New Vegas: Darkness Falls

Krill walked with the gang thinking he was the leader then all of a sudden he had a large pain in the back of his head.
"What the fuck!?" Shouted Krill. Something fought in his mind. A voice.
"You're such an ass Krill, why you're so arrogant I don't know. I've let you have control and this is how you give first impressions? sheesh." Said the voice.
"I don't know what you're.... Talking about! Everyone loves me, I'm irresistible. You know that right?" Replied Krill.
"Oh sure like I've told you a million times that you're not. Them two shouldn't be putting up with your arrogance so you should keep that in control. Just like I am."
"Sorry baby but the rules don't play like that, we have our own sides and mine is myself. You have your stupid honour and 'others first' policy. Me? Three people I care about, me, myself and I. That's how you and I have never failed. Right buddy? Then that's why I stick to my head only, no use giving me migrains about something repetitive. Now leave me alone and get back to the mind." Ordered Krill.
"Oh shut it, all I'm saying is be careful. That Yasmin woman doesn't look like she's approving of your style."
"You can't even see!"
"No, but I can hear and smell through your stupid senses. Oh and by the way, you're actually talking to yourself in the real world. So Bye." Then Krldraav's voice dissapeared and Krill was back to the real world. He was given weird stares then he laughed the silence off and continued onwards.
This wasn't the first time James had heard of D.I.D. He had read about as a kid in a psychology book from his vault but he was still surprised that his recent companion had such a rare malady.

James leans over to Kridraav/Krill:
"I'd be careful Krid... er Krill of what you say to Yas, she's the kinda gal that'll knock your block off for trying to hit on her, and I think you've already got on her bad side with the whole casanova thing you've got going on."

"Wait just a second, I need to give a message to Samuel."

James walks over to Samuel and tells him something that Krill and
Yas don't catch. Samuel nods and says he'll pass on the message.

"Ok, we'll need to make a stop at Mick and Ralph's place in Freeside to meet up with someone that'll give us a little more fire power."

As they headed down the road with Krill leading the way and Yasmin and James in the back side by side James leaned over to Yas.

"I swear he was not like this when I first met the guy, I don't know how much of "Krill" I can stand, It's like trying to work with a chairman, but worse."

Suddenly Krill shouted and started talking with himself.

James To Yasmin while Krill raves, "Wow, and I thought raiders were crazy, present company excluded of course. It doesn't foster a lot of faith in the guy. Teaming up with this guy is looking like a worse idea all the time..."
Yasmin smiled at the 'present company excluded' part. ''Yeah, this guy is a bucket of crazy alright.'' she looked at James and cocked an eyebrow, grinning sinisterly. ''You know, given the present company, we could just kill both Krill and however the fuck you pronounce his name.'' she kept her voice low so only James could hear. ''Take his crap then continue on trying to find this man in white if you still want to.''
Quietly to Yasmin.
"Hey he's not such a bad person, sometimes, and he seems to understand the situation better than either of us. He's currently more used to me alive than dead, for the time being."
They finally reached Freeside and Krill saw the sign 'no dogs allowed', he glanced at his wolf. He raved at the sign:
"C'mon! He's a foreigner, and he's a wolf, not a dog." Yas and james just went quietly inside while krill continued to talk to a sign. Then when they were gone, Krill bent over to his wolf.
"Hey, don't worry boy, I know you can't stand me at times and Krldraav's better with animals than me, but hey. When's the last time that cat got a girl?" At the back of his mind, a pound went on saying 'I can hear you from here!' Krill just rolled his eyes.
"We must seem like a dellusional duo right? Can't believe how we found ya, just wounded like an exctinct cat. They say 'let sleeping dogs lie' but we couldn't leave ya there, you dig? Anyways, back to business. I need a favour, go to the mormon fort and bark 3 times to Julie. Tell 'em Freddy sent ya! I mean Krill.. Ahem, then bring back the package after okay?" His wolf barked happily and quickly sped off. A few moments later, he was back with a package. Krill took and opened the package and found his trusted device which allowed him communication with his canine buddy. A silver collar; he placed it around his wolf's neck then pushed up a switch. the wolf's lipped moved quite fast and spoke.

