In a war, heroes die for their country while traitors die for their beliefs
Maybe with combatants, because that requires some conviction. Others are just insecure shits, who's "time to shine" has finally come
Locally, our most notorious traitor was exactly that - this self-loathing dude. Nothing I've read of him suggests he had much conviction of anything, other than being a kind of self-imposed social reject, short and dark and awkward, he had been rejected from the Finnish military, when he tried to fight in the Winter war, before that, he made a cretin of himself stealing from his family.
German recruiters noticed him "from a mile away" and immediately flattered him up - employing him as a henchman and torturer, making him a leader of his own street-gang.
Even as he went around torturing locals in his little torture dungeon - personally killing at least 40 people (plus over a 1000 cases of torture + deportations to German camps), this wasn't enough for his fragile ego, and he had to make up stories about journes into Murmansk, where he killed tons of communists, and was decorated with a buch of medals. His name is still associated with not only treason (along with Quisling, our Hitler-loving prime minister at the time!) but also this sense of pathetic, aimless, self-serving sadism, as soon as he was given the chance. Hateful man. Blindfolded, tied up and shot in 1947 (
