Fallout 2 mod Various smaller Fo2 mods

Hey @Lexx, some small mod ideas if you ever feel like making more with your wonderful skills:
Armor Laser Resistances rebalance. Vanilla values are mostly too high, and pretty much make lasers useless. Would go great with Et Tu as well.

Laser RCW: Adds a Laser RCW. Why? Because it's a Laser Tommy Gun and would fit the Salvatores in New Reno like a glove. No idea if there's an FRM for the Laser RCW, but wouldn't surprise me if there is. I'm thinking of it as weaker/equal to the Laser Pistol in single shots, but has a pretty nice burst fire mode. No idea where would be the best place to add it, but I'm thinking: a) Mason's hands b) Part of Eldrige's special stock c) Reward for becoming a Salvatore Made Man.

Use your guns as melee weapons: Exactly what it says on the tin. Allows hitting people with pistol butts and gun stocks by adding a melee attack option. Uses melee weapons skill. Could even include Bayonet mods for certain rifles and shotguns.

Extra ammo types for shotguns: Adds extra ammo types for shotguns, making them more competitive. Purchasable in shops.
- Flechettes: Increased penetration, slightly less damage (as in FNV)
- Rubber shells: Less-lethal, increases knockdowns and knockouts. For pacifist characters.
- Coin Shot: Slugs+, giving extra damage but less penetration. 10% chance of money being left in dead targets.
- EMP Shells or Pulse Slugs: Less penetration and damage, but deals EMP damage, making it stronger against robots, cyborgs and Powered Armor.
- Dragon's Breath: Short ranged, fires a burst of fire instead of bullets, turning your shotgun into a short-range flamer.

Primary Statistics Boost Mod: Boosts some primary stats to make them stronger and more in-line with the strongest stats. For example:
- Primary Statistics can now go beyond 10 (as in Fallout Tactics), but not on stat creation. This is essentially to make worth it boosting stats up to 10 at start, especially to help Strength (useless to go beyond 6 due to Power Armor).
- Strength now boosts melee damage on a 1/1 basis. For example, 1 ST = 1 Melee Damage. 5 ST = 5 Melee Damage and so forth. Might require some unarmed/melee weapon rebalance - or not, its not like these are super OP.
- Perception now helps accuracy beyond 7 PE (AFAIK the boost only goes up to 7 PE)
- PE now increases AC as well
- Endurance now has a bigger HP boost bonus.
- More perks for certain neglected primary stats (like ST/EN/CH/LK)
- This could also be used to boost certain superhumanly enemies. Super Strong Super Mutants and Deathclaws, anyone?

Fixed HP Mod: HP is now fixed and permanent, being able to increase only with perks (Lifegiver gives a static HP boost instead). For balance, I'm thinking EN and ST both give more HP than in vanilla - so you can have over 100-200 HP by like lvl1 if you build your character right, but many tough enemies in the early game can as well. Might work better as part of the previous one?

NPCs can now have perks: Just that, you can now give perks to non-player characters. Could be a useful tool for modders.

Fully-Controlled Party Mod: This is something I've never seen before and I am surprised I haven't. I remember SFall allows full party control for a long time now, but to my knowledge, nobody ever did anything with it. The idea would be to build on it. I'm thinking it would also have to autobalance all non-player characters to make them stronger and tougher, because a fully controlled party would be clearly far stronger.

Steal Revamp Mod: Revamps Steal skill somehow, the current implementation is atrocious. Seriously, its pure garbo.

First Aid and Doctor works like Fallout Tactics: AKA First Aid and Doctor are now no longer garbage and inferior to stimpaks at healing. I don't have the mechanics minutae of how these skills work differently in FOT compared to FO1/FO2 (wiki didn't help me either, might have to ask the FOT modding subforum), but they are definitively better done there:
- FA and Doctor work on combat
- In combat, the healer and the healed must not move for a turn.
- They heal far more than in FO1/FO2, using First Aid Kits, Doctor's Bags and the like.
- Being healed with FA gives you the Bandaged Status, requiring use of Doctor to remove the bandaging.

