Vault-113 IC

"Snake Eyes? You military types and your weird names. I wonder if the security chief came up with that or Snake Eyes himself did." Markus was used to clearer modulations, not cryptic ones, but he knew it was also truth that others might be listening in on the frequency.

"Eagle, this is Eagle One, tell... Snake Eyes we know where that is, we are coming to him. Tell him to look for a guy in a coat and one in leather outfit. Long story."

"Snake eyes, did you copy that?"

Markus turns to Ramses. "You wanted a place with a view, looks like Snake found one."

Markus and Ramses quickly moved to Wu's position. As the good soldier he was, Wu was well in cover and aware of their arrival by the moment he decided to reveal his position to them, the universal hailing was once again exchanged. When they come closer Markus starts introductions. "You are Snake, right? I'm Markus, he's Ramses." Calling him Snake was only logical, he didn't really knew how else to call him as he didn't knew his real name. Only time would tell if the new nick would stick.
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*John quickly gets back into his vault suit, which has now finally dried*

'John Wu'

*Shakes hands*

'Snake Eyes is just a callsign I came up with out of the blue. My transmission is tagged with my ID info anyways, just numbers. You can call me by my first or last name, doesn't matter.'

The two men just looked at eachother for a moment, strange.

'Anyways, it seems I got to the party late. You guys did a real good job fucking up those muties over there and back at the canyon. So was the fight as bad as I imagined it to be?'
"Let's just hope we got a bad start and that there is no more fighting..." As Markus said this he interrupted his dialog as he started hearing a rattling, like sticks hitting the ground in a rapid succession. He lifted his head imperceptibly and his eyes went up and to the left for a second as he was trying to imagine what would that strange sound could be from, then alternatively looked at the faces of his companions, like trying to figure out if they herd that too. The sound was getting closer.
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'You guys hear that tapping too or am I crazy?'

Not the one to take chances, John un-slung and shouldered his rifle.

"Who or whatever it was, if its hostile, its dead."
"Yeah, it's like..." Markus lifts his head, like instinctively trying to hear better, the sound is coming from behind him, when he turns he sees something scurrying straight towards him. It was a huge scorpion, with his tail aiming menacingly towards him, and was moving fast. Instantly fear induced adrenaline makes him jump and run in the opposite direction, trying to put some distance between him and such disgusting and menacing creature. The rule was true, the bigger they are, the more disgusting the bugs. The horned devil they encountered before might have been more dangerous, but right now Markus was terrified at this impossible creature, both a natural foe of men, for which humans have an instinct to get away from, and in an incredible size. As he runs, trying to gain distance, he draws his weapon and starts shooting at the creature, but the creature doesn't seem to notice, either it's not doing too much damage or the slugs are bouncing off it's carapace. Markus thinks *We are going to need bigger guns.*
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"Motherfucker, lets see if you can maintain that speed without a few legs."

The scorpion was fast but it would occasionally slow down and try to impale Markus with its barbed tail.

Noting the pattern, John shouldered his rifle and peered into the scope.


The DKS bucked against his shoulder in quick succession and one of the scorpions legs turned into a shower of splintered pieces. It dropped for a moment, but then, got up and renewed its chase. John shouldered the rifle again and fired two successive shots, this time, hitting the creature at the base of its tail. Infuriated, the creature stopped its chase for Markus, turned around, and went straight for the person that was causing it so much grief.

"Fucking thing wants chinese."

John Wu started running.
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When the scorpion starts to chase after John, Markus takes careful aim trying to hit the scorpion but only if he was in no risk of hitting John, hopefully the combined fire of 10mm and Ramses's hunting rifle would bring this sucker down.
Just with iron sights, Ramses lined up the softer section of the Scorpion. He pulled the trigger blew out a soft chunk. The creature shrieked. He pulled the bolt back and slammed it forward. He fired again and smashed the right pincher.

"Damn mutations."

Hopefully the operative Wu would finish it. He had the superior weapon. The DK-501 was a good weapon, not his favorite in sniping tool; but it worked.
The beast had taken a great deal of damage and had slowed considerably. It was on 4 legs, bleeding out copious amounts of goop. Its tail, which had lashed out earlier angrily, attempting to poison and impale, was now limp. It was just dead weight now, serving only to hinder its masters ability to catch a meal.

