New Weapons

why thanks on the i have said in previous post i dont come here to often, that is why i am replying so late...if you post on our board on our page youll get a faster response...and if any of you guys have suggestions for mods i am open..and so is the rest of the team....just drop us a line or post a note!
also if any of you are interested me and adeptus are almost done with our hk total conversion...should be quite cool..although we will release and alpha first...and we need some people to give us feed back on the guns!
contact me if your intrested!

e-mail on site
RE: Easy...

>>>3)Wouldnt it be fun if one
>>>of the bazooka rounds(ie.the ap
>>>was converted to napalm(molitov cocktails maybe)
>>>giving it range and fire damage.
>>Too easy. Next! (j/k) It id
>>very easy to do all
>>this though. It'll probably take
>>me about 5 minutes to
>>do it.
>Thats what I thought about my
>EMP grenades, but I realized
>soon after I posted the
>message that the ammo only
>signifies the AC/DR damage modification,
>and the weapons can only
>have one type of damage
>and firing frame. I also
>realized that the regular pistol
>does not have a burst
>animation, so the 3-shot burst
>on the expanded desert eagle
>isn't gonna happen.

It could happen, anyway, it is the damagfe that the weapon does, not the firing frame. So you could have a rocket launcher shell which has the firing frame of a rocket launcher shell, but the damage is flame damage. BTW, I made a rapid fire wepaon which does explosive damage, it's really fun, because the explosion has a 4 hex area, so there are 12 hexes which someone can get caught in and die >:)

>I also gots me a question
>for Grendelin and the mod
>makers - I only heard
>Grendelin say something about black-robe

I made a black robe armor mod. Are you confusing Grendelin with me?

I've never tried that
>mod, but is it an
>actual different set of character
>animation that was left out
>of the game, or some
>sort of pallette change? If
>it IS a pallette change,
>how did he do it?
>I'd like my power-armor a
>rosy pink tint....
>(j/k - although it would be
>cool to make a jet
>black/somewhat dark power armor.)

I think that if you edit the palette, then as there IS only one palette then everything will be pink. Actually, that would be a funny mod!

> - Hell Patrol -
>My Site on Free Money :

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[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto:]Smackrazor[/a]​
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster:
RE: Easy...

>>>>3)Wouldnt it be fun if one
>>>>of the bazooka rounds(ie.the ap
>>>>was converted to napalm(molitov cocktails maybe)
>>>>giving it range and fire damage.
>>>Too easy. Next! (j/k) It id
>>>very easy to do all
>>>this though. It'll probably take
>>>me about 5 minutes to
>>>do it.
>>Thats what I thought about my
>>EMP grenades, but I realized
>>soon after I posted the
>>message that the ammo only
>>signifies the AC/DR damage modification,
>>and the weapons can only
>>have one type of damage
>>and firing frame. I also
>>realized that the regular pistol
>>does not have a burst
>>animation, so the 3-shot burst
>>on the expanded desert eagle
>>isn't gonna happen.
>It could happen, anyway, it is the damagfe that the weapon does, not the firing frame. So you could have a rocket launcher shell which has the firing frame of a rocket launcher shell, but the damage is flame damage.
What I meant to say was that it was the weapon, not the ammo, that decided the damage type. And I didn't know what word to use for the special effect shot out of a gun, so I used the "firing frame" thing from FIME. I was trying to say that if you make a rocket launcher that shoots molotovs, the same weapon couldn't shoot out rockets and stuff. BTW - Someone should make a brahmin turd gun.

>BTW, I made a rapid fire wepaon which does >explosive damage, it's really fun, because the >explosion has a 4 hex area, so there are 12 hexes >which someone can get caught in and die >:)

I made a weapon like that before, it was REALLY messed up. Since everyone kept on blowing up into little chunks and their stuff fell on the floor, I changed the damage to fire damage. It was Johnny's Flaming Assault Rifle of Death.

>>I also gots me a question
>>for Grendelin and the mod
>>makers - I only heard
>>Grendelin say something about black-robe
>I made a black robe armor
>mod. Are you confusing Grendelin
>with me?
Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry. What is the black robe armor mod?

- Hell Patrol -
My Site on Free Money :

>- Someone should make a
>brahmin turd gun.

Hah! Finding ammo for that shouldn't be too hard. Also, it should do plasma damage ;)

>>>I also gots me a question
>>>for Grendelin and the mod
>>>makers - I only heard
>>>Grendelin say something about black-robe
>>I made a black robe armor
>>mod. Are you confusing Grendelin
>>with me?
>Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry.
>What is the black robe
>armor mod?

I added it in with my Frank Horrigan Mod. I did a really cheesy version of it though, because the REAL black robes armor doesn't have a frame for miniguns and rocket launchers. So all I did was switch a few filenames around ;) Anyway, you can find my mod at one of three sites.

My site:
Guns and Bullets: (I think)

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[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto:]Smackrazor[/a]​
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