The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
Wow I thought it was a dead fish near a dead tree.
Great you posted here Yamu since if you hadn't I was about to PM you asking where you got that Avatar. Tell me is it Portal Woman? I'm guessing it is by the orange clothing. If it isn't at least it looks great and I'd give it 8/10. If it's also the Portal Woman than 9.5/10 for being a gaming reference.
The Vault Dweller

Great you posted here Yamu since if you hadn't I was about to PM you asking where you got that Avatar. Tell me is it Portal Woman? I'm guessing it is by the orange clothing. If it isn't at least it looks great and I'd give it 8/10. If it's also the Portal Woman than 9.5/10 for being a gaming reference.
The Vault Dweller