Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Fallout 4 is a fun game
The Marvels was fine, just visually uninteresting
The Fallout TV show looks good, People just want to complain about anything related to modern Bethesda
13 episodes of any TV show is the perfect amount for a Season
Not everyone needs to be talking about the genocide in Gaza all the time, life would be too depressing if we did
How exactly do you get from "not publicly disclosed" to exploded heart? Might as well conclude that she was killed by George Soros' space lasers based on this level of evidence.
If anyone wants to actually know what happened to her:
- This is the post from her former coach.
- This is the reddit thread that her boyfriend was talking on.
Suicides and ODs are usually disclosed pretty quickly, in order to spread awareness, so I admit I jumped the gun on that chick.

Still, I've had my mind firmly made up about this bullshit vaccine that doesn't work since the day it was announced. And the evidence is just piling up as the years go by.
If I had a dollar for every news article I've read on both pro and anti vax news outlets of young athletes collapsing out of nowhere, I might not get rich but I could buy you a nice steak dinner.
Or the needle pusher king, Stephen Colbert, who claims to have gotten vaxxed and taken every booster has gotten CORVID at least four times while fully vax/boosted.
OR the ~34,000 healthcare workers just in the state of New York that were fired from their jobs because they refused to be vaccinated because a vaccine being shoved out the door virtually untested is unheard of. Healthcare workers being anti vax -not a bunch of bunker building prepper MAGA hillbillies. Last year all those healthcare workers were offered their jobs back and some even went to court and got backpay.

The rabbit hole goes so much deeper, from all the wealthy people that increased their net-worth directly from investments in COVID drugs and preventions (like signage, remodels, plexi-glass, masks, gloves, hand sanitizer (all of which even the CDC has admitted did nothing to stop the spread)) to more and more well respected medical professionals pointing out an alarming rise in unexplainable sudden deaths in young adults, mostly from cancers, strokes, seizures, and heart attacks.

Finally, both sides of the argument do report all this news, however one side is very careful to report it in a hushed whisper. The articles are right there on their websites but they can be pretty hard to find after an hour or day. Those news reports certainly never appear on their TV news networks for more than a minute, if ever.

EDIT haha I just spent the past 20 minutes looking for a few very compelling youtube videos of young, fit people acting normal and then just collapsing or seizing to the ground and how convenient! They have all been removed.
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I simply choose to yield whenever I sense I'm in the presence of a bona fide sage because how could my measly intellect ever compete with wisdom such as "this person died and they're not telling me why so it's definitely vaccines wot did them in" or "I went looking for Youtube videos trying to prove what I've already made up my mind about but couldn't find any so they've clearly been removed for showing the truth which also proves my point" or of course the classic "Young athletes have literally never died of heart failure before Covid vaccines. It just didn't happen, check mate atheists."
I fail to see how, by pointing out prior cases of deaths due to heart related complications, invalidates current suspicions of vaccine related heart complications
It's okay. This place used to be polluted with people attempting to prove their vast superior intelligence. They all left, yet Bux is still on that hill, Doomguying it alone. I can respect that.