Terminator 4: Salvation

UniversalWolf said:
If this Terminator movie comes off bad, that would be exceptional over-exposure. Playing the same kind of role in movies that get worse and worse is Sylvester Stallone territory.

You take that shit back - Rocky Balboa and Rambo fucking ruled as much as the first movies in both series.
The Series isn't too bad. It sticks to more or less the T2 streamline. Besides, Summer Glau makes a damn good Terminatrix!
Mikael Grizzly said:
I always imagined SkyNet as a similiar entity - at the beginning pure and clean, but as soon as he started assimilating all available data, the entire global communications network, finding logical errors in his programming and attempting to compensate, he started slipping into insanity.

And his insanity being the reason he hasn't been able to obliterate humanity.

Personally I think along similar lines, but that skynet started went into insanity when it absorbed all the information on the internett since there is no more logical errors than on the internett. I mean internett is not only the largest collection of human knowedge, but it is also the the largest collection of human vice and insanity. Iimagine what would happen to its prgramming when it absorbs 4chan and the something awfull forums, that alone would drive most people into a straight jacket.

Now here is my question..what kind of robot would skynett build if it was inspired by the NMA forums?
Were you receiving hostile fire when typing that post?

Seriously, though, John Connor getting rid of Dwayne Hicks as a father, and then doing the dirty deed himself? Is he mad, or do the writers have really weird fetishes and are trying to push the envelope in "omg, teh shocking twist"?

It's too funny to talk about, and makes me want to watch that episode of Futurama where Fry becomes his own grandfather.
Mani said:
It's going to be PG fucking 13


Wow a Terminator movie with the same level of violence as Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

That article is from May, before shooting started. McG has said several times that they aren't aiming for a specific rating.

Even if it is PG-13, it'll be whatever. If you go back and watch Terminator and Terminator 2, without the foul language they would probably qualify as PG-13 movies by today's standards. The MPAA has gotten pretty lax on violence in recent years. The Dark Knight is a good example.
I say this movie is gonna suck. I don't like the bits of story that are known already, I don't like that Arnie isn't in it, I don't like the trailer. I actually don't like anything at all about this film so far.

Nothing will ever be as good as T1 and 2, anyway. T3 was meh but acceptable.
Loxley said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
I always imagined SkyNet as a similiar entity - at the beginning pure and clean, but as soon as he started assimilating all available data, the entire global communications network, finding logical errors in his programming and attempting to compensate, he started slipping into insanity.

And his insanity being the reason he hasn't been able to obliterate humanity.

Personally I think along similar lines, but that skynet started went into insanity when it absorbed all the information on the internett since there is no more logical errors than on the internett. I mean internett is not only the largest collection of human knowedge, but it is also the the largest collection of human vice and insanity. Iimagine what would happen to its prgramming when it absorbs 4chan and the something awfull forums, that alone would drive most people into a straight jacket.

Now here is my question..what kind of robot would skynett build if it was inspired by the NMA forums?


I thought skynet was programed to protect the united states and determined the threat was humanity; not that it went insane. It wasn't able to be shut down in one location because it was already in every computerized device.
Ah-Teen said:
Loxley said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
I always imagined SkyNet as a similiar entity - at the beginning pure and clean, but as soon as he started assimilating all available data, the entire global communications network, finding logical errors in his programming and attempting to compensate, he started slipping into insanity.

And his insanity being the reason he hasn't been able to obliterate humanity.

Personally I think along similar lines, but that skynet started went into insanity when it absorbed all the information on the internett since there is no more logical errors than on the internett. I mean internett is not only the largest collection of human knowedge, but it is also the the largest collection of human vice and insanity. Iimagine what would happen to its prgramming when it absorbs 4chan and the something awfull forums, that alone would drive most people into a straight jacket.

Now here is my question..what kind of robot would skynett build if it was inspired by the NMA forums?


I thought skynet was programed to protect the united states and determined the threat was humanity; not that it went insane. It wasn't able to be shut down in one location because it was already in every computerized device.

