When you call someone a Neanderthal...

Not Lost Hope said:
The Vault Dweller said:
...it may not be a simple insult, but the truth:


Many people alive today possess some Neanderthal ancestry, according to a landmark scientific study...

...Between 1%-4% of the genomes of people in Eurasia come from Neanderthals.

The Vault Dweller

It's funny that us whites have thought for long that africans are lesser humans when they in fact are more pure homo sapiens not having bred with neanderthals.

You make it sound like all whites thought that way. and they considered them lesser humans because Europeans had firearms while Africans still had spears. as well as the lack of monothestic beliefs. The way they dressed. Their understanding of property. Their social systems and methods of interaction. As well as minor things like daily rituals ect.

People in general feel superior in compare to another when they believe they know more.

By the way.. does the size of the brain matter when your race isn't capable enough to defend itself?