(OOC) World Of Darkness: Hunter RP


They really need to bring this back if they are brining back shit like Dark Alliance. The entire Hunter series reminds me of this show as well:

I just want to say how great this is due to the WoD setting as opposed to boring ass dead as fuck Fallout. I am a total noob with the dice rolls so I might have some dumb questions since it has been literally twenty years. I take it I can ask those (OOC: as you did when posting in the thread like this)?

Yeah, that's perfectly fine. And don't worry, this is my first time ever DMing so hell, we're all kinda winging it in some way or another (I did actually plot out the campaign before hand though, or at least the first arc).

The dice rolls are simple, I homebrewed the SPECIAL system we're using specifically in the way so that they'd be easy to do. I'll ask you to roll a die, usually it'll be a D20, but sometimes it might be something like a D10 or 2D6 (that means two six sided dice). Then if I ask you to roll "against" one of your stats, like let's say I ask you to roll against your strength stat and you have a Strength of 7. Here's how it would work, 5 is the base number which means you'd just roll the die and that'd be your number, you wouldn't add anything or remove anything. But for every point in strength ABOVE five, you'd add one point to your roll. So let's say you rolled a 10, with a Str of 7, you'd add 2. So 10+2 = 12, which would be your result. If you had a Strength of 3, then you'd subtract two from your roll instead of add, so 10-2 = 8 would be your result.

And yeah, I wouldn't even know where to begin with a Fallout RP. I think for most people here, we've reached the point where Fallout is so fucking played out it's boring. Many of us having been playing Fallout since the 90's. It's like Star Wars. I can't watch anything Star Wars without feeling like I'm going to fall the fuck asleep after thirty minutes.

Shit, I have no idea what I am doing and am just winging it. Though I did play Hunter The Reckoning on the gamecube like 20 years ago.

You're doing great man. Tabletop RP's are usually about being flexible anyway, don't sweat it. One of the things that makes a tabletop RP great is having a great team to play with.

Now I just need to fulfill my end of the bargain and provide a decent DM experience.

EDIT: Also remember, you guys don't necessarily have to wait your turn. If there's something your character wants to say or do in reaction to what's going on, you can do that.
Decided to edit my last post in the IC thread and change it so that anyone who wants to take try, can. I feel like at this point people just want to get into the goddamn house lol, especially since we're so close, literally sitting on the front and back porch.
Actually I was having the most fun taking our time slowly getting in there but LETS DO THHHIIIISSSSSSS.

Looks like most of us are on so we can do stuff. Risewild would likely be on later though.
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Don't worry. There's going to be plenty of sneaking around later.

Assuming you survive of course :cool:.

I'm trying to balance the sneaking/realistic shit with combat and interesting plot development.

I also wanted to have a decent build up to your guy's first hunt, hopefully I did it right.
You did perfect so far! Keep it up and btw that psychic power would have likely worked (talking lore/real life lore wise) due to the energy it gave off. It's the way the non real psychic gift works. YOU JUST DID NOT WANT US GETTING IN THAT DOOR HAHAHA. ;)
Hey now, it can't be THAT easy hahaha.

But then GM went and almost rolled a NAT 20 anyways.
Gotcha. I just got a little worried that, since we're running this on a board, if we get too technical a single round can end up taking forever to finish - that's why I went and edited it again.
Sure as long as you aren't as dyslexic as me you should be fine haha. Risewild we are waiting on you to wow us with lengthy adventures from behind the house. Take your time.
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