John had pretty much doubled back to the rock outcropping, with the radscorpion, following weakly behind. Climbing up, he quickly removed the empty magazine from the DKS, and replaced it with a fresh one. After pulling the bolt back to chamber in a fresh round, he once again took careful aim.

Maneuvering the crosshair over the creatures head, with its black eyes staring and gnashing mandibles, John fired again.


The first shot drilled itself into the scorpions right eye socket, launching out a viscera of black matter. The second round, smashed into the creatures left mandible, exploding most of it and ripping the remains right out of its mouth. The final round hit the front left leg, which once again, splintered into a great many pieces.

The fight was over, the hunt finished. The beast was just writhing pathetically on the ground, its clusterd nerve bundles causing its legs to twitch un-controllably. John shouldered the rifle again, and emptied the remaining two rounds into the creatures head.
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The creature crumpled into itself, shrieking in that insectile voice before dying.

Ramses jogged lightly to the kill, kicking up dirt. The scorpion was huge. Waving the C-Rads Geiger counter, there was a faint crackle. The RADs were extremely high, of course, if you dined on said bug meat for a while, you may not need a night light to take a piss in the dark. Looking at the arachnid, Ramses also wondered if there were bigger ones. It seemed that in this brave, new world - things got pretty big. A wonder how humans managed to survive.

They needed to get the Water-Chip and GECK. Because they wouldn't be able to physically engage every hostile target. The hunting rifle was adequate, but The EX-Soldier would need something with more fire power. They wouldn't survive for long if they spent every stop shooting their way out of trouble. Ramses gave John Wu an appraising look. "So what Outfit were you attached to?"
'I fought in the Battle Of Canton, Battle Of Fujian and was part of the Hong Kong expeditionary force that took island away from the reds. This happened while I was with the 2nd Batallion, 23rd Mechanized Cavalry Regiment.'

'Afterwards, I returned stateside and undertook ranger training at Ft. Benning. I was eventually assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment and returned to China for operations leading up to the Battle Of Beijing. Fucking CPC would just send human wave attacks that would just get grounded up into hamburger.'

'So enough about me, what qbout you folks?'
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"MPDC, listen, this is not a safe place to rest, not with those things scurrying around in the night. On top of that, we are running low on ammo. I suggest we keep moving and find proper shelter. The waste disposal seemed to have a building, it is just a guess but due to the low radiation on the waste itself, the walls on the building should be able to shield us from it, I say we head there and we barricade ourselves in until daybreak, something tells me the creatures will be able to see us much better during the night than we can see them. What do you say?"
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Ramses' face brightened. Finally another veteran. "I participated in occupation of Canada and defense and retaking of Anchorage. I was with 75th Ranger Regiment, 3rd Battalion... Later with 5th Special Forces Group.... And than with 10th Mountain Division. Sadly never got to go to China." Ramses' eyes seem to glaze over remembering the Anchorage Frontlines. He remembered seeing his friend Alberto bleeding and dying in the icy trenches. He was screaming at the top of his lungs for a medic, none came.

The world came back and he watched Wu and Markus take the lead.
Markus felt his presentation was a little dry, but they could continue introductions while moving towards the waste disposal, or even better, once inside a safe place. Besides, he didn't had a service record like the two veterans in front of him, no war stories to exchange.

Out here priorities suddenly changed, he wasn't a friendly cop with time for amiable chat, this much action all at once was too much on him it seemed, and the major priority now was not ending up as some creature's meal. Hopefully the safety of walls around him would allow him to relax. Now he was beginning to appreciate the safety only a vault could offer in a world like this.

The night looked peaceful, the stars shined bright, no light pollution to hide them. Suddenly he realized his predicament, noticing how beautiful the world was just when he might be about to leave it. Better stay focused.