Hmmm... perhaps keep FA and Doctor the same if you don't use kits, but if you do, you get Fallout Tactics-style functionality?

Luck-Based Gambling: Gambling is now purely based on Luck, like in Fallout New Vegas. Gambling Skill is gone. Rigged casinos add a -LK modifier (althrough in dice games you could do the dice swap trick with Steal, changing the rigged dices for normal ones). If you win too much on a casino, you're allowed to keep your winnings, gently escorted out and told you can't gamble there anymore. So you can "clean out" casinos, but not use them as infinite money cheats. LK being the go-to stat for gambling might also make LK better overall as a build.

Armor Bypass Critical Nerf: FO1/FO2 has too many armor bypass criticals, and they are all FULL armor bypass criticals. This is kind of universally considered bad, Josh Sawyer himself wanted to come down on it and implement partial armor bypasses instead in Van Buren. This would replace armor bypasses with partial armor bypasses for all but the cheesiest crits.

Fallout New Vegas Traits: Adds traits exclusive to FNV in Classic Fallout form.

Fallout New Vegas Perks: Adds perks exclusive to FNV in Classic Fallout form.

Different Turbo Plasma Rifle: Turbo Plasma Rifle got severely nerfed in FO2. Its just a Plasma Rifle with more damage now. Probably to make the Pulse Rifle better, too. Still giga-OP tho. Some possible fixes:
- Conservative fix: Turbo Plasma just decreases the attack ap by -1, same damage as the Plasma Rifle. Might still be defacto superior to the Pulse Rifle.
- Less conservative fix: Turbo Plasma has -1ap attack but decreased damage. Pulse Rifle is superior, shot-by-shot. Alternatively, make it unable to do called shots.
- The Fallout New Vegas fix: AKA Turn into The Smitty Special. Dial down the damage and turn it into a plasma burst weapon. Essentially a bootleg version of Frank Horrigan's End Boss Gun, but it fires sequential plasma bolts because that would look very dope.
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Fully-Controlled Party Mod: This is something I've never seen before and I am surprised I haven't. I remember SFall allows full party control for a long time now, but to my knowledge, nobody ever did anything with it. The idea would be to build on it. I'm thinking it would also have to autobalance all non-player characters to make them stronger and tougher, because a fully controlled party would be clearly far stronger.
This is possible for a very long time. See sfall-mods.ini -> CombatControl -> mode. Default is 3, which adds a new icon to the right-click menu that allows you to tell party members to target specific critters. With 2 you will take over the turns of your party members at all times. However, it makes the game a lot easier.
NPCs can now have perks: Just that, you can now give perks to non-player characters. Could be a useful tool for modders.

this is also sort of possible:
You can specify perks to be "shared" with party members. meaning if you take it they'll have it as well. It doesn't work with some of them, and probably only works with Mode=2.

normally only Awareness and Gecko skinning are shared ( 0 and 73 ) there's a certain .msg file that can help you with this.. the formulae is base number -1 as .msg counter starts from "1" and sfall counter starts from"0" hence the -1 difference on the .msg numbers.

try a cheezy playthrough and take all perks possible ( with either vad's editor or a perk mod) ad take awareness, gecko skinning, 3xBonusHtH Damage, 2x Bonus Move, Sniper, Slayer, 3x More Criticals, Better Criticals,Sharpshooter,Silent Death, Ghost, Bonus rate of Fire, Bonus HtH Attacks. and whatever else comes to your mind

Action Boy and Bonus Stat do not seem to work. More criticals is sweet when a critter has low Lk stat as Sniper is based off Lk stat, it may be not enaugh for some party npcs to shine with Sniper alone, although More Criticals + Better Criticals + Sniper + Burst weapon is sweet in npc hands as well as in player's hands. Bonus Move and Bonus Rate of Fire also give a nice bump-up.. this Perk Sharing feature is what turns Sonora all party NPCs from all classic fallouts from meh to cool.

oh yeah don't forget 2x Bonus Ranged Damage and doctor the +2min/+2max per bullet is a miracle for bursting with a lower tier weapon, also the final +5 to damage prevent 0 damage criticals, and it's all nasty consequences.
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This is possible for a very long time. See sfall-mods.ini -> CombatControl -> mode. Default is 3, which adds a new icon to the right-click menu that allows you to tell party members to target specific critters. With 2 you will take over the turns of your party members at all times.

