Water Chip? Been There, Done That

don't feed the troll, guys 

*I* complained about shadows. Do you have a problem with that?nmasuxxass said:lolz.. suddenly you fanboys complain about gfx, but if someone mentions FO1 or 2 then "nah, GFX doesnt matter".. you're teh funny!
13pm said:now that IS fun
they've removed screenshots but haven't removed this header pic made of one of those screenshots and a small icon for it
*picture skipped*
Looks like medieval armor with a power pack screwed on to the back to me. I thought PA was supposed to cover every inch of your body with metal, aside from the eye pieces. Why not wear the helmet!? You're fighting supermutants shooting 7.62mm rounds at you!the PA (?) looking like something from a bad costume party
Actually, pictures still on the serverSsshhhhh, guys! Everything is sooo secret... Nobody should know that they have posted new screenshots. Keep silence!!! Don't tell anyone!
They are really reading NMA.
Polynikes said:I can't believe this is the same engine as Oblivion. Why would they turn off all the eye candy for the demo? Don't they want this shit to look good? It looks like crap.
This shit is depressing.
13pm said:Briosafreak said:No, they are gone from the server, they can be seen here at NMA.
no, they aren't. they were removed from the arcticle, but remain uploaded to the CVG's media library.
Take a look at BN's post, there are the direct links.
Tycell said:One thing bugs me about the screen shots, particually the town one.
In F1, F2 and even Craptics the majority of the terrain was sandy desert with dirt and some trees, rocks and stuff thrown in. Where as it looks like in what beth is doing they have gone for a much more urban setting. Personally I think it makes it look to hectic. If Megaton is trying to be Junktown (supposidly) then why is there so much stuff in it? Everything is crammed in close together, it makes it look like the designer has tried to do their job well and put too much into a small space.