Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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- The only good Kevin Smith movie is Clerks 1.
- Ballers (HBO show) is just a black, sports version of entourage. Both suck ass.
- Parks and Rec and Bob's Burgers are unfunny.
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My third least popular opinion after Fallout 3 being awesome and better than the original 2 as well as Skyrim being one of the best games of all time.



Okay, even I can't say that with a straight face.

SOME Telltale games are good.

On my end, I don't actually play video games for the gameplay but the storyline and a limited sense of interactivity with it. I'm pretty awful at them despite having played them off and on forever. However, I absolutely love Telltale games as they allow you a fairly non-gameplay-based story which is usually quite intimate to your characters. There's been some games which really sucked from them, don't get me wrong, but I have nothing against the format.

Even if 90% of your choices have no bearing whatsoever on the actual story (which is bullshit) and those that do get reversed the next episode, I really really like simple story-driven interactive movies like they tend to produce. The Wolf Among Us was a terrible Fable adaptation but a great urban fantasy novel. Game of Thrones was the best ASOI&F property except for the World of Ice and Fire as well as maybe Season 1 of the show. I love the original Walking Dead and enjoyed 100 Days even if Season 2 was too grimdark even for me. I plan to play Michonne and New Frontier soon. I also think Tales from the Borderlands is a better Borderlands game than any Borderlands but Borderlands 2 and that's debatable.

Back to the Future was a fine game too. Jurassic Park? Okay, that was complete shit and this comes from a man who thinks Jurassic Park was his all-time favorite video game of all time. I've never played Minecraft and I had to force myself to get through the Batman video game's first episode to get to the good stuff. So yeah, they're hit and miss but I love the Episodic Gameplay and storytelling as well as causal gameplay. They're often just conversational adventures and I'm cool with that.
- The only good Kevin Smith movie is Clerks 1.
I like all of his movies a lot. Except for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back which is too cartoony for my taste. Clerks II was amazing. Really bummed that Clerks III and Mallbrats (what a horrible title) were cancelled.

  • Family guy was better as a sitcom/sketch show than just a straight up sketch show
  • Biscuits are better than bacon
Telltale stories are awesome. Some of their adaptation are at the same level and great addition to the source material. On the other hand, i don't you can count their stories as games.
Not necessary meant difficulty, but gameplay, or at least interactivity. Those are stories in which you sometime have to click. There is no game. Let's say you would have to play a russian version in which you don't understand the story at all, i doubt you would have any fun in just clicking once in a while between story chapters.
Not necessary meant difficulty, but gameplay, or at least interactivity. Those are stories in which you sometime have to click. There is no game. Let's say you would have to play a russian version in which you don't understand the story at all, i doubt you would have any fun in just clicking once in a while between story chapters.

Well I can choose my reactions and there are usually puzzles and quicktime events. It's a game to me, is all I'm saying.

But I say this knowing sometimes your failing a scene DOESN'T matter which blows.
My third least popular opinion after Fallout 3 being awesome and better than the original 2 as well as Skyrim being one of the best games of all time.



Okay, even I can't say that with a straight face.

SOME Telltale games are good.

On my end, I don't actually play video games for the gameplay but the storyline and a limited sense of interactivity with it. I'm pretty awful at them despite having played them off and on forever. However, I absolutely love Telltale games as they allow you a fairly non-gameplay-based story which is usually quite intimate to your characters. There's been some games which really sucked from them, don't get me wrong, but I have nothing against the format.

Even if 90% of your choices have no bearing whatsoever on the actual story (which is bullshit) and those that do get reversed the next episode, I really really like simple story-driven interactive movies like they tend to produce. The Wolf Among Us was a terrible Fable adaptation but a great urban fantasy novel. Game of Thrones was the best ASOI&F property except for the World of Ice and Fire as well as maybe Season 1 of the show. I love the original Walking Dead and enjoyed 100 Days even if Season 2 was too grimdark even for me. I plan to play Michonne and New Frontier soon. I also think Tales from the Borderlands is a better Borderlands game than any Borderlands but Borderlands 2 and that's debatable.

Back to the Future was a fine game too. Jurassic Park? Okay, that was complete shit and this comes from a man who thinks Jurassic Park was his all-time favorite video game of all time. I've never played Minecraft and I had to force myself to get through the Batman video game's first episode to get to the good stuff. So yeah, they're hit and miss but I love the Episodic Gameplay and storytelling as well as causal gameplay. They're often just conversational adventures and I'm cool with that.
See, I agree with that. For the most part.
Pretty sure that Gearbox was head in the writing for TFTB, and all the games are just as good. Pointless to compare.

Try checking out Gods Will be Watching If so. It's puzzles are pretty complicated but there's a "story mode" difficulty.
Uh... It IS a good game, but it's broken beyond belief when going to NG++ cycles and the OP levels. The setting is actually pretty interesting but not represented enough, and gameplay would be great fun if it wasn't interrupted constantly.
It has an unique style, a mix of alien enviroments, biomes, Mad Max and Cyberpunk along some classic ancient ruin.
It wants to be a loot and shooter game. Which it does extremely well.
Hold yer horses. A lot like Yahtzee said in his Zero Punctuation video, it's more a "shoot & stop" (and shit n' piss) than that. In the trailer you get

While you are likely looking at the ground for more crappy guns.

It needs pathing fixed for BL3.
No game is objectively perfect, the only ones being Tertis, Pong and Snake. However, the first Fallout is as close to perfection as any game I've played.
No game is objectively perfect, the only ones being Tertis, Pong and Snake. However, the first Fallout is as close to perfection as any game I've played.


One of the best rpgs? Yes, hell yes.
Better the torment imo? Yup
Perfect? Not by a long stretch.
Better the torment imo? Yup