Obsidian not opposed to making a new Fallout


Some kind of lucky
kozzy420 124 points 1 day ago*
  • 1. Any chance of a new Fallout or Star Wars game some day for you guys at Obsidian?
Mikey2x4Obsidian Entertainment 165 points 1 day ago*
    1. That's entirely up to Bethesda/EA (depending on the property).
Seems like they aren't opposed to it, but they would be waiting for the poop people to give them the green light. Not that I have any hope left. Fallout is dead.

But yeah... shame that the IPs for games they want to work on belongs to companies that only want to exploit said IPs.
Sad thing is that all Obsidian is missing is a proper engine. I say this because they don't really need Fallout IP to make a Fallout game, if for example one were to remove all the Fatman's, Nuka Cola, and vaults from New Vegas, and call it New Vegas, it would still be tied in first place with Morrowind and Fallout 2 for me. Fallout isn't about products. It's about feeling and Obsidian did get it right.

I'm down with retro isomentric games, but I don't think I would be that interested in a 2016-2020 isometric Falloutesk title.
I'm more suspicious because it seems Obsidian is not really Obsidian given so much dissatisfaction in the ranks. I'd prefer the developers of Fallout versus the COMPANY.
I'm not opposed to making a new fallout, either. Doesn't it mean it's at all likely that I'll get the opportunity.

As you say OP, Fallout is dead. Start a family, build a life and move on.
I still need to beat Pillars of Eternity 1, I waited so long for the patches that I forgot to retart it. I am guessing my original save is probably not even compatible anymore.
I'm not fan of generic fantasy settings. It just didn't appeal to me.
I am not a fan of High Fantasy in general either, but It's Obsidian + turn based so I am willing to give it a chance.
I thought Pillars of Eternity was really fun and it was my very first isometric RPG since Fallout 2. The dialogue, the choices throughout the game, the combat, etc it was all really great. Replaying it was really daunting though because of how much stuff there is, especially with the DLCs. Come to think of it I technically never beat the game... Well I know what I'm doing during Christmas Break.

Tyranny is also a really great game. Short, sweet, and full of choices that makes replaying it with an almost completely different look entirely possible. I'm enjoying it a lot. Combat's a little glitchy right now but I'm sure some patches will fix that. I was able to beat it without much issue which is saying something considering how the "Obsidian only makes buggy games" meme is still going.

Honestly I hope their next big project (besides POE2) is a Vampire the Masquerade game. We've waited so long, and Paradox even owns White Wolf now! Obsidian even said in a recent interview that they already really want to make one, they just can't yet because something something legal problems. I hope whatever the issue is gets resolved soon. I don't even care if it's isometric, I just want a new VTM game damnit.
I'm all for a World of Darkness RPG. I just can't stand fantasy settings unless they are drastically different than the norm.
Elves, dwarves and orcs should be outlawed.

Well Tyranny is probably the first "fantasy" game I've played, well, practically ever that doesn't have any of these. There's only humans and werewolf-like creatures called Beastmen. Really there's not even that much magic outside of small range spells that won't do much at all until you get to a pretty darn high Lore level. People that are strictly mages are actually fairly uncommon. The only group that has a lot of magic users are the Scarlet Chorus and that's because that group literally just kidnaps everybody and forces them to join or die, you can even help them get more mages/magic during Conquest. The only people who can do huge magic are very rare and hold big positions in society, being called Archons (or Exarchs depending on if they bent the knee to the Overlord Kyros or not). It's actually quite refreshing for a fantasy setting. That and it's based off the Bronze Age instead of Medieval era.