New Vegas: Darkness Falls

Deathclaw Chameleon

Look, Ma! Two Heads!
New Vegas, home of fortune, and the place of divinity. Or so people thought, that's where they would gamble their lives away and come out with nothing but their underwear. That's where luck can be scaled from thirteen black cats to a 21 leaf clover. Still, that's where life started for a lot of folks, and now, justice runs in the veins of the NCR, as well as corruption and power. And the wastelands hold evry bit of danger in it's dusty dunes and darkness falls upon every moonlit town. Now, we are in danger, and only teamwork will get us out, whereas a family bloodline has become corrupt as a rich gang known as The Crown; terrorise city life and crime has become even more evident as New Vegas was supposed to have become safer after the battle of Hoover Dam. The outcome was unknown and the only one who took control was a man named Richard Veil; the son of the courier who has now turned vegas into what was not intended to be, has been turning the Mojave into his personal plaything, and no-one is safe from his reign. Now, we are the White Falcon Rebellion, and we're in a whole bunch of crap.

You are your personal character, and you have been captured along with a whole load of other characters. The captors are the last remnants of the Legion, as the Legate rules over them now. You are stuck in one whole room, and it seems that there's only one door, and outside you can here Legionaries talking of supremacy and plans to take New Vegas back. From the sound, you can tell there is about 5 legionaries led by a centurion, or only cause they are the ones that captured you. Now, the plan is to somehow get out, then return to the White Falcon HQ where Mr. White awaits, readying an attack on Nelson, which has been controlled by The Crown (Richard's gang). No reinforcements will come right now, as only teamwork with your captured allies will get you out of this mess...
(OOC: I'll start off something, and hope it influences someone to join.)

Krldraav awoke to find himself in a large room with a lot of strangers. They all looked like they were capable of handling themselves, but he wasn't sure who they were and if they were friends or foe. He glanced around the room and got familiar to his surroundings, then he remembered what happened: He had stopped in New Vegas as he received a letter telling him the location of a new contract. He visited the Gomorrah courtyard and scarily enough, the pool was red with blood. Omerta thugs were floating with their backs turned towards the sun. Besides the pool was a powerful-looking man, tall and muscular and spoke in a gruff voice. "The boss will speak." Next to the big bruiser was his average counterpart, middle aged and smartly-dressed, he had white hair and a white tuxedo. He was beaming with a wide grin which showed his dazzling teeth. He had studs in his left ear and bling covered his hands as well as a gold chain hanging loosely from his neck. He spoke like a chairman as well; "Heya baby, the name's White Jr. I'm representing the big boss right now, who you would know as Mr. White. Heard of him?"
Krldraav replied. "Yes, runs the White Falcon Rebellion, largely known."
"Ring-a-ding baby! You must carry extra brains in that skull on your head. Yes, he's contacted a lot of other people, for his cause? Probably. Oh, and these guys here? They din't listen to reason, so there wasn"t a choice. So I was hoping you'd cover the trouble for me, thanks a bunch pal! Oh and here's a clue in for ya, watch out for Legionaries." With that line, he winked and then vanished off. Krldraav was suprised at the arrogance of the son of the most powerful rebel there is. Then next thing he knew, a bunch of guys dressed in suits came up and knocked him out, praising a name heard once too often; " For Caesar."
And that's how Krldraav ended up here, he was sure there was something dangerous about that White Jr, and judging by the state of all these other people, he guessed that this whole thing must've been set up. Did White Jr. Contact them as well? He waited patiently, and meditated while he waited for another of the unconcious to awake..
"Oh my aching head." James said as he slowly pushed himself up off the floor. Muttering to himself in an audible tone, "I've got to be more careful who i except my bounties from, this is the most obvious trap I've manged to get myself in to. That's what I get for trusting that the guy in the white suit would actually pay that many caps for one guys' head."

