not liking the Fallout RPG's, hell they're not everyone's cup'o'tea, but there is no excuse for liking BOS

Yes there is. It's the same reason people eat salisbury steak. It supposedly satisfies without being worthy of remembrance.

Unlike Chinese food and Fallout. You always feel like there should be more.
Katja said:
Idiot boyfriend rant
You can still always show up at my quality-game loving house! My offer still stands! :wiggle:

But seriously now; bad hair, general jerkiness, awful taste in games... What do you still see in that poor fool?
Pope_Viper said:
Has he even played them?

I'm not sure, but I don't think he gave it a chance. I had them on my laptop when I was pretty much living with him during the summer. Told him he could play if he wanted to. He was more interested in playing the First Person Shooters. ;)
Although he likes the original FF games (on Nintendo), so I figured there was a bit of hope for the RPG thing.

Ozrat said:
But seriously now; bad hair, general jerkiness, awful taste in games... What do you still see in that poor fool?

His hair is bad? I don't notice these things. Either way, it doesn't bug me, I don't notice appearance. If I like the personality, I'll automatically see the person as attractive. If I dislike the personality, I'll see the person as unattractive. General quirk of mine.
Jerkiness.. eh. He's impulsive. And if he acts on those impulses one more time, he's gone. No questions asked.
Awful taste in games, yes. But he also introduced me to KOTOR so he's forgiven. :D

On another note - he pretended he got me BOS for Valentines day. Turned out to be a gag gift. I was so relieved. I have trouble returning gifts - so I had no idea what to do with it.

One of these days he'll drive me insane, I swear it.

Anyways this thread has been so derailed it's not even funny. I just meant to rant, not to change the subject.