Yeah, I know. 3 is the one you use in Et Tu, right?

My idea was building up on 2, with full control.

However, it makes the game a lot easier.

Yeah, that was the issue meant for the mod to address. It would be all about making enemies stronger, tougher and perhaps in bigger numbers, in plausible ways, to make the game more challenging for the full party-based gameplay. The idea of Tacticool FO2 is just too cool.

I would like to see your KKK on other ideas I had, as well, if its possible.

this is also sort of possible:
You can specify perks to be "shared" with party members. meaning if you take it they'll have it as well. It doesn't work with some of them, and probably only works with Mode=2.

normally only Awareness and Gecko skinning are shared ( 0 and 73 ) there's a certain .msg file that can help you with this.. the formulae is base number -1 as .msg counter starts from "1" and sfall counter starts from"0" hence the -1 difference on the .msg numbers.

try a cheezy playthrough and take all perks possible ( with either vad's editor or a perk mod) ad take awareness, gecko skinning, 3xBonusHtH Damage, 2x Bonus Move, Sniper, Slayer, 3x More Criticals, Better Criticals,Sharpshooter,Silent Death, Ghost, Bonus rate of Fire, Bonus HtH Attacks. and whatever else comes to your mind

Action Boy and Bonus Stat do not seem to work. More criticals is sweet when a critter has low Lk stat as Sniper is based off Lk stat, it may be not enaugh for some party npcs to shine with Sniper alone, although More Criticals + Better Criticals + Sniper + Burst weapon is sweet in npc hands as well as in player's hands. Bonus Move and Bonus Rate of Fire also give a nice bump-up.. this Perk Sharing feature is what turns Sonora all party NPCs from all classic fallouts from meh to cool.

oh yeah don't forget 2x Bonus Ranged Damage and doctor the +2min/+2max per bullet is a miracle for bursting with a lower tier weapon, also the final +5 to damage prevent 0 damage criticals, and it's all nasty consequences.

Wait, so if you activate Mode=2, not only you control party members, but some of your own perks affect them as well?

Wait, Sniper affects them as well? Hore sheetos.
Interesting, could this be used by implementing a perk that doesn't actually affect the player, but only the NPCs?

Well, my idea was not just for the Companion NPCs, but for any non-player character in general.
Hey @Lexx, some small mod ideas if you ever feel like making more with your wonderful skills:

Some of these ideas are really cool Slaughter, would love to hear Lexx's opinion on it too. Although some of these sound a little hard to code to just be a small mod, for example regarding the Primary Statistics Boost I think the Attribute Cap is hardcoded. May be wrong!
Most of that stuff is too big for "smaller fo2 mods" and some of that I'm not even sure if it's easily possible. I don't see myself doing any of that anytime soon (or at all). Generally those mini-mods heavily depend on my current mood level too, so it's not really like there is a plan or something.
Makes sense, the stuff you made already is really cool. Would you ever consider continuing the TMA responses? Been tinkering with it a little myself.
The script for that is finished. All that needs to be done is someone has to go over the game and write TMA keywords and responses similar to how I started it in the files. I don't think I'm ever going to do this myself, since I don't play Fo2 that often.
Wait, so if you activate Mode=2, not only you control party members, but some of your own perks affect them as well?

Wait, Sniper affects them as well? Hore sheetos.
Interesting, could this be used by implementing a perk that doesn't actually affect the player, but only the NPCs?