I found that bit to be stupid. How can SkyNet be in every bit of computerized software if most computers simply don't have the processing capability for such an entity?I can understand it acting like Spyware but... jeez.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Ah-Teen said:
I thought skynet was programed to protect the united states and determined the threat was humanity; not that it went insane. It wasn't able to be shut down in one location because it was already in every computerized device.

I found that bit to be stupid. How can SkyNet be in every bit of computerized software if most computers simply don't have the processing capability for such an entity?I can understand it acting like Spyware but... jeez.

Such is why there were so many device failures in t3. It acted like a virus. Infecting and spreading copies of itself until it could be sustained in parts on several computers.

I heard of a NASA program that was similar. They'd buy space on people's computers while they weren't using them. So insted of building a super computer, they used a thousand lesser computers.

Not sure how all that works but there you go.
The trailer is meh... nothing really shown in it except a few quick images.

Teasers suck.
Buxbaum666 said:
I say this movie is gonna suck. I don't like the bits of story that are known already, I don't like that Arnie isn't in it, I don't like the trailer. I actually don't like anything at all about this film so far.

Nothing will ever be as good as T1 and 2, anyway. T3 was meh but acceptable.

Why would you want old Arnie, he was excellent when he was young, but his age is really starting to show, specially with these kinds of movies. He participated in t3 and it sucked.
So far the only thing I don't like very much is that McG, he still has to prove himself, we will see.
And those rumors turned out to be false I think.
Terminator without Arnie is kinda like Evil Dead without Bruce Campbell. Well, not really, but you get the idea.
T3 didn't suck because of him. It sucked because it sucked.
Here's a question: Why is there still a Skynet-versus-humanity future? At the end of T2, Connor threw the microchip and arm (remnants of the T-800 that chased Sara in the first film) into a vat of molten steel, destroying it so that humans in the present could not study it and eventually built Skynet. That was supposed to mean the end of the story. So I guess we're seeing John from "already-fucked-future" timeline. Um... Right?

As for my opinion of this film: It looks stupid. A real predictable, showy, can't-believe-they-greenlit-this, embarassing, blasphemous shitscream. Its letdown level can only be rivaled by Transformers. Way to shit on the classics again, Hollywood.
Yawgmoth43 said:
Here's a question: Why is there still a Skynet-versus-humanity future? At the end of T2, Connor threw the microchip and arm (remnants of the T-800 that chased Sara in the first film) into a vat of molten steel, destroying it so that humans in the present could not study it and eventually built Skynet. That was supposed to mean the end of the story. So I guess we're seeing John from "already-fucked-future" timeline. Um... Right?

As for my opinion of this film: It looks stupid. A real predictable, showy, can't-believe-they-greenlit-this, embarassing, blasphemous shitscream. Its letdown level can only be rivaled by Transformers. Way to shit on the classics again, Hollywood.

Because T3 shit all over the "the future is not decided yet" bent of T2 with "predestination rulz".
Christian Bale is always good news IMO. I don't think the teaser is very telling, though.

I liked T3, but I don't think T4 needs Schwarzenegger much. T2 needed him, but by the end of T3 he was pretty much used up. Do you want more "machines don't speak Humanese correctly" jokes?

Also, the Terminator universe is fucked up enough with all the time travelling -- any concept of "consistency" or "causality" seems to be lost for good. It's probably easier to write for it that way -- you don't have to worry about causes and origins, just make shit up.

Also, I liked Reign of Fire a lot. Post-apocalyptic fantasy with modern weapons can be fun. If you ignore all the crappy vampire flicks.
I wont judge it until I see it. That said I do hope it gives the same feeling Future Shock did. But it will be interesting to see how this time line turns out.
And there should be more Terminator Infiltrators models out there. I mean a whole line of Arnies going around kind of makes it easy to detect them.
Definately, and this news of a digitally scanned arnold doesn't help things either.

I really hope the rumors of the script involving the whole motherly love thing and the cyborg bit aren't true. If they were, then this movie is seriously fucked up.