"Gracias amigo, senor et apaché?" Krill looked in suprise and realised he had the thing set on Spanish. He couldn't even speak that language, so he turned a knob on the collar and tuned it to english.
"Ah finally, I do believe you should offer me an explanation please. This collar allows me to talk the talk? I ain't speaking like no chairman, I will tell you that now. I hate that slang, thus I won't be going all the time with you unless it's Krldraav the Skeleman, understand? Therefore I shall return to 'the kennel'." He rose his head and turned around to pace.

"W-wait, c'mon! Just for today? Please-a? We high-roll today and tomorrow, I won't bother you again. Please?" Krill plead.

"This wolf considers. And quickly too, as long as food and munching is involved, I'm in!" He replied. Now Krill and his psychic partner waited for the two to finish up, and they would be on their way. Now the two would be in for another surprise, two weirdoes and the only one that isn't is stuck in someone's mind. Oh dear...

"Grec, this is the 25th time I've seen you. Whenever you say you're going to kick the habit, you always end up coming back here. When is this cycle going to end?" Said Julie

"Honest, Julia, this is the last time you're gonna see me." Said Grec. Grec respected Julie for the love she'd given him to help him kick his habit, but he always ending up coming back, to Julia's chagrin. This was one of the few moments when Grec wasn't suffering from his usual paranoid withdrawal or when he was high. He was clean, but probably not for long.

"I hope so." said Julie knowingly that Grec will be back

Just then, a mangy looking dog ran up to Julie and barked a few times. Julie took out a package and gave it to the dog, and it ran off.

"Umm...what was that?" Said Grec.

"Oh...nothing." Said Julie

"Umm...see you later Julie...I got to go flush out my system." Said Grec knowing that Julie was going to try to stop him if he followed that weird looking dog.

Grec followed the weird dog, sticking to the shadows. It ran up to a group that he couldn't quite see and gave the package to a man. He opened up the package, took out a collar and put it on the dog's neck. The dog starting blabbering some incomprehensible dead language, and the man clicked a button and the dog started to talk.

"What the hell?" thought Grec.
After the conversation ended with Lance (the dog), Krill glanced up to see a man. Krill knew these people, after all he hanged out with many kinds. This guy by the looks of things was a druggy, and Krill didn't have time to waste with guys like these. Krill knew himself that he wasn't perfect (though he loved to think so) and was arrogant, but he had some decency to never touch chems. Still, something about the man told him that this guy wasn't all bad, or maybe cause Lance told him.
"C'mon dude, stop staring and make friends. One more to the cause right?"

"What the? How did you know mutt?" Asked Krill.

"Sheesh, and I thought I was stupid. Well, technically that's not true as my IQ is above that of a human's." Replied Lance.

"Damn your collar. Not just smart but cocky as well. Where did I go wrong?" Muttered Krill.

"Shut it. You made the collar, or designed it at least. You're not as stupid as you seem, but where did the name Krill come from anyway? Isn't that a micro organism?" Asked Lance.

"Shut up! Don't tell people that, besides it shortens Krldraav so my name's just shorter than him. It's easier for people to say and looks better on paper as well. I mean, pronouncing Krldraav is harder than chasing rats with sticks." Said Krill.

"Stop exaggerating and go talk to the guy." Ordered Lance.

"What are you? Our boss? But fine, I will." Krill then went to converse with this strange addict.
"Why, hello there. You seem like quite the lost man." Said Grec. Grec was a sociopath. Pretty much any druggy had gone mad when dealing with people, they've learned how to mask emotion, mask they're hatred for humanity and work between the lines and the bland colours of morality to get what they want. Grec was no exception, in fact; he was one of the few masters of deception.

"You seem quite lost. If you all don't have a place to stay, my buddy Mattias can give you room and board. He's a nice enough guy. Anyways, let's get down to formalities. My name is Grec, and you are?" Said Grec. The man showed relative naivety

This "Krill" man, complied and followed Grec to Mattias's Garage. Mattias was Grec's long associate, but they aren't really friends. They were more along the lines of comrades. Mattias never wanted to get to close to Grec, he knew his type.