Well, my idea was not just for the Companion NPCs, but for any non-player character in general.

not exactly.. as I said as of default only awwareness and gecko skinning work that way..

You'd have to specify the additional perks yourself. however i'm going to make it easy for You
here's the list of what i consider practical:

;Allows you to directly control other critters in combat
;Set to 0 to disable
;Set to 1 to control all critters in combat
;Set to 2 to control all party members
;Set to 3 to let you order party members to attack specified targets after your first attack instead of controlling them directly
;If you want to control only specific critters, uncomment the PIDList line and set a comma delimited list of PIDs

;Set a comma delimited list of perk IDs for perks to be inherited from the player during the combat control

paste the last line in the apropriate section of sfall-mods.ini, by adding the new sequence after
perks are comma separated if you ad one more times, critter can get it more times (if you take it more times).
I don't remember right now what specific perks the numbers corespond to, however i remember i refined this over the years, and now its most optimized of the stuff that works.

HtH Evade won't work at all in Mode=2 since both you and party members have the turn system manipulated by sfall, and it fucks up HtH Evade functionality.

otherwise prepare yourself for the most op playthrough ever :D


If you have no idea what perks do they actively share, just enter combat, switch to party npc enter "cha" from ingame hud or pres "c" from keyboard to enter npc character sheet and look up what perks do they have listed.
be aware there is a glitch sometimes with Bonus Rate of Fire that you need to switch weapons or weapon fiering modes in order for BRoF to take effect, when you begin turn with each ative npc party memeber, a pain in the ass i know, this is especially true with sfall-Extended, haven't played classic sfall nor fallout titles in a while now, can't spare the time..
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Hi @Lexx,

As the author of the "Show Loot Weight" (lightweight carry weight indicator) mod, I have a small request. Could you please make the position of the text configurable (or release an updated version) to fit the new sfall 8-slot inventory GUI? This would be helpful for those who don't want to use the full InventoryFilter. I think this might be a quick work for you.

Thank you for feedback.


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;Allows you to directly control other critters in combat
;Set to 0 to disable
;Set to 1 to control all critters in combat
;Set to 2 to control all party members
;Set to 3 to let you order party members to attack specified targets after your first attack instead of controlling them directly
;If you want to control only specific critters, uncomment the PIDList line and set a comma delimited list of PIDs
@gustarballs1983 I have a question. Do you know the PIDList of the Resurrection companions? I am setting up a fresh configuration for my upcoming Fallout 1.5: Resurrection playthrough.
if you want them to be controlled in mode 2 then leave PID_List behind semincoolon.. by default it will controll everyone in your party, so no need to specify PID_List.

If however You want full party with charisma 2, well then use ProtoManager from site's utility downloads, to check it out, I never had to do this. for ressurection I usually played a minmax build with CHA4 or CHA6 (one to get all companions the other to also get CHA triat Divine Favour with stat perk + DeadQuarter CHA operation You'd get CHA8 which is enaugh for Divine Favour. anyways CHA4+ above let's you get Both Chicks + Mutt)

Fun fact that nobody knows of:

An ex friend of mine ( we parted way due to political nature). back in 2012 we were pals and both shared classic fallout passion, one day he said He's in the middle of translating a Fallout like game made by one of our country's neighbours, and he's translating it to both Polish and English at the same time..
Dude was fond of mongrel i had back in the day, and was thrilled how vicious the dog could get to protect his master from shady situations. Since I was often calling my dog Dogmeat. He said there's a mongrel in the game to, so he asked how esle do i call my dog.. I said kundel, and he said yeah and how is it in english i wasn't sure so i said Mutt ( i especially metioned with two "t" at the end), You should've seen my jawdrop when i played resurrection in 2016 and noticed "Mutt" situation in Rat Hole, i immidately that instant knew that that guy was behind the trnslation, as it was the same spelling mistake i made four years back when telling this to him.. XD that's how my Reksio became immortalized in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection..

Yeah Let the poor bastard dog rest in peace.

the dog is indeed called "kundel" in polish translation..
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