the hell?

5. Never heard Asians and certainly not Mexicans have other voices than White people. Hell in Mexico there are a lot of White people. But whatever.

When it comes to dialogue, accents are the first thing most folks immediately think of but, as the Crack guy did mention, a voiced protagonist in an RPG is limiting in so many ways. What if I want to envision a character who is a slightly-annoying fast talker a la Tarantino? Or a quiet type who utters their lines of dialogue in short, clipped sentences?

Well I'm shit out of luck because I'm stuck with whatever inflection the voice actor chose to read their lines with. Imagination goes right out the window, and this is a big no-no in an RPG that's supposed to allow for freedom of character creation and customization.

A voiced PC in a roleplaying game is a major sticking point for me. Frankly, it is yet another needless limitation Bethesda seems intent on forcing upon the player, in addition to their penchant for fleshed-out backstories and watered down RP mechanics.
The problem with a voice protagonist for me is that it establishes that the character has their own identity and personality and that I can't make my character be how I want them to be. I can't make them sound soft spoken and gentle or gruff and harden. Its not my character I am playing but the game developers and writers character. But a voiced protagonist was something everyone loved with Mass Effect and wanted crammed into other RPG's. I even remember reading comments(I think it was on YouTube or Twitter) where people were begging Beth to add in a voiced protagonist "like in Mass Effect" for Fallout 4. Even though every voiced protagonist that I have seen has had the personality of a wet brick, Commander Shepherd being no exception.
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Why is bethesda full of a bunch of idiots with no comprehension of what the fallout series is about?
1. Why are skills being removed from the game? Why are super mutants and brotherhood of steel even in this game at all? 2. Why does everything look like it did in in colonial era boston? Why the hell are these idiots putting in a VOICED PROTAGONIST with 3. a DIALOUGE WHEEL RIPPED FROM MASS EFFECT in the damn game for an EMPHASIS ON STORY?
The hell is this trash?
What is this? Mass Effect?
Why is Bethesda being praised so much for streamlining the game by putting in 4. overused trends like crafting and base building when stuff like this has no place in a Fallout game? And the voiced protagonist. Holy trash the voiced protagonist. What the hell were these fools thinking? Pff, you want to make an asian or a black dude or a mexican guy, or any dude with an accent? Have fun because these guys will stick you 5. with a generic white guy voice no matter what. This takes out roleplaying aspect in so many ways. Not only will you no longer be able to create your own characters voice using your imagination, but this also means dialouge choices will most likeley be not as varied and more vague. I have a feeling that these morons will butcher the Fallout lore in as many ways possible, seeing as how they have as much of an understanding of what fallout is about as a dude who skimmed over the fallout bible in less than 30 seconds. Why the hell do I have a dog companion that I am stuck with? "

6. Hopefully they will pass another Fallout game to Obsidian but seeing as how Fallout New Vegas went I doubt that will happen.

1. Because they can try new approaches. You haven't even played the game and don't know how it's going to work.

2. Not everything does look like colonial era Boston.

3. Does Mass Effect have a patent on voiced protagonists? I haven't heard. Why the fuck is it ripped from Mass Effect when there are more RPG's with voiced protagonists.

4. Why is crafting overused? It's a part of a normal RPG game. Why doesn't it have place in a Fallout game. Wtf

5. Never heard Asians and certainly not Mexicans have other voices than White people. Hell in Mexico there are a lot of White people. But whatever.

6. What do you mean; Hoe New Vegas went? It was an amazing succes for Bethesda and they made a lot of money and launched it with critical acclaim.
1 They can try new approches without splitting away from Fallouts roots and original concepts

2 Well, I've lived in boston for two years, and while there is a lot of history there, there are not historical monuments everywhere you turn

3 I wouldn't mind the mass effect conversation system if it belonged in a Fallout game.

4 Crafting is overused. Don't believe me? Go to the steam store

5 So you are saying you never head a Mexican or Asian accent? I just am not sure what you're saying here because if that is so then you should go outside more.

6 New Vegas didn't get the critical acclaim Bethesda wanted it to. I belive this resulted in Obsidian not getting paid.
We only have a few days to go so it's not long til we find out if it's shit/medicore/good. Not much point in discussing things over and over now.
We can always count on the inevitable leaked copy to be sold and for a Redditt/Instagram to be filled with Spoilers.