What game was this?

Its probably to easy

Holy shit, gabahadatta! Didn't think anyone would get that one. You perv.

Whatever Alpha posted looks freaking awesome.
Both actually, the game uses a really weird semi cutscene thing using the level but pre-rendering it and also ingame models which looks kinda weird as it's a RTS so close ups look blocky.
Looks great as a screenie though. :V
Ugh, I just had to guess right. You got me thinking what to post. So I decided against anything too obscure for you guys to know, and went with one of my favorite games instead:


the ui does not look anything like AI Total War, but that ship to the bottom left of the sun looks like a leech starship from that.
Both Dutch and VD technically got it right, but VD was more precise so he - already took - his turn.

It is indeed the second Space Rangers, one of the most delightful TB RPG/RTS/Arcade/Text Quest hybrids ever created. Screenshot taken from the version with Revolutions fan expansion installed, though I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to tell from the screenie.
So guys, not getting into the contest, just looking for an answer. Been racking my brain for the past two days, and google hasn't helped me either.

A long long time ago, I played a robbery-themed video game's demo. It was top-view, or "isometric-ish", fairly pixellated graphics, and featured a small town in the American West (East California, maybe?) which had, amongst other buildings, a bar with a gang of bikers, from which you had to steal weapons from (IIRC). It was set in the late 20th century... It featured a "heat bar" on your squad members, which made NPC's suspicious to them if it got too high.

Does anybody know how it's called?