"Nice ta meech ya " Said Mattias. Mattias was a quite a large man. He was 230 pounds and muscular, very well fed, with a mohawk and a braided beard. Tatoos and scars covered the battlefield that was his body. His markings seemed to bring light to his triumphs in battle.

"Can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to Mattias about your stay here." Said Grec. Grec and Mattias went to a different room and closed the doors.

"So, is he the one we're going to use?" Said Mattias.

"Yup, do you think he looks fit enough?" Said Grec.

"He looks like he's experienced combat before." Said Mattias.

"Alright, get your weapon ready and call down the men" Said Grec.

Mattias kicked down the door and the two men aimed their guns at the Krill. A storm of 7 men dressed in militia gear came into the garage and aimed their guns at them.


The group, clearly outnumbered by 6 guns, complied and got on the ground while the men tied them up and took their weapons away.


"Never trust a stranger in Freeside." Said Grec to Krill, smirking all the while.

"Oh, and get rid of that fucking dog, we ain't got no need for it." Said Mattias. A man released the dog into freeside.
Krill sighed while he was held hostage. He then laughed at the idea.
"Hahahaha! Really? What if I refuse?" Asked Krill. One of the men were signalled and immediately butted Krill's head with his gun.
"Ouch! You bastard, that kinda hurt. This seems like a fucking joke, or perhaps you are the jokes. So you're The Crown then? And I was set up by a druggy, how convenient. Ironic indeed baby, to the fact I didn't trust you in the first place yet like a curious sniffer dog, I obeyed. Damn, I feel pretty dumb. Soo, y'think ya got me where you want me? We, don't take kindly to that."

"You talk too much, and who's we?" Asked Mattias.

"Sorry, it's like I talk to myself." Replied Krill.
Mattias whispered in neglection of this guy's combat prowess.

"You're a damn nutter, can you fight?"

"Sure I can, I could whoop y'all asses any day. In fact, so could my dog." Smirked Krill.

"I'm gettin' sick of your arrogance, maybe we should shoot the dog for a lesson?!" Roared Mattias.

"Oh, well he can talk, and I do have brains for that info. He's probably gone tell the big cats, y'know; my buddies that you're holding me and all that crap. They're probably readying themselves and going to blow your goddamn fucking head off."
Mattias was worried for a second, and looked thoughtful for a minute. But then he laughed and said:
"Thought you could bluff yourself out? Sorry kid, life's a bitch and sometimes the cards must be played the hard way. Goodnight."

Krill spat at the floor and laughed.
"Baby, I could be old enough to be your daddio. In fact, your mom's rotten body made good entertainment last night! Oh by the way, say goodnight to her as well. Been real fun baby, I had a blast."

"Shut up." Mattias gave the order and one of his men rammed the back of Krill's head and knocked him unconscious. Krill smirked while he fell then spoke to his 'other' self.
"It worked baby, genius or what? Good luck pal, fight a good fight."
"Whatever, you're a sick bastard. Don't mention a person's mom, that's out of line."
"Baby, it's how I roll. What are you, my mom? Wink wink." Then everything went black and darkness faded in.

Lance rushed to the shop Yas and James were, and barked loudly. Ready to warn them, this would be a tough road.
(No idea what kind of store they were in)

Yasmin strolled out of the shop chewing on the head of her gecko-on-a-stick with replenished ammo clicking around in her pockets and bag and a couple grenades bulging in her pocket. She was ready to kick the ass of whoever it was they had to fight. The weirdos dog came bolting up to her, barking frantically, and she looked at him quizzically and smiled.

“What’s wrong, Lassie? Timmy fell down the well again?”
(I'm sure someone said it was Mick and Ralph's)

Lance looked at her and James weirdly.
"What? I can talk, enough doggy talk with me pal. Now, go and rescue Krldraav, y'know? The other person of that weird duo, knocked himself out so you should be more comfortable. And I'll keep him in line, so go and save the dick. Follow me!" Reaching the garage, two guards stood on defence. Lance growled and lunged towards one and chewed his neck off. James shot the other guard square in the head. Then Lance and James approached the gate, awaiting Yasmin's next move and plan.

