Rate the avatar above yours.

Isn't that one of those sign on the back of detergent packs? I like clean environments. They make me feel calm.

Wow... :shock: That's just too much fuglyness for good ol' wishy-washy alec's eyes, my friend.


-2 since I know you're not gonna change that any time soon.

Zaron said:
Isn't that one of those signs on the back of detergent packs?


It's the hazard symbol for irritating/noxious substances - such as myself. :twisted:
Vault 13 =>10/10 ! I'm French and Gainsbourg he's one of the best singer I've ever heard... not only talking 'bout his voice, but also the way his texts have been written.
I like it alot. 8.5/10. It would be higher, but such a detailed picture shrunken so small loses alot of detail.

Wooz wait...hey it's only the fingers not like the whole OW STOP COMEON WAAAARRRGGHH!!

8-) ,
The Vault Dweller
Great episode, I almost died laughing when they showed that 'childrens book' or whatever it was...
Every time i see that avatar i get a nearly unresistable urge to replay The Neverhood. :E

10/10 for looking good and bringing great gaming memories