Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Unpopular opinion: People who keep listening exclusively to shit from their highschool years are cringe as fuck.
"The agreement includes funding to bolster mental health, enhanced background checks for people under 21, “red flag” laws and school security measures. It would also close the “boyfriend loophole,” which would stop people from buying a gun if they are convicted of abuse against their partner.

It does not include broader restrictions sought by gun control advocates, however, such as bans on assault weapons, raising the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles to 21, safe storage rules at homes, or required background checks on internet sales and at gun shows."

I like guns but I hate the NRA and gun nuts that are so afraid of making the zoomer crowd wait longer to buy a gun they barely know how to fucking use to begin with because all they do is play on their cell phone and jack off to furry tranny porn.


Fat white cop has small dick so he wants to harass a black lady but not all the white people walking around.
I believe everyone that wants to buy a weapon should at the very least require mandatory gun training. Everyone. Like I don't know how long. 1 week, 1 month. But there should be some training involved.
I believe everyone that wants to buy a weapon should at the very least require mandatory gun training. Everyone. Like I don't know how long. 1 week, 1 month. But there should be some training involved.
You get that for a hunting license but not to own a gun. Weird.
Unpopular opinion: People who keep listening exclusively to shit from their highschool years are cringe as fuck.
Unpopular opinion: They [quite rightly] consider what came afterward to rarely (if ever) measure up. :twisted:
...And so why suffer through it?
Nostalgia is weakness. this decade everyone wants to bring back the mid 2000's or the augties as they were called. yknow they kicked off this decade by bringing the old motorola razr back as like a semi smartphone semi fliphone design. We have a crapload of posers trying to play in the pop punk revival im guaranteeing theyre flashes in the pan who were making boring imagine dragons style music last decade who decide they wanna cash in on pop punk again. and since we're so nostalgic about the 2000's remember what happened near the end of that decade? A massive recession!! and whaddya know. Another massive recession is on the horizon for 2023. Nostalgia is a bitch
Unpopular opinion: People who keep listening exclusively to shit from their highschool years are cringe as fuck.
Dude I've tried to listen to music after college but nothing really stands out, I listen to some of the new work by my favorite artists but they all fell off. I listen to new things on the radio occasionally but most songs are just meh. I think I got old and music stopped sounding as good. Last music I enjoyed was from the game Haven of things in this world.

The current video game discussion on Codex is about mobile to desktop site usage.
Everyone hates the change but NMA did the same thing due to software needing to be updated.

Cell phones are horrible for surfing the internet.

Also they HAD IT COMING.

This movie looks good but they had to pick the weakest looking bitch and the most NON INDIAN TALKING indians on the planet. I would have loved to see the movie with subtitles and the real language of the characters because this fake drunk is right, they all sound like California fucks, the message is loud and clear, EVEN THOUGH THEY COULD HAVE DONE THE MESSAGE WHILE DOING IT RIGHT INSTEAD. Why push the female narrative like this? She could have risen to the occasion when all the men get taken out instead but nah she is gonna go hunt alone because she is a badass I guess.

This shit is supposed to be supporting gay pride but it just makes everyone look like sexually obsessed degenerate weirdos. TAKE YOUR KIDS!


The cops in Texas have to be the biggest cowards in the country.
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They didn't, the US committed a war crime only because the US could and didn't want to (understandably) keep fighting the war. Those poor civilians didn't deserve that though.
They did because they would have done the exact same thing if they could have.
Sure we do. They would have nuked any target they could have if they had one. You think they would use some 2022 logic about those poor civilian deaths? Any army would have done the same thing.
There was one man known to have survived —both— explosions. He was in Hiroshima on business when it was destroyed, he survived, and returned home to Nagasaki.
Japan had already offered to surrender as long as they were allowed to keep their emperor. Russia was encroaching on the territory as they famously had warred with Japan in the past. The US then nuked two civilian cities and accepted their surrender and allowed them to keep their emperor but the Russians were scared off whcih was the real reason behind bombing the two cities. Even soldiers back then said it was completely unnecessary.