Meanwhile, Krldraav awoke to find himself in a cupboard with limited room. He also found himself in charge of the body and a strong head despite the pounding headache received from his attack. He got to his senses and checked his situation. He was tied with a loose rope and easily untied himself. But the door was locked, and he checked to see if there was a key left on the shelves. He checked his duffle bag to see if there was any bobby pins, but it was empty to his disappointment. His custom armour was still equipped but the suit Krill would wear was gone. His weapons were on the shelves so he checked the hilt of his dagger and pushed a little clip to reveal a storage container in his dagger, containing some bobby pins. A few minutes later and the door was unlocked, he stepped out and Krill's suit was hanging next to the door on a coat hanger, and a large corridor stretched out. He took the suit and headed further on until he spotted a guard stretching out with three accomplices. They talked amongst themselves and Krldraav eavesdropped on the conversation.
"So think the hunter fucker will get out?" Asked a big buff one.
"Nah, we took all his stuff and loot, Jard's guardin' it all anyway. Say if any thief wanna sneak in and steal our easy grabbings." Replied the small skinny one.
"Aye, but he looked tough enough to break the door down." Warned a small well-built one.
"Ahah! We'd hear it then. You can't smash shit down without the shit making noise, y'know? Like last night on the bog, nothin' known as a silent shit. It came out big and-" the skinny one was interrupted by the small one.
"Woah there! I don't wanna hear you problems, got enough with my chems buddy. Raped enough women and kids to go with that as well. Bloody NCR are on me tail already. Wa' bout you big guy?"
"Killed people with mah' fists. Fun stuff. Grec's outta Vegas now I hear, and the boss seems to be going soft. Should we screw him up now?"
"Nah, not yet, plan's coming soon. I assure you, we'll take Vegas for ourselves." Replied the skinny one, but Krldraav had enough of their crazy talk. He stepped out and shot an arrow into the small one's head. He keeled over and died instantly. The skinny one exclaimed in shock.
"Woh oh there! It's the prisoner! Kill him!!" He shouted in excitement and glee as he enjoyed the quick kill of his recent ally.

Krldraav nodded in shame.
"You sick bastards aren't worthy of life itself, not of it's privileges or rewards. I hope you rot in hell, and say hello to your pal." He grinned as he shot two arrows in the skinny one but was astounded as the big guy survived an arrow to the stomach and had rushed towards Krldraav, knocking him aside. Krldraav's crossbow was lost from him and only his dagger was equipped. The big guy grabbed him in rage and slammed him to the wall, he then mocked the hunter.
"Once you're dead, I'm gonna kill that fricking mutt of yours, and I'll relish every moment of it." He grinned in delight, and Krldraav's face went low. After a minute of insane laughter, the hunter's face went high with fury in his eyes and his hand went rigid with the dagger. He kicked the brute away from him and laughed in crazy joy as he snarled and showed his beast-like teeth.
"Sooo, think you're tough hey? Well I'll show you what tough guys really are!!! Tell you what," as he walked towards the brute flipping his dagger, "if you can survive this attack, I'll let you squabble away with no further injuries. See, I've got two personalities, but one really ticks when rage just gets outta control, y'know? No, of course not, not when fear would take you right now. But guess what, I'm an oddball itself and I'm a 3rd person withing one person. The craziest guy alive, and a bloodthirsty beast. Name's Kray, welcome to my nightmare." He stepped forward to the big guy as he cowered in fear, then Kray brought his dagger down into his face and continously stabbed him for a minute. He laughed in as the blood spat at his face, then soon after; the kill was over. Kray cracked his own neck then stumbled and stood rigid again. It was Krldraav taking over now, and he shook in shame.
"He took over again Krill, our worst enemy. Damn it, I hope no one else falls subject to this matter. Especially Yasmin and James, our next allies.". Krldraav finally found the storage room and took all his miscellaneous objects back, and turned to exit when five guns cocked and pointed towards him. The big boss and his four trusted guards faced with deadly intent in their expressions. Krldraav sighed as he was now stuck in another situation...
(this post takes place while Yas and James are still in Mick and Ralph's)
(Mr. Handy/Robot Butler, Mrs. Handy, Mr. Gutsy, Mr. Orderly.)