As James noticed another man in the room he quickly straightened himself up and took out the combat knife he kept hidden in his breast pocket. "Who the hell are you! What in the..." He said as he noticed all the unconscious people lying on the floor. "Did you do this? Were you the one who jumped me? What in the devil is going on here?"
"Calm down, you're alright for now. We're being held by legionaries. They're positioned outside, last thing we would want is them coming in and hanging us on a cross. So what's your story then?" Asked Krldraav as he stood comfortably and stretched his muscles.

"Did you get led into the same trap? I heard you mumbling about a guy in a white suit. Must've been the same asshole I ran into." Said Krldraav as he examined the new captive, determining if he was good or bad.
"Legonaries... This day just keeps getting better. I took a contract from a guy in a white suit that said he represented a certain person of high influence. He talked just like one of the chairmen, so I asumed he was talkin' about the Head of the Tops casino, Swank. He wanted me to track down a certain someone and end him. Should have known it was to good to be true, he was offering me 1500 caps, that's a lot of caps! He gave me a map and showed me the area the man was last seen, and as soon as I got near the location somebody jumped me from behind and hit me in the back of the head, that's the last thing I remember. I can only assume this is some kind of trap, set up by the legion or something. I woulda said the second Battle of Hoover Dam had wiped most of the legion out, looks like I may have been wrong."

"As for my story, I'm a trader and gun for hire from out west. I came to the Mojave to establish new trade routes back home and improve relations with the caravaners that roam the mojave. I assumed if I could set up new trade routes I could work the region and funnel funds and supplies back West. I've done that, for several years now, so I was actually gettin ready to leave the Mojave. With all the turmoil cause by the crowns I had decided to get outta dodge. This was suppose to be my last big break. I was gonna sit back and relax for a month or two, then rondevu with an old friend of mine that had journied to the Capital Wasteland about ten years ago. Looks like I'm sticking around whether I want to or not."

"What's your story? How did you get here? And speakin of which do have any idea how we're gonna get out of here? Do you even know where we are? Cause I sure as shootin don't."
"That's a similar story to mine, I was jumped by the same guys. I was contacted by the man in white, seemed fishy. Especially when his bodyguard had killed those thugs, they had what was coming to them but still. He claimed to be the son of the infamous Mr. White, but the Mr. White that's known is supposedly kind. This situation sucks. Anyways, my story is rather hard to believe, but I was raised by domesticated deathclaws in the east coast, then they were killed. My father now, Roger Anderson is ill so I've been trying get the caps for medicine. It's why I took the contract, I thought I was dreaming, still bad luck came once again. I've done bad stuff before, I used to be a raider before I met Roger, don't know why I'm telling you all this, but you're the only person to trust right now."

"Judging by what the guards were talking about and the position, we're in a tight warehouse and we all seemed to face the same situation. We could wait for the others to wake up and devise a plan, or we could figure something now. There's a few bricked windows here, but we could take advantage of them."
"When it comes to brick and mortar this old there are bound to be a few loose bricks. It may take awhile but if we work at the bricks we might be able to dislodge some and then the rest will come out easily enough."

James starts pushing some of the bricks blocking the windows and sure enough a couple of bricks come loose. James carefully put down the bricks so the guards wouldn't hear them fall.

"Come over here and help me. If we work together we will have a way out of here in no time."
"Very well." Krldraav went to help and sure enough, a gap big enough was good enough to fit through. Krldraav managed to squeeze through then called back;
"It's another part of the warehouse. You stay there, I'll open the front door."

"What about the soldiers?"

"I've still got one weapon they didn't find, my dagger." A few minutes later, the front door opened.

"There ain't no one here. I'm expecting a trap James, be alert. Leave a note if you've got any paper and stick it on the front door, tell them we've headed off and we should meet. It'll be better to have an army."

"An army for what?" Asked James.

"For oppresion, all our goals link to one thing. The man in white."
"There we go...
That ought to clue anyone in if they wake up. Better brick the wall up again to at least give the illusion that we're still here, if we leave one brick sticking in a little anybody will get the message if they read the note."

