Philosophy Thread


Algebraic Geometry and Dandelion Soup
I started getting into philosophy last year.

I wanted to make a thread to talk about it.

It could be theology, metaphysics, anything really, I'm just really interested.

I started reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Nietzsche, and it is a great time.
Studying political philosophy in various modules at uni has given me quite the repulsion to a lot of philosophy.

I've had to read Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Rousseau, Hegel (die), Locke, and Marx and I hate every single one of them. I hope to erase my knowledge of them as quickly as possible. Barring The Republic because I'm going to use kallapolis as a base for a city in a tabletop campaign at some point.

I am quite a fan of Hobbes though. Machiavelli too if that can be considered philosophy in the same sense.
I've had to read Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Rousseau, Hegel (die), Locke, and Marx and I hate every single one of them. I hope to erase my knowledge of them as quickly as possible.
There's rarely a philosopher you'll 100% agree with but I've found the little that I've bothered learning has changed my pattern of thinking in some ways. Hobbes' take on morality being relative to the individual (at least for secular people) is correct though his golden rule is just an autistic restatement of “Do unto another as thou wouldest have others do unto thyself,” but I gotta make my own because I'm atheist.
I read the works of many famous historical philosophers in recent years, and interestingly, I've reached conclusions far more different than most people. This is the beauty of philosophy.
Every philosopher of the 20th century is a worthless pedophile. Every philosopher of the 21st century is a grifter. And most likely a pedophile.
Philosophers contribute to global warming by producing inordinate amounts of hot air. Just turn them all into biofuel so they produce some useful hot air at least.
Calling themselves "*profession* and philosopher" is a surefire way of knowing that a person's opinion can be safely discarded.
Philosophy might be salvageable, but philosophers aren't. They're on the same level as politicians, journalists, and lawyers.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk on philosophers.
I was actually excited to read what people were saying here when I saw the title. What a shame.
Pretty sure no one here is trained in philosophy. I have read a few things but finished few of them other than Dialogues of Plato and Hesse's Siddhartha.

I bought Art of War, but it was written more poetic than I expected. Requires some interpritation on the readers part so I put it down for now. If I read anything next it will be Henry Corbin's Man of Light or Alone with the Alone.

This is more mysticism though. Sufi specifically.
Every philosopher of the 20th century is a worthless pedophile. Every philosopher of the 21st century is a grifter. And most likely a pedophile.
Philosophers contribute to global warming by producing inordinate amounts of hot air. Just turn them all into biofuel so they produce some useful hot air at least.
Calling themselves "*profession* and philosopher" is a surefire way of knowing that a person's opinion can be safely discarded.
Philosophy might be salvageable, but philosophers aren't. They're on the same level as politicians, journalists, and lawyers.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk on philosophers.
Come on now, not every modern philosopher is an egotistical closet pedophile, just 95% of them are. Some philosophers are genuinely nice and calm people. I usually read people such as Heidigger or Guenon, because their works feel like having a calm chat with a wise old man who has some interesting ideas to share about space-time and civilization, without calling for an endless Revolution/Conquest.
While I have to admit that philosophers such as Nietzche are practically huge assholes who are aggressive in a strange manner. I mean Thus Spoke Zarathustra is just about a hobo going around telling people how stupid they are. While in our current Millenium, the massive surplus of philosophy graduates is definitely degraded the value of philosophy itself, and "prominent" philosophers of today are just idiots and Mega assholes who think they are objectively better at morality than anyone else because of their knowledge of Philosophical methodology while offering nothing new or innovative to humanity. But if a person thinks that there's still something to be learned about philosophy, then yeah, because there is. Anyway, I just hope this comment doesn't cause the deterioration of politeness in this thread.
As long as philosophers let philosophy deteriorate in such a way, it is dead to me.
Same with sociology and really most of the humanities, actually.
Make it most of humanity.
I for one am happy that nobody here wasted their life this completely.

It's a lifelong pursuit. Everyone should be trained in philosophy, that is the whole point of it, otherwise it is ineffective. When the ruling class know everything in their ivory tower and don't speak the same language as everyone else then you get what we have now.

However I agree with them being grifters. Most actual philosophy nowadays that isn't institutional masturbation is geared toward finding out how to get you to empty your fat pockets and proclaim your asshole to the cause on Instagram.
The only philosophy that matters is: fun good, hurt bad, let's fun and stop hurting.

Even if God did not live within every living Being it would still be best to try to make sure everyone gets what they want within what everyone wants. What I mean by that is that every living Being should get what they want as long as that falls within what anyone else wants as well.