As they walked into the shop Yas walked over to Ralph to procure some supplies while James headed back to talk with Mick.

Mick: "About time you got here I don't think I could have stood that robot for much longer. Let's see storage for one robot that'll be 300 caps."

James: "Like hell it will! I'm not giving you more than a 125, I asked you to let him stay in the back for a while. I didn't ask for a tune up and an oil change."

Mick: "Ok, ok. You can't blame a guy for tryin' these are hard times we live in. I'll take 200 caps and call it good."

James: "No. Here I'll offer you 175 caps and we'll call it good, deal?"
Mick: "Deal."

They shook on there arrangement and Mick called opened up his back room. Out came what appeared to be a robot cobbled together from many different units. Parts could be seen from Mr. Handys, Mr. Gutsys, a Mr. Orderly, and other robots to numerous to mention. It had arms that included a plasma gun, flame thrower, injection needle, and assorted claws and vices. This was James favorite robot, handbuilt with software used from many different robots to allow it more options than any standard unit, with a little of James's own coding thrown in. This combination gave it a multitude of what an outside observer might say different personalities.

"Well hello sugar, it's been to long. How are you doing Sir. Where's the patient. Unit SKT-50 reporting for duty!"

The robot said in a jumble of different voices.

James: "Good to see ya, SKT-50 (skitzo get it). Let's get going we have people waiting for us."

SKT-50: "Certainly Sir!"

James turned to see Yas had already left the shop. He hurried out the door with SKT-50 in tow and was met with the sight of Lance talking to Yas in a panicked voice.

(Continuing from where Chameleon left off)

James shot the door guard, one bullet square in the head with his modified 10mm, the man was dead instantly. James took out of his pocket his own special blend of Party Time Mentats and popped one in to his mouth.
It started to sizzle on his tongue, James loved the feeling and then for a moment the whole world seemed to slow down around him, then it resumed. James could feel it, no one could beat him no one could match him. There was not a thing he couldn't see and not a person alive who could out think him.

He readied himself and waited for Yas to make the next move as they stormed the building.
Krldraav observed his own situation, and looked weary as the guns were aimed towards him. one guard butted another with his elbow.
"bitch-ass! Thought you were covering that room Jard! You lose yo' head or something?" But Mattias shushed him, and looked on in anger.

"Seems you can't stay good for long, we lock you in a storage and you get out, with your weapons, which I ordered for them to be locked up. Even so, three grunts make your escape inevitable yet you butcher them like sheep. Now, you get your stuff back but you're trapped by the top guns. Luck's over puppy boy." Sneered the boss.

Krldraav chuckled.
"Haha! Sheep isn't the word, nor less the noun. They planned to betray you yet your eyes could not sense the deception. Besides, my luck's just beginning." Suddenly, a gunfight was in process as the sound of bullets reached the ears of this small gang. Mattias flinched in shock as the noise disturbed him. Krldraav used this advantage and shot two arrows into one guard's chest then another into the one known as Jard's head. He took cover behind a wall and reloaded his arrows. A guard rushed to the wall but the hunter lunged the end of his crossbow into his pursuer's neck, the equipped arrow piercing him. One guard remained, and Mattias fled the scene. As Krldraav remained in the open, the guard kept his eye on the focused enemy. Suddenly, an explosion occured as he was blasted to the floor. Four figures emerged, a woman, a man, a robot and a wolf. The wolf ripped open the unconscious guard's neck and leaped towards Krldraav.
"Lance my boy! Nice to see ya! I'm guessing the cavalry arrived, and I apologise for the inconvenience my other 'half' may have influenced. But I'm guessing this isn't the time for talking, so let's get out of here!" And off they rushed, as they escaped the garage and headed off to the Mormon Fort, ready to plan their next move.
As they headed off to Mormon Fort James thought that this would be a good time to inform the Followers of his plans to leave the Mohave. He could still do business with them but it would have to go through the caravans Mohave home office at Black Mountain.

"When we get to the Fort I'll need to do some business with Julie Farkass I have some loose ends to tie up that pertain to my company."
Yasmin looked at the man adressing them. She still had her magnum in her hands, in case they'd been followed and was ready for a fight, but this guy seemed friendly - so far.

