Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Star Trek Discovery isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It just shouldn't be called Star Trek.
Doom 3 was alright, though the damn flashlight thing was idiotic. I feel nostalgic for D3, something about the aesthetic hits right. Up close, sure, it's a little too...'bubbly'? 'curved'? But overall it feels right for a grimy Mars game, and the UAC videos are fun that should had been in D16 and DE. If they had more skins for demons and a few more sounds for the guns, I wouldn't mind replaying it.
Only for weirdos.

FF5 and 6 and Tactics had no sex appeal. You should say modern Final Fantasy games.
Resident Evil 1 and 2 were good games that happened to have strong females. Resident Evil 3 and Dino Crisis started the sexy trend.
Fatal Frame I will give you.
Modern Persona is (kinda) garbage. Persona 1 and 2 and SMT are superior.
Disagree on Persona 1, that one is pretty terrible. Persona 2, and Persona 2 2 are good tho.

I think the biggest issue I have with modern Persona (altho Persona 5 remedies a BIT of it but not fully) is that their own framign devices only help towards lowering the stakes of the story, even when they still have the usual SMT endgame of a god wanting to rewrite the world in their image is that the whole "World of images and ideas" can be cool to explore psychological issues and the like, but also robs the story from happening in the real world at all and with most of the cast being teenagers their issues are usually very mundane, with only Persona 5 even touching upon more delicate stuff like abuse and suicidal ideation. Meanwhile everything in the Legend of Heroes occurs in the immediate relaity of the world and the setting is very detailed and well constructed.
It really is weird and fair enough I haven't played the first Persona, but I do like everything about those older games a little more. They felt grittier. Persona 3 was fucking emo with the gun to the head thing. Plus the music. The music was much better in the old games. Felt like Jazz. Now this is J-Pop or whatever the hell it is. I need to try to replay 5 but I just cannot get into it.
Never liked Persona 3 either honestly, only characters I could stand were Junpei, Shinji, Akihiko, Mitsuru and the dark skinned Strength girl, the story was lame and, yeah, pretty emo, it had a good atmosphere but the whole Tartarus Set up was boring and monotonous and the Stupid robot was the lamest shit that they seem to be trying to ignore since (Outside of the Arena games). Persona 4 was better, with a less cool and stylish but cozy atmosphere, more enjoyable cast but the plot was more passive than Persona 3 with none of the character ever accomplishing anything because the game had a set formula for how every section played out. Persona 5 was better in regards to having a more proactive main cast and and even harkened back a little to the SMT feeling of the main cast being at odds with each other and having kind of a "fall from grace" storyline and "Psience" was more akin to the old school occultist bullshit from regular SMT and finally what happens in that world actually affects the physical reality but that also makes you wish the bosses were the actual characters you are seeking to take down and not their Shadowy Cognitive Preception of themselves, also Hashino is too much of an out of touch old man to properly tackle anti establishment and rebellion and revolution themes without his japanese boomer centrist shit clipping the wings of the very idea midflight.

Legend of Heroes meanwhile, does the whole Metaphor for societal issues represented as Fantasy story elements without putting on the kiddy gloves and not refraining from showing the chinks and cracks of it's own message, so while it has a solid political philosophical core it still doesn't present it as infalible.
The Yakuza games are about the only video games with an adult story being made--and they're not even that adult.

Moore and Zubrin do bring up good points; however. Though they both have axes to grind (Zubrin more than Moore, I feel).

The environmental movement is a mess. That can't be ignored. Corporations and Green Capitalism are natural reactions when they couldn't keep shooting the messenger - that can't be ignored. And everyone has different damn views on what needs to be done. Nuclear, biomass, decease the standard of living or maintain it, whichever what way.

We're fucked anyway. 6 billion people can't just drop dead, the standard of living continues or it decreases, everything is unacceptable. We laid this train track and by gum we're gonna dive it over the cliff.
Also the 10th doctor is overrated trash.
So often I read shit I said forever ago and think "you fucken retard".

Theres a lot to hate about 10s era but tenant was fantastic.

Also maybe I've got Stockholm syndrome but 13 is growing on me. (Writing still sucks tho)
Aside from Bayonetta's character design, the art direction of the Bayonetta games is fucking shit. Like the game looks like mud, and the camera is fucking terrible, literally made my eyes hurt. Couldn't even finish it.
Dr. Who is dead after Baker.


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Romances in most games are dumb, annoying and cringe inducing. Done well and you can give your character another driving force and add more to the story. Done poorly and you just have a useless fuck toy that doesn't really add anything to your character or the story.