Preparation thread: NMA Event: Fallout 22


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
Here's an idea of mine for an event we could run during 2022 and that any board member could join. This is an idea for an event that NMA will host during 2022. We will play all of the Fallout titles, as they appear on the timeline, during 2022. The event will be called: Fallout 22. The purpose of the event is to do something fun together as well as update our opinions of the games.

So the idea is to play all of the Fallout games during 2022. Personally I haven't played them in years and it would be a good opportunity to give them another go, them and the total conversion mods.

The official games, including the TC mods, would be played in chronological order. We will play all the official titles as well as the TC mods that tries to be a part of the universe.

The list so far looks like this:
Fallout: Nevada
Fallout: Sonora (for those who speak Russian)
Fallout: Resurrection
Fallout: Tactics
Fallout 2
Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
(Beyond Boulder Dome?)
(Fallout: New California?)
Fallout: New Vegas
(Fallout: The Frontier?)

Are there any relevant story-mods that I have missed?

The event will begin 2022-01-01 and we will start by playing Fallout: Nevada as it is the earliest game on the timeline. When Nevada is completed we will continue in descending order with Fallout 1, then Sonora (if you know Russian), then Fallout: Resurrection and so on. As you play you are expected to participate in discussions of the games here on NMA. Post in the dedicated thread and keep the other participants updated about your status. Ideas for discussions: What build do you have? What’s your reaction to certain parts of the game? What do you look forward to? What did you think of the game? What would you improve? We will later collect these discussions and turn them into retro, joint, reviews for each game, kind of how the NMA review of Fallout 4 was done.

The Fallout 4 joint review had the following sections:
  • Introduction
  • General Story/World
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Music/Sound
  • Replayability
  • Survival Mode
  • The Lore of Fallout versus Fallout 4
  • Final Thoughts
We could probably do something similar and with specific questions for each game.

In the first post of the event topic we need updated information on the best available version of each game as well as easy-to-follow instructions on how to install them. We should have a recommended version of each. For example Fallout: Nevada is best with the Fixed Edition and Fallout 1 is probably best played as Et tu and not Fixt. You are of course free to play whatever version you please and information gathered from different versions could be handy when we write the joint retro reviews.

Bonus missions during the event:
  • Document all pop-cultural references that we can find and do new versions of the lists we had back in the day.
    -->Clear specifications on how that documentation would be done are needed.
  • Create a list of NMA-recommended mods for Fallout: New Vegas.
    --> There's a bunch of mods for Fallout: New Vegas and here's a chance for us to create our own list of recommended mods that we can link to.
Are there other bonus missions or tasks that that we can think of?

Is it possible to have a banner on the front page that informs visitors of the event?

What do you think?


Work in progress starting post below. Feel free to quote and edit until it's good!


Below is a work in progress attempt at writing the first post. Feel free to quote and edit things. Once it's done we can start by playing Nevada together!

Should we add some of the story mods for F:NV that we mentioned on the previous page?

What mods should we recommend for Fallout Tactics? Is it Fallout Tactics Redux and Equilibrium? Are there other mods that one should have? What's the easiest way to install mods? Is there a mod manager?

I also need help with mod recommendations for Fallout New Vegas! How do you install mods? We could also have different recommendations of mods based on what experience you want to have. Like close to vanilla with minor improvements or making it more in tune with the original games.

Feel free to suggest topics that should be considered while playing each game. My dream would be that we could write joint reviews based on our collective effort.

And please change the format if you like!



Welcome to Fallout 22! It's an event that will run during all of 2022 and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order.
  1. Fallout: Nevada
  2. Fallout
  3. Fallout: Sonora (for those who speak Russian)
  4. Fallout: Resurrection
  5. Fallout: Tactics
  6. Fallout 2
  7. Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
  8. Fallout: New Vegas
Feel free to join in at any time and let it be known by reporting in this thread.

Post your impressions here while playing. We will then try to summarize our impressions into joint reviews of each game. Take some screenshots while playing and post them here. Try to catch references and other fun things.

Fallout: Nevada
  • Installation instructions to be found here
  • NMA review of it here. Keep it in your mind when you play.
Answer these questions in the thread while you are playing:

  • The main quest doesn't appear to be that good. How would you improve it?
  • Could it be considered as a Fallout game?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • What does it better/worse than Fallout?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • What build did you use?

  • What version do you prefer and why?Does Fallout still hold up in 2022?
  • Was it like you remembered it?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • What build did you use?
  • Write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of Fallout and that we could use for our Steam curator.

Fallout: Sonora (Russian only)
  • Installation instructions found here
  • Could it be considered as a Fallout game?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • What does it better than Fallout? What does it worse?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • What build did you use?

Fallout: Resurrection
  • NMA Thread. Download here
  • Could it be considered as a Fallout game?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • What does it better than Fallout? What does it worse?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • What build did you use?

Fallout: Tactics

  • Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon? Motivate!
  • What do you think of the combat oriented gameplay compared to the other games?
  • What do you think about how real-time combat is implemented?
  • What does it better than Fallout? What does it worse?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • Write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of Fallout: Tactics and that we could use for our Steam curator.
  • What build did you use?
Fallout 2
  • Play vanilla UP or RPU. Motivate your choice!

  • Is it a good sequel to Fallout?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • What does it do good and what not?
  • What does it better than Fallout? What does it worse?
  • What's it's strengths and weaknesses?
  • What build did you use?
  • Write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of Fallout 2 and that we could use for our Steam curator.
Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
  • Thread with installation instructions.

  • [*]What do you think of the current build?
    [*]What build did you use?