"So, where do we go from here? Personally I'd like to get my equipment back and get one the trail of the man in white and if we're lucky we might get to dispose of the scum that left us here."
"Not sure friend, but I don't know where them soldiers are. Come then, we must leave to wherever. Erm, actually, I'm not sure where we could go except: New Vegas, that's where I last saw the guy in white and as far as I know; I was the last to be knocked out thus he looked like the guy who would enjoy a life at the tables. What say you friend?" But as soon as he finished the sentence, two legionaries came round the corner and spotted the escapees.
"Profligates! You dare defy Caesar's will?" One of the soldiers lunged towards Krldraav but he easily sidestepped out the way and dug an elbow into the neck, instantly paralyzing him. The other went to slash James but it was too easy: James dodged the attack and kicked the soldier down then stomped down on his neck. Krldraav then got the disabled legionary and forced him to talk.
"Where are the other soldiers, and our equipment?" Asked Krldraav.
"The Centurion and his men went to Vegas to kidnap more. The equipment's in the next room. I'm not even a loyalist, just trying make money. Killed my own family just to prove my loyalty. Hah! Believe that shit? It was a waste of time, but so were they." Krldraav had enough of his banter and silenced him forever with a thrust to his throat. They charged into the next room and found boxes of confiscated weapons marked with names. Krldraav found his and took his crossbow, dagger and sword. He found his wolf chained up and freed him. James got what he wanted too.

"Weird how they knew our names." James said.

"I agree, must be the man in white. Let us go, towards Vegas!" Exclaimed Krldraav as they marched out the warehouse and off to the city of fortune.
It was a long trip to New Vegas and they stopped on they way up the 188 at the trading post there to replenish supplies. While there they talked with the traders and prepared for their journey to the city of luck and ruin.

As they prepared to hit the road once more James posed a question to Krldraav

"Have you heard anything about the Crown's latest movements? From what I've heard they terrorize people and take and do what they want, they rule through fear and intimidation."
"Hm, I couldn't tell you really, but they seem like the average criminals, except they're not. They're all dictators and plague this land like death. Richard Veil is foul, and he has brought chaos like no other. It is his boys that run the Strip but luckily not Freeside. Once we make it to Freeside, we should plan on gathering a few subordinates, so we know the real deal of Vegas. I managed to get in by a fake passport, the Crowns guard the gate and are more strict thatn the securitrons or so I hear. Anyway, we should rest here until tomorrow afternoon, that way our fellow captives might join up with us and we'll have enough shelter and food. Yes?"

"Sure thing, this place feels good anyway." Then they hanged at the post for a while before they finally slept. Then next day could hold many suprises for them, one being Krldraav's new personality...
Krldraav tossed and turned and moaned in his sleep, and his dreams were a battle themselves. He was talking to someone.
"Leave me alone! It hurts when you take over!"Shouted the dream Krldraav.

"Sorry baby, but it's just the way it goes. What ya get for having a dissorder like this, personality change from boring you to go-lucky slick hunk me! I'm sure the ladies will appreciate that. Ya dig? Happens every night right? Then I last for a day and I turn back to you at that night. It's a vicious cycle baby but we share the same body, the same sould yet different minds. Don't worry, our ideals are similar so I've gotta chase that fink in white. Loosen up baby and stop struggling or it hurts more, we don't want that and soon I'll be at scramsville again. Goodnight other me."

"Nooo! Not again!" Shouted Krldraav then all of a sudden he jolted and his mind was at peace. The next morning came and James approached him.

"Bad night?"

"Like no other baby. Don't worry, you can call me Other Krldraav or Krill. I'm the same cool cat except we had a personality twist. He becomes me and I become him, but 100 guarantee baby that's it still me. I always wear this suit packed in my suitcase, nice and black so you can tell me apart from slick me and the other bone-wearer. Confused? Don't be, you gotta dig my two-faced scheme." Explained Krill as he winked and changed into a more business attire.
James looked in disbelief.

"W-what? That can't be you. Krldraav? No I mean Krill? Where is Krldraav?"

