Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Sure the north west is a Rain Forest but that ain't a jungle, and the only commies in it are ANTIFA fruit cakes who will be late to the protest because their mom is using the car.
If we have a right to own guns, then everyone should be taught about guns and gun safety. Actually, whether you own a gun or not, people should be educated about them.

But instead you want to not understand them and respect them, you want fear so you can continue to be controlled by not only those that use the tool but the tool itself.

I choose myself and my fellow human beings to not be controlled by fear. If everyone has basic or greater knowledge of gun safety and what to do in a dangerous situation, there is a greater possibly of less death. Isn’t that what everyone wants? Safety?

Educate yourself on matters of defense and protection. The fact that guns were brought up and someone’s initial response was “you’re crazy lmao” speaks volumes of their training: be ignorant of ways you can have autonomy, protection, and power over those who wish you harm. (An aside: the “lmao” at the end of your sentences translate to me as a nervous laughter of someone lacking confidence in the discussion they decided to join).

Putting guns aside, but on a related note, most of the world really doesn’t understand how well trained they are and how much they are intentionally made sick (physical and mental), therefore they’re made docile and compliant. And they can’t truly fathom how easily their “peace” can be taken away.
I just don't get why these things are such integral parts of your personality and life.

Like if a sword guy would make this speech about their swords you would rightfully laugh at him and tell him to cut his pony tai lmao

Why are americans so enamoured with their guns?
High schools should teach about guns and gun safety. Not to fear guns, but to respect them. Understand guns, their mechanics, use, defense, etc.
I grew up around guns and I know how to handle them. I also had a hunter safety class in High School, as well as driver's ed. I found out recently they don't have drivers ed anymore, probably because of liability issues. We're back to having dumbass parents teaching their kids to drive. Don't know if they still have hunter's safety class. Probably not. Which is more dangerous; teaching kids how to handle cars and guns, or NOT teaching how to handle cars and guns?
Any Highlander fans?

Speaking of school classes, it's crazy to me how there was no typing class even though no one knew how to type except like 3 kids. We had a class on Word, Excel and Powerpoint. All worthless. No one knew what programming or IT were, including me. Just wild.
Any Highlander fans?

Speaking of school classes, it's crazy to me how there was no typing class even though no one knew how to type except like 3 kids. We had a class on Word, Excel and Powerpoint. All worthless. No one knew what programming or IT were, including me. Just wild.
When I was in High School, computers were barely a thing. I was in the computer class the first year it was offered. Before that, I took typing classes because I knew it would be useful for computers. 50 wpm, if you're interested. Knowing how to type is cool.
I had programming classes when in highschool (we learned Visual Basic, that gives you an idea of how long ago it was), My nephew got HTML classes on highschool.
Damn, that's wild. They barely got a mention for us.
When I was in High School, computers were barely a thing. I was in the computer class the first year it was offered. Before that, I took typing classes because I knew it would be useful for computers. 50 wpm, if you're interested. Knowing how to type is cool.
How old are you?

Most Japanese food sucks.
You are probably going to bad restaurants. Japanese food is easy to fuck up more like. Like chinese food, ever since China started doing fine most chinese places over here closed and now unless you go to a expensive chinese place you mostly get really shitty fried rice.
Speaking of school classes, it's crazy to me how there was no typing class even though no one knew how to type except like 3 kids. We had a class on Word, Excel and Powerpoint. All worthless. No one knew what programming or IT were, including me. Just wild.
Really? I remember having to do computer classes since elementary school. It started out as typing, then by the time you hit middle/high school you knew Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. High school offered more advanced computer classes like computer science and programming.
I think teaching ALEXA French was my biggest triumph She says in a husky voice " Ma chérie, tu es celle qu’il me faut. Je veux ton corps chaud "

I find that handy when I'm having a wank.
Computer classes that lead up to highschool were just power point presentations or were related to writting a paper or doing math. No instruction on how to typw though. I was in the most advanced computer class in HS called "Business computer". Guess my school was just bad.
Was there instruction on where your hands should be placed on the keyboard at least? Or is everyone just using one finger or something? This is wild.
We didn't have computer classes like that. But I remember one course back in 4th grade where the teachers was obsessed about teaching us the "10 finger system" for keyboard use. I didn't need it as I could type without looking at the keyboard, which I belive was the intention of us learning it. But no I still had to do it the tfs way lol.