Fallout: New Vegas
  • The NMA review of New Vegas from 2010. Keep it in your mind while playing. What has been fixed by mods and what issues remain?
  • What do you think of New Vegas as a sequel to the previous games?
  • Should it be regarded as part of the Fallout canon?
  • Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
  • Strengths and weaknesses?
  • What could be improved?
  • Who did you side with?
  • What character build are you going with?
  • Write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of Fallout: New Vegas and that we could use for our Steam curator.
  • @Agent BJ09 wanted us to create lore based loading screens for F:NV. Now's our chance to help him. For more information go here.
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I'm down outside of the idea that I'd play them in the same order. Plan on playing either Resurrection, Nevada, or Tactics soon so I'd be okay with writing something up for it. I think as long as we get more than one or two people to write up some things for a game, it'd be good to go.

I'm not gonna bother with Frontier or New Vegas honestly. I've played New Vegas to hell and back and almost to hell again. I've seen everything the game has in the vanilla build. I've gotten all the achievements and logged at least a thousand hours playing it. I get bored every playthrough now. Last year I tried and beat the main story and got most of the way through Dead Money and just played something else. I love the game to pieces but I can't really play it for long between knowing what's next almost all the time (even when I forget something the memory of it comes back quickly) and the janky Bethesda engine.

I have no interest in Frontier. If others do it and write up things for it, that's cool.

I hadn't even heard of Beyond Boulder Dome. If that's any good, I'd replay a Vegas save to be appropriately equipped/levelled for that though.
There's The New Vegas Bounties Saga:
- Part 1:
- Russel:
- Part 2:
- New Vegas Killer:
- Inheritance:
- Part 3:
- The Better Angels:
- The Someguy Series Master File:

Tales of New Reno Trilogy:
- Part 0: Home on the Wastes:
- Part 1: Greetings from New Reno:
-Part 2: Black Napkins:

Th3 Overseer's Quests:
- The Initiation:
- The3 Overseer's Core ESM:
Eliza, The Northern Road Remastered, & Depths of Depravity are all age restricted. I can't link them properly.

Salt Lake Stories:

Battle for the South:

Bound by Chains:

The New Vegas Christmas Special:

Sugarloaf's Christmas Adventure:
I'm planning a Fallout marathon in 2022 so this works for me. Though I'll probably end up doing it in the summer. I've got what I'd consider to be a pretty strong "Vanilla+" New Vegas modlist going so I can share that for what it's worth.
I'm down outside of the idea that I'd play them in the same order. Plan on playing either Resurrection, Nevada, or Tactics soon so I'd be okay with writing something up for it. I think as long as we get more than one or two people to write up some things for a game, it'd be good to go.
That's nice! We need to have some sort of form you can fill in while playing the game so that we catch everything useful.

I'm not gonna bother with Frontier or New Vegas honestly.
Fair enough! You don't need to play all the games to participate. I will probably not play Frontier or New California either but I included them since it would be nice to have some official NMA commentary on them.

Thanks! I'll look into that!

I'm planning a Fallout marathon in 2022 so this works for me. Though I'll probably end up doing it in the summer.
If this event becomes a thing then we would like your commentary on the games! But play them when it fits you.

I've got what I'd consider to be a pretty strong "Vanilla+" New Vegas modlist going so I can share that for what it's worth.
That's awesome, please do! I want a New Vegas experience that is as faithful to the original games as possible. I'm not particularly familiar with NV mods but that would include: JSawyer Ultimate Edition and Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered right? Brave New World sounds interesting and then I want the strip fixed so that it's just one big area.
Do you have any tips for how the starting thread could be structured? There needs to be easy-to-follow installation instructions for each game as well as recommended mods if there are any.

Also we need a form with things for one to ponder while playing the game/games. When we put these forms together we will have the joint reviews.

A retro review of Fallout 1, 2 and the others obviously need some special type of questions asked and answered. We need to get good data from this!
So when you participate in this event you are expected to discuss the games in the designated topic, of course. That discussion will hopefully generate a lot of interesting titbits. If you agree, it would also be a good idea that you fill in a form on each game while you play so that we have a systematic way of collecting impressions. These impressions will, as mentioned above, be used for the joint reviews.

What would a good form contain? The NMA Fallout 4 joint review had the following sections:
  • Introduction
  • General Story/World
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Music/Sound
  • Replayability
  • Survival Mode
  • The Lore of Fallout versus Fallout 4
  • Final Thoughts
Of the above I don't believe all to be necessary. The person responsible for compiling the review could write the introduction and for the Fallout total conversions there's probably no need to discuss graphics etc. Also, these headlines might be a bit broad, should we have some more specific questions for each game as well?

It would be nice though, to have comments on the story, world and gameplay. And especially comments on gameplay for the games that deviates from Fallout 1/2 (ie Tactics & New Vegas). Re-playability is an important factor and most important of all, according to me, would be how the game builds on the Lore established in Fallout 1. Some concluding remarks and final thought would also be good to get from every player.

What do you guys think? Something missing? Should we have specific questions for each game?
If instead you just want to play you are obligated to do a good LP or you will have to leave the site forever or forfeit 10,000 dollars towards my Paypal.
I'm pretty sure Nevada takes place between 1 and 2 as you can find Harold in a holding cell in Vault City, he was arrested while looking to set up Gecko.
Can someone design a banner for this event? I'm thinking we could have it on the front page throughout 2022 and we could also post it on our social media.
Just copy the Fallout 76 logo but put 22 instead...


e: The one who does is a hero to me.
I could do that if I still had my old Photoshop. One of you lazy fucks do it.