Planescape EE by Beamdog?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Now let us hope they don't ruin it, so I can finally beat the game and die in peace. What say you NMA hive?



i did just pop a boner so to speak, but I hear that Baldur's Gate one sucked...

A 4chan /v/ poster claiming to be a tester for the game is now claiming they aren't planning to touch the writing. I think he is the one who leaked the pics according to Codex. You know how anonymous 4chan posters are though.

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I heard that Baldur's Gate sucked too. Apparently they added stuff that fans complained or something.
I hope they do not add anything to Planescape: Torment, the game is still a masterpiece of the gaming world and does not need anything added by a random studio that just releases EE's from infinity engine games to make money from the fans.

To be honest I don't even know why we need EE versions of the games, I still install from my old hardcopies I have for years and years and the games still work out of the box...

EDIT: Also what the hell are the buttons "Select Life" and "Alter Senses"? The original didn't have those buttons.
Will Planescape be upgraded or will it be a separate release from the original (I only ask as I have a copy from GOG and if I get a free upgrade then sweet).
Will Planescape be upgraded or will it be a separate release from the original (I only ask as I have a copy from GOG and if I get a free upgrade then sweet).
As above, most likely separate; that's how it was done with the other infinity games... Though there might be some kind of discount for owners of the original [GoG] editions.
The enhanced editions are basically scams. There is no great update to these games, basically they do the work mods do and then double the price of the games. If GOG installed widescreen mods on the vanilla games that would be 90% of the effective work Beamdog did on the EE.
But it gets idiots to play the game and more people playing the game is good.
There's a launch trailer now, even though the countdown still reads 7+ hours for me.
I really enjoyed the BG enhanced editions since I could play them bug and ease free on Mac and they introduced a lot of title things to tidy up the game. Being able to mass select loot on the ground is the single best thing they did. There was way too much loot and spell management in the vanilla versions so the changes are very welcome. Plus they fixed bugs that still plagued the games even after years of fan made patches.

I wasn't overly fond of the new characters but the added thief in BG2 helped a LOT. Doing a play through without Minsc felt lacking however even if the Orc replacement is stronger.
There's a launch trailer now, even though the countdown still reads 7+ hours for me.

Looks kind of promising, specially when MCA himself is involved.
But I hope his name is not only there for marketing purpose.
Looks kind of promising, specially when MCA himself is involved.
But I hope his name is not only there for marketing purpose.

It's "mostly" for marketing. MCA's just checking the writing.

And might I add what a useless fucking project this is. Good thing is, Beamdong is running out of IE games to fuck with, so perhaps after this they scatter to the wind or start doing shit of their own.
Yeah, his contributions will mean about as much as any of the mediocre Kickstarter projects we have gotten.
The enhanced editions are basically scams. There is no great update to these games, basically they do the work mods do and then double the price of the games. If GOG installed widescreen mods on the vanilla games that would be 90% of the effective work Beamdog did on the EE.
That's not seen as the incentive is it? The incentive as [I see it] is a turn-key smoother experience on a modern OS. Which it apparently is.
(I don't think it matters if the originals could be tweaked with a dozen mods to achieve the same ~that's not turn-key, is it.)

Personally I didn't like their re-imagining of the cutscenes [for BGE]; of which I thought the originals were better; if low graphics quality. It would have been better IMO, if they had re-rendered the original scenes at higher resolution, or replicated them in modern 3D (with all the bells & whistles), rather than replacing them with a cheap Flash video.

If they do Planescape, then I would want to see all of the [rendered] 3D cutscenes from it; not trendy Flash animations.
*Edit: Having just viewed the launch trailer, I do see that they have shown a few of the cutscenes... Hopefully they fixed many of the remaining bugs, and bugged spells and scene assets.

Also ... hopefully, that have not made Nameless's gender optional; aka FemShep.
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That's not seen as the incentive is it? The incentive as [I see it] is a turn-key smoother experience on a modern OS. Which it apparently is.
(I don't think it matters if the originals could be tweaked with a dozen mods to achieve the same ~that's not turn-key, is it.)

If GOG just made an installer of the original games with some mods included that would be turnkey and cover 90% of the enhanced editions improvements.
If GOG just made an installer of the original games with some mods included that would be turnkey and cover 90% of the enhanced editions improvements.
That could be prety cool, but GoG is not Beamdog, (they are just one vendor selling for them). Beamdog is offering the full installer of their [separately] licensed product.
So I can pick it up for 30% off for a limited time...

Codex feels the same way Kilus does but here is the issue: BUY THE OLD GAME IF IT BOTHERS YOU THAT MUCH. Letting a new generation of gamers try out one of the best RPG's of all time is good. Most of them are too retarded to mod the fucking game. The series will get even more attention now which can be a good thing.
Codex feels the same way Kilus does but here is the issue: BUY THE OLD GAME IF IT BOTHERS YOU THAT MUCH. Letting a new generation of gamers try out one of the best RPG's of all time is good. Most of them are too retarded to mod the fucking game. The series will get even more attention now which can be a good thing.
And I say fuck them, if they want to play the game then they can also buy the old one. What is stopping them from doing it? Like I said I can install my old hardcopy from the disks and it runs pretty well (besides the limited resolution), if the new players are too lazy to get a Infinity Engine high-res patch (which works for pretty much every infinity game ever made) then it is their fault.
Should someone paint a new Mona Lisa with modern clothes and tit implants so younger people can appreciate it? Should Hollywood continue to make remakes of old classics just so younger people can appreciate it?
Also I bet 90% of who buys the EE editions are old fans that want to try a "better" version of the game. Then it happens what it did with the Baldurs Gate EE, old fans complained about the changes that Beamdog did to the game, but they had already paid for it so why would Beamdog care?

I am always against people making remasters/enhanced editions that add stupid things instead of just modernizing the games and that's it. Adding more companions, changing the cutscenes, changing dialogue, etc. is ridiculous. If they want to do it then they should make a DLC or something and sell that for whoever wants it, not shoehorn it up everyone's throat without any option to disable it or something.

Toront, you losing your NMA skeptic spirit? :wiggle: :postviper: