The Fate of the Deep South?


First time out of the vault
While I know the South was set to be the location of Tactics 2, not much info about it's condition is known, to my knowledge. In advance, I apologize for asking if this has been discussed, but I checked the Search function and nothing came up that I am looking for.

To the chase, how did the Great War affect the Deep South of the US, specifically Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida? There would be a few places I image were hit, but I think most of the damage would be from the nuclear fallout.

I'm curious if anyone has some general idea, I plan to write a story set in Louisiana and would appreciate some info AND to discuss this because this seems like the least talked about section in America in the Fallout lore.
There are only two places in the South to my knowledge that have been mentioned in Fallout. One is Broken Banks/Crater Banks which I'm assuming is the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The other is Great Lanta which I'm assuming is Atlanta, Georgia.
Think of Point Lookout. Then think of it as 10 times as shittier. There you go.
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (you know, the Playstation 2 one) took place in Texas, as I believe, though I guess Texas doesn't have quite the same "deep south" feel as the states you mentioned.

Not having played it, I can't say if it has any sort of cultural "feel" that makes its location significant.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Think of Point Lookout. Then think of it as 10 times as shittier. There you go.

I doubt it, the creepy ferryman in Point Lookout said he used to go visit the Broken Banks every once in a while when his boat was in better condition, so I'm guessing it's not in that bad of a shape if it's worth visiting.

I know the Outer Banks are nice in real life,

I think it might be like that for all states exept Florida. I fly there every couple years. It's a really nice place for being the deepest of the south. Of course it's not part of th bible belt so of course it doesn't already look like nukes dropped on it.
Yep, and the Outer Banks are far enough away from any mainland target to avoid much of the damage. The closest target would be Camp Lejeune which is separated by several miles of water.
I think a retro-confederacy thing in the south could an amusing premise for a villain faction in a later game. There could be like a whole vault of "south will rise again" type folks who become the dominant force of the area, who all dress like Colonel Sanders.
I'd imagine that the south is doing better than the rest of the country since it's not very industrialized and the population is already used to living an agrarian lifestyle. To be honest the south getting hit with a nuclear bomb wouldn't have that much of an impact once the radiation cleared up, except for the giant animals of course.

They'd just go back to life as it was, a lot of places here felt like they were stuck in the nineteenth century anyways until recently. :?
No it wouldn't, those 'war of northern aggression' fuckers would not make good villains because they are goddamned idiots.
No offense but I would really find it cliché if some neo confederacy faction or group would be introduced as main antagonists.
The Dutch Ghost said:
No offense but I would really find it cliché if some neo confederacy faction or group would be introduced as main antagonists.

And yet at the same time, it would be a massive waste (and possibly illogical) if no neo-confederacy factions were introduced at all.

Theoretically, they wouldn't have to be antagonists either. I'm not American so I may be talking out of my ass, but aren't there non-slave-whipping aspects to the Confederacy? Self-sufficiency, chivalry, that sort of thing (granted, these may not have been entirely fulfilled in practice, but the same could be said of all cultural ideals)?

Or am I thinking of a different cultural movement?
No offense but I would really find it cliché if some neo confederacy faction or group would be introduced as main antagonists.

I agree, I was thinking more of side faction than a main faction, more Vault City, than Caesar's Legion. Although Fallout is generally post-racial, if they made a game set in the area, its too big of part of that culture, even today to ignore.

There could a vault experiment, with falsified history to go along with it and it woud be a good excuse to have some cool, old timey civil war weaponry to use.
I don't think it jibes quite well enough with the retro-50's Aesthetic. You'd see some Johnny Reb stuff out of the pulp presses at that time in American cultural history, but mostly the world-of-tomorrow setting the game derives from was predicated on a very J. Edgar Hoover, very proudly military-industrial, very homogenous American cultural cloth. It didn't much acknowledge the old wounds-- it tried to portray the country as past them and far more solid than that.
Snikers said:
Theoretically, they wouldn't have to be antagonists either. I'm not American so I may be talking out of my ass, but aren't there non-slave-whipping aspects to the Confederacy? Self-sufficiency, chivalry, that sort of thing (granted, these may not have been entirely fulfilled in practice, but the same could be said of all cultural ideals)?

Or am I thinking of a different cultural movement?

The Civil War didn't have that much to do with slavery so you're right there are other aspects, mostly the Confederacy was a logical conclusion to issues that were never fully resolved after the Revolutionary war.