"In the back of our brain, he lies there listening and expierencing everything I see. Same when he takes the body, fair trade baby. Fair trade." Krill then saw a distant silohuette in the horizon approaching the trading post, looked like a woman. Krill decided he liked the shape of her and smirked.
"Expecting company? Must be a captive Jamy boy." Krill grinned. He loved women, and women normally loved him, then they would wake to see some boring guy dressing in bones and they would scream. Oh the joys of having a dull partner in your own mind, what fun it was. Krill and James waited for the woman to approach and introduce herself.
Yasmin walked up to Samuel's stall with a smile and put her sniper rifel and caps on the table. She'd been coming out to the post for his repair skills for a couple years and had recently got into a bit of a fight, needing a new barrel. She stood leaning against a stall looking around while he took her gun to start the repairs and noticed a familar face. She lifted her sunglasses ontop of her head to see better and get her blonde hair out of her eyes.

''James?'' she callled out as she started walking over to him. Closer up she saw she was right. She smiled broadly and jogged over to him and some guy in a suite. She stopped in front of him with her hands on her hips. ''Hey man, what have you been doing with yourself?''
James was shock to see the woman approaching was an old friend of his.

"Yas?! How the hell are you? I thought I'd never see you again after we parted, guess it really is a small world. Since setting up the new settlement in Black Mountain and pioneering my new caravan business I was planning to take a vacation of sorts up to the Common Wealth's and to the Capital Wasteland, I had a friend flying in via vertibird to pick me up but even best laid plans can be derailed and I'm grounded till I settel some business with a man in New Vegas. If your heading the same way you're welcome to join me and my um... friend here. So, what kinds of trouble have you been getting into?"
Yasmin smiled and flicked her hair. ''Me? Trouble? Never. Not like I almost got us all killed or anything.'' she laughed. ''And I'm just getting my sniper fixed, got nothing else going. What's the mission and is there any pay?''
"Heh nice to meet you. Courtesies of me, my name's Krill, thoug it won't be tomorrow baby. The mission's simple, we find the guy in white who knocked most of us out with those roman finks. We're off New Vegas. And I don't know about pay, it's what I'm hoping for too. Ask Krldraav tomorrow, he'll know. Oh yeah, I have a split personality:" krill explained the effects of the transformation of the mind and the two personalities.
"So yeah baby, that's how us cats roll. Of course, I can guarantee your safety anytime." Krill winked then coughed.
"Ahem! Now, should we get going now? I'm not a shy guy and I'd like to give some fists to the White." Krill laughed at his own stupid joke and waited for response. Meanwhile at the back of his mind, Krldraav was thinking this guy talks too much and flirts too much, so he knew this mission would be a pain. How would his allies put up with Krill? Or do they attune to his behaviour? Nevertheless, New Vegas would be the next destination soon.
Yasmin raised her thin, pierced eyebrows skeptically. ''You're pretty self aware for someone with apparent D.I.D. 'Krill'. Most aren't aware and definitely don't consider themselves an 'us'. Man in white, you say? Should make an easy target. You just focus on keeping both your selves safe, I can take care of myself.'' she looked back to James. She hated cocky, smooth wannabies about as much as she hated people who spouted their psychosis to everyone. This guy was going to get up her nose.
"Oh oh sure, I can defo look after myself though baby. It's sweet that you're worried about me but a woman should always let the man lead things. Ya see baby, I ran with the cat known as Benny, grizzled as he is he was still cool. Krldraav didn't like the crazy attitude but that's his problem right? So sweetie, if you don't like me then just say it. But obviously you can't resist my charm, no one can which is why I go places and that's why Krldraav can't survive without me. Now, shall we set off?" Krill started setting off on his own then turned.
"Well c'mon. Ya dig? We gotta find that fink and quickly. Oh and just wanted to tell you about the split sides in case you was wondering where the cool cat was and you see some boring freak instead. You dig me?" He winked and started dancing for no reason as he whistled a tune.
Yasmin's hand twitched towards her knife as she stared at the bacj of his head, but she kept it under control. Sexist, egotistical, unfunny. She'd have cooked and served him back in the raider camp. ''As much of a dick as Benny was, at least he had some actual charm.'' she muttered to James before going back and getting her now repaired rifle then following the dancing man.