Rate the above song and post your own.

Not really my thing 6/10. Seeing how old Tom Araya looks in this video made me feel old myself, looks like my freaking dad now.

Used to like Slayer better, but damn, they got so old. Not in terms of age, but in terms of how incredibly fucking boring they are.
AHMAGAWD, hammond organs are so badass. Really digging that smoky voice too.


Now for something completely different.

Edit: only just saw it was just a keyboard. Nonetheless, nice sound. :D
I'm not sure this mashup works that well 6/10, the pieces them self are good though.

If someone knows of a more intense orchestral piece, please let me know.
Great classic and all, 6/10 anyway. Drives me insane!

This is Hungarian metal band Thy Catafalque:
I thought that was a really good song! Gave me a Dragon Age vibe. Honestly it reminds me of The Blind Guardian. I'll have to listen to more by these guys. 10/10, I really like medieval-y type music.

And now for something a little different.

I thought that was a really good song! Gave me a Dragon Age vibe. Honestly it reminds me of The Blind Guardian. I'll have to listen to more by these guys. 10/10, I really like medieval-y type music.

And now for something a little different.

Just to set things straight, you know that this is a cover right? :razz: But yeah, great cover. Still prefer the original though.

7/10 as a song on its own, 4/10 in my opinion 'cause it's not really my thing.

Here's my random first go on this thread.

Not really into metal at all, so it would be unfair to try to give it a reasonable score. But, trying to get myself in a mindset where I would enjoy it in some universe, I'd give it a 7/10.

Not really my kind of thing, extremely repetitive as well, not really sure if it's meant to be taken seriously but feels adorable if it is. For that reason alone, I'm giving it 1 5.5 for being unintentionally hilarious.
