Lord 342 said:
"Rusty old Revolvers" is a great idea. Revolvers are very durable, simple firearms. They were made in lots of sizes and with cylinders that cold hold from 5 to 12 or more bullets. Revolvers are popular defense weapons because they're simple to use and you can always confirm just by looking if it's loaded or not. They're popular with criminals because they don't leave shell casings.
Revolvers are indeed reliable and easy to use. Simply pull the trigger. However, their benefits don't outweighed their costs. For carrying they are bulky and have a much shorter barrel compared to automatic pistols of the same length. Automatic pistols almost always have a larger capacity, reload faster, and a longer barrel. However, for the Fallout setting, there shouldn't be THAT many of them around. The thing about leaving casings behind is kind of pointless. It's by the slug that they usually match a gun to a bullet, not the casing.
In the 1950s there were lots of truly craptastic firearms made and sold by companies like Sears, as well as through the mail. Little no-name .32-calibre revolvers, singe-shot shotguns, single-shot bolt-action rifles, that sort of thing. I'd like to see a greater variety of revolvers and rifles, in a greater variety of calibres and such, even if the differences between them is small. In Fallout 2 there were too many high-quality firearms, especially non-american firearms. I'd expect to see more domestic weapons, more calibres and types.
These weapons weren't necessarily horribly made or anything. They were simply cheap firearms meant for the common man to keep pests under control and to practice with. They still produce these simple weapons today. A single barrel topbreak shotgun is a very reliable and durable thing.
Again going back to "Mad Max beyond Thunderdome", remember the scene where Max checks his guns at the town? He hands over several different pistols and shotguns, probably because he's only got so many bullets for each one, and they're all different. In fallout there was also no heavy rifle slug like a 30.30. The hunting rifle use .223 FMJ and the assault rifle used 5.56mm, both of which are small-calibre high speed bullets. Lots and lots of rifles, especially hunting rifles, use big, heavy, slow bullets. So I'd like to see stuff like that. Perhaps not less ammo overall, but more types. Not everybody in the world likes 10mm, or .45cal, or what-have-you. This would force the player to horde more weapons and more guns. More realistic, but I don't think it would detract from the game. If anything it would add to the post-apocalyptic atmosphere; you do what you have to to get by with what you have.
First, .223 Remington is the same thing as 5.56x45mm NATO. Essentially anyway.

There does need to be heavier calibers in the game, I agree. The .30-30 is a good example since it's a very common hunting cartridge and will operate in leveraction arms with no problems (which should be around, not a bunch of MGs). However, there should be a lot of boltaction rifles in .30-06 and .308 Remington which are also very popular. What other pistols cartridge do you want? 10mm Auto is the 9mm Parabellum of the Fallout world (and makes more sense, setting-wise) and .45 ACP is THE American cartridge. It would be nice to see more revolvers in .357 Magnum though. That one revolver could use three different cartridges with absolutely no problems.
Dark Predator said:
Hey Colt, ever heared about the Brotherhood of Steel. I'm pretty sure that they can repear it and provide it with fuel.
Double barrel-shotgun shooting would be very good, and shooting at point blank on some people that stand in a row would let the bullet go thru al of them, andthat it even can blast thu tents and thin wooden walls. That would increase it's power very good.
And if you can't get in or out some building you could use a fireaxe to get thru, using it at wooden walls or doors. It even could be used to "unlock" doors and lockers.
The bullet from a shotgun? Yeah, if you're using slugs in it which isn't all that common... And wouldn't go through a bunch of people since it isn't very high velocity. As far as the BoS fixing up chainsaws, what use would they have for them? They're already pumped up with power armor so why not just use normal swords on the unarmored raiders? Either way, they would be more useful as tools in the end. It's doubtful the BoS would waste time fixing one or producing them when there are more important, and practical, weapons to be made. A simple axe will suffice for cutting down trees which there aren't a lot of if you hadn't noticed.
There should be more farming implements like axes, crowbars, hoes, mattocks, etc. As Ashmo said, scythes would be better put to use as makeshift lances or just left as the original tool which is more useful. - Colt