Unlimited Party Members Mod for Fallout 2 -please read!

Anyone care to update this for RP2.3? I spent an hour on it but can't get the scripts to recompile using latest modders pack for Sfall Script Editor. (cannot find the specified path):confused:

The .int files for the EPA NPCs are EPA10.int, EPA11.int, and EPA12.int
And curiously the dogmeat int file is empty when I open it as an ssl. (the .msg file that opens with it has all the dogmeat msgs, so I'
m pretty sure I got the right dogmeat int file )
Anyone care to update this for RP2.3? I spent an hour on it but can't get the scripts to recompile using latest modders pack for Sfall Script Editor. (cannot find the specified path):confused:

The .int files for the EPA NPCs are EPA10.int, EPA11.int, and EPA12.int
And curiously the dogmeat int file is empty when I open it as an ssl. (the .msg file that opens with it has all the dogmeat msgs, so I'
m pretty sure I got the right dogmeat int file )

I tried that as well with the same result, however I found that using int2ssl.exe and compile.exe in the resources folder works. (I see warnings when using them but no errors.)

Here's what I've done.

Here's what i changed from the RP 2.3 scripts (It's my 1st time doing this so I'm not sure if I've done it correctly)

party limit due to CHA??
((metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= (floor(get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 3) / 2)
((metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= (floor(get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 3) * 20)

global party limit ??
((metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= 5))
((metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= 15))

please tell me if it works
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I'll give it a spin tommorow. And thanks!
When I did it your way it worked for one file, then I tried to open 14 more at the same time and mass find/replace, which worked, but then after mass saving them all and closing SfSE, dragging and dropping the individual ssls onto the compile icon gave no result. So it was probably the lazy mass find/replace that messed me up.

Edit: Partially tested, it's working for Vic, Sulik, Cassidey, Lenny. All join my party, and I only had 2 CHA. Thanks again!
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good! I think I've ironed down all the kinks. I've checked everyone now 'cept for skynet, cyberdog from navarro and dogmeat.
can I use this with the megamod. Mostly I just like to have a lot of party members. it makes the game fun.
I haven't played megamod so I can't confirm and, as mobucks said, it prolly is incompatible.

I suggest you do the modding yourself like I did. good luck!

Here's a link to the modder's pack.

Btw, RP 2.3.1 has just been released and here's the updated scripts for it. This would also work with RP 2.3.2.
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So is there a new one of these? Because the links are all fucked except Burn's which was stuck in a larger mod that I don't want and the original was taken down and replaced with a link to the aforementioned larger mod
You can just disable / remove the stuff you don't want from "the larger mod" (I'm assuming you mean Fo2 Tweaks).
I know, I'd just rather avoid that if possible. I Also don't know how it will affect any edits I might make with f2wedit down the line. (I also forgot the name of Fo2 Tweaks when I posted that.)
It's highly unlikely, but even if it does, worst case you can just delete FO2tweaks files and everything will be back. It's entirely pluggable.
Forgive me if this sounds dumb but when it (FO2 Tweaks) says "Unzip the archive into the game directory" where in the directory do I place it? The main folder? Data? Extras? Somewhere else?