"A hand? We could use weapons. And somebody to weild them. There is a good chance we have a pretty hostile tail following us. How are you with killing scumbags?"
Krldraav eyed up the new fighter. He seemed friendly, but that was all it's worth behind a mask. He decided to keep an eye on this newcomer. He was welcome for a new member to join the fight, but all of them were still deemed suspicious. Maybe the feeling was mutual, after all: not a lot of trust had build up apart from the constant strategy of slash slash, bang bang, and kill kill. Nevertheless, he greeted Vance with a welcome smile and friendly gestures.
"It is nice to meet you, and I'm sure you will be a good asset. Though I must warn you about one thing, I have an-" there was a loud noise of what seemed to be an explosion near the Strip. Krldraav looked in surprise, then turned to his teamates.
"Looks like we have a situation, let us go take a look." The others nodded and they all exited the fort as soon as Julie Farkes had just came to greet them. She looked in bewilderment, then saw the rising smoke from the School Of Impersonation and silently hoped to God that no-one was hurt.

When the team got there, there were dead Kings and a large trail of rubble led to a large pile on the right of the building. Bodies lay everywhere and there didn't seem to be a trace of anyone left, until a lone body came out with two other. The first silhouette which was covered by the shade of the building was unknown and commuted to a device in his hand. He pushed two other men in front of him who were recognisable: The King and Pacer. Some of the team gasped, and the man hidden in the shadows still commuted.
"Mission accomplished, the school's ours and I have King and Pacer." A voice talked back.
"Excellent, take them back to the Lucky 38, Master Veil will want to see them. You have done good, Mr. Black."
"Anything to oppose the White Falcon, Mr. White won't know what he had coming." The one known as Mr. Black came out and spotted the team. He was dressed in a full black jumpsuit. He cursed.
"Shit! Not you lot again, I thought the Legion had tooken care of you!" Then Mr. Black sped off to the strip gates and conversed to the Crown Guards, and they nodded and paced to the team, with their weapons cocked and ready..
Among those guards was Grec, high on turbo, wielding a deathclaw gauntlet and a stealth boy.

"Oh look, looks like the prisoners escaped." said Grec while licking his lips. His usual reformed stature had turned into an animalistic slouch. Krldraav drew his gun at him and fired, wanting to get revenge for betraying him. Grec, high on turbo, managed to disappear using his stealth boy and ran out of the way of the bullet in a fraction of a millisecond, and reappeared behind Krldraav, slashing at him with his deathclaw gauntlet. The wound across his back burned from the poison in the claws.

"Fuck!" screamed Krldraav. He turned around to punch Grec in the face, but Grec had vanished and ran away from the fight. The brief little encounter gave the Grec's men time to draw their guns and fire at the group, who had began taking cover.
(I didn't know there were any guards, but I'll let it stick this time.)

Krldraav reached for Lance who had a pouch on him. He grabbed out a stimpak and a vial of antidote. He dipped the stimpak in the antidote, coating the syringe with the liquid, then he injected into his back and felt a relief when the pain soothed and the poison disappeared. Krldraav spotted the flashes of the guns firing at them and reached his crossbow. He was hiding behind a car, and before carefully aiming at one of the thugs; he dipped an arrow into the poison that had been leaking out his back and then loaded it in his crossbow. He shot it at the thug and it stuck in the leg, the poison already forcing it's way into the thug's mainstream. The thug lost his balance, and was feeling woozy; tripping all over the area and shooting random rounds of lead everywhere. Some had hit his own men, and two were wounded while one was shot dead, then after a while; the poisoned thug fell to the floor and his pulse stopped beating. His mouth opened wide as trapped saliva drooled out and his bloodshot eyes stayed rigid and stiff, all the while while his body entered rigor mortis. The two wounded thugs looked at their two dead companions, then nodded at each other as they both went to attack James and Yasmin, guns cocked and ready.
(i have no idea whats going on but meh)

Vash had arrived on the scene his shades and red coat flowing in the wind. Vash the typhoon had arrived. he saw a fight that was turning bad. he drew his 10 mm pistol and fired at the two thugs hoping he was helping the right people.