The Geiger counter starts complaining, signs are still low, but better not stay there for too long. When they get to the other side they reach the building, beyond the building is the main gate, and beyond it another small building. The main gate to the complex was closed with a padlock rusted shut, no way of opening it the good way, even with the key. But then Markus saw the building on the other side of the fence and thought maybe there was a way to avoid the main gate altogether.

Markus tries the door, it's open. But better take no chances. He draws his firearm and signals his two companions to get ready to enter.
"Boss has a plan."

John quickly reloaded the DKS before slinging the rifle behind him.

Although it was night, there was enough light to give his pistol a once over before readying it for whatever might lay ahead.

After making sure the spare 10mm magazine was in easy reach, Wu stacked up behind Markus.
Markus signals he will go left, then signals Wu to take center and Ramses to take right. When everyone is ready Markus moves in concentrating only in his area of responsibility, in front of him there a man in a weird outfit standing guard. "Freeze!" The raider rises the SMG on his right hand and Markus shoots him in the right leg, the man manages to spray a short burst but the force of the impact makes him turn to his right as he falls, and the weapon aims away from Markus and the door as it sprays.

Markus doesn't stop moving forward, leaving room for Wu and Ramses to enter, as he does he doesn't stop aiming at the man, now in the floor, while yelling: "Drop it! Drop it now!!" The man takes no heed and tries to raise and aim at Markus anyway, Markus fires a quick succession of three shots to the center of mass, the 10mm hollow point being as powerful as they are all three are lethal, and the man is not getting up ever again.
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Taking the left room, Ramses spotted a female raider lying down, starting to stir, "Redge, keep it the fuc-" she hadn't even gotten the sleep out of her eyes when Ramses brought a combat knife right into her skull.

She didn't even gasp as the silent and fatal blade turned her brain off. It wasn't chivalry, but considering the gathered human remains that these savage survivors would probably be more interested in picking their fillings out than hand them an Apple.

He looked at her belt, a pair of decaying severed hands were tied off. A lock of hair was fastened to the R91 assault rifle. He relieved her of her spare ammo and what looked like some bottle caps in a small sack.

This was a raid and Ramses drifted back to the Alaskan front. Snow and blood
The team moved in and cleared the entryway, no hostiles. The next section of building consisted of an upside down, L shaped hallway. Each side contained a room and at the end of the hall, two stairwells, one center, one right.

The stack moves forward with Markus taking point and John trailing. Arriving outside the rooms, Markus breaks left, Ramses right, and John moving to the end of the hallway.

The sounds of small arms fire erupt from first the left, then right rooms. This quickly draws the attention of a guard on the lower level who rushes up the right stairwell, into a waiting John.

Two 10mm rounds disintegrate the mans face, leaving a gaping, meaty hole from which a wet gurgling sound erupts. The body crumples onto the floor and spasms a bit before going limp. There is the smell of piss and shit as the corpse releases its bowels.

'Ah fuck thats nasty.'

Checking the body, John discovers some caps, a key holder on the mans belt with assorted keys, and a switchblade tucked neatly in the fellas boot. The wicked machete the fella was holding looked plenty sharp.

'I'll take the money and keyring, the blade would make a good surprise weapon. Machete I can live without.'
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Ramses checked his new found rifle and worked the action. Not the best condition; working the bolt had a dinstinct grainy sound. Probably could use some cleaning, but not bad.

Slinging the weapon, Ramses used the time tested C-Grip and began to look down the iron sights. "Anymore?" He looked down the dark stairwell. He didn't want to venture in the dark, but they couldn't leave this nest of maruaders intact.

"Into the dark." Ramses crouched and began to work his way down the steps. Not even a sound.
Markus took the SMG, a typical model often used by SWAT, looked as old and worn and you would expect after 200 years, amazing they managed to keep these things working. Inserted a fresh clip taken from the perp's body, he would do a full assessment of the ammo recovered later, for now he figured a fresh clip and his pistol as backup would suffice.

He piled behind and to the right of Ramses, trying to line up in a way they would both have a clear shot at what could appear behind corner Nº1. Taking the SMG with both hands he moved in short quick steps following Ramses's lead, lining his weapon at the direction the next threat could appear. And started tilting right repeatedly, one step a at a time.