Aww.... Now their not going to have a place to dump all their bottom feeders, lowlifes and leeches. Maybe other parts of South America will take em.Mexico is taking the news well
No. I fixed it for you.Ah seeing all of these Hillary supporters have a mental breakdown is just glorious. They expected her to win, all of that overconfidence and it led to double the fall for them. Now they are using buzzwords like "misogyny" and "white supremacist" in their anger, it's like they don't know what those words mean(cause they don't). You can't expect them to come up with a good valid argument so they attempt to(what I assume they attempt to do is) upset people by using these words and in reality it shows how frustrated, triggered, and desperate they are to get at the people they happen to be targeting. Oh well maybe the tantrums and pants shitting will stop eventually but after all everything gets turned into drama and in this case they are really making a bigger stink out of it then it really is.
Anyways a little something I cooked up:
View attachment 6447
EDIT: Fixed up the picture a little bit.
S C H L O N G E DNo. I fixed it for you.
As many people have said already, a Trump victory was brought about by YEARS of leftist and progressive douchebaggery. Getting on their high horse, using buzzwords to slander anyone who disagreed with them, preaching free shit, no matter how much it would cripple the economy, etc. It was Bernie who was the first to use the forbidden weapon, FREE SHIT.
Thank God! Their is a ray of hope! Seems like a lot of these universities nowadays breed so many bad professors who only care about making their students their mouth piece for their SJW politics. Maybe most of the stink is just coming from the upper East and West Coast.
Whats weird is that I didn't really see it a lot on the right. Sure there were people that were upset and disappointed that Obama won in 2008 and 2012 but not like what I am seeing from Brexit and Trump. Its madness and its mostly from high school to college age kids who were spoiled rotten their whole life by their parents, teachers and the government. Just my God, how did we end up breeding such whiny, violent, tribal like, self entitled little twats?
No it doesn'tReality has a liberal bias.
That's actually retarded.Then again, I'm of the mind the problem with the DNC is it's far far too right.
No it doesn't
That's actually retarded.
>talks shit about others economic policies