Opening Analysis: Fallout

The tutorial was put in as a dumbing down exercise I reckon. I think game producers realised not everybody is as bright as they are.

How many times do you see the stupidity and impatience of so called 'gamers' that go into panic mode and ask " How do I do this, how do I do that " I don't mean for tasks or missions that are difficult and need a tiny bit of grey matter. I mean really basic things.
Combat in the tutorial is (for the most part) skippable. All enemies have animal AI, and so can basically be walked away from.
Combat in the tutorial is (for the most part) skippable. All enemies have animal AI, and so can basically be walked away from.

Yeah, I never wanted to answer Traplord directly as it may have made me look contrary just to be argumentative. With most games I've played, after the game has installed I will have a run through of a few levels, areas, whatever just to check it out. Not only the gameplay but to check graphic settings, key bindings and to set up sub titles as my hearing is badly impaired.

Years ago before I had proper broadband ( phone dongle ) I was never tempted to look at walkthroughs, cheats etc, I would crack on. I still prefer this method.

I remember after finishing Icewind Dale or one of the early games I did look online at some site where the perfect progression was listed. It was very, very concise. Level by level what and why to build characters with the maths all explained. To me if someone follows these comprehensive guides of what spells to take it defeats the object
I remember near the end of year one on Grim Fandango I was stuck for days and days with the signpost puzzle.
I think a lot of people nowadays would give it an hour or so then straight to a walkthrough.

Just my opinion on our faster, faster, faster way of life.
It is pretty funny the amount of people getting filtered by the Temple of Trials, even though the entire point of it was to help people get into the game.

I still remember Spoony making a trash build (makes a character with low combat skills and picks the perk to lower chance to hit while upping crit damage) and then dying a bunch of times, but saying that the whole thing is badly designed.

People who do this shit make me actually die inside. Scrape your two brain cells together and make a fucking fire or something Spoony whoever the hell you are. This reminds me of watching LTG play street fighter, or watching DSP play dark souls or MGS3 or something like that.
People who do this shit make me actually die inside. Scrape your two brain cells together and make a fucking fire or something Spoony whoever the hell you are. This reminds me of watching LTG play street fighter, or watching DSP play dark souls or MGS3 or something like that.

Being totally shit at gaming is the new gaming god plays (whatever). Easy to set up. Nothing in unarmed or melee, points allocated badly on purples.

Feel the power !
I really ought to try out these modded versions of the early games. How do they handle the talking heads? Are they just completely absent from the game?
I really ought to try out these modded versions of the early games. How do they handle the talking heads? Are they just completely absent from the game?

The guys working on the talking heads are doing it for mainly 2 as you will know. I don't think there were any in this.
The game is good to very good but has many flaws. The main storyline is a bit weak but the areas have some real good combat a few things to puzzle out.
Oh and Richard Prior, forerunner to the black comics that imitated his madness. Chris Rock and co.
Overall it is well worth playing.