First time out of the vault

without having to barter away all of my worldly possessions?
I retried Fallout 2 for the sixth [censored] time last night, with a custom class that has finesse as a perk (see my thread in general fallout discussion). So obviously, I do piss-poor damage with my pistol and I'm too dependent on my dumb-as-dirt companions, Vic and Sulik. I did every quest I could find in Arroyo, Klameth, and the Den and even looked at the guide to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm close to level 6 and there's hardly anything I can handle past the Den. Fortunately, I was able to survive the trek to Modoc thanks to my high Outdoorsman skill. But its obvious at this point in the game that a pistol bearer + 2 blockheads isn't enough of a fighting force to do things like protecting Brahmin from wolves, or fight off half-a-dozen bandits in the wastelands (I don't think I would have made it without Outdoorsman tagged). Unfortunately guns, ammo, and other things are so much more expensive in this game. And there's no way I could afford the hunting rifle in the Den. So what now?
I retried Fallout 2 for the sixth [censored] time last night, with a custom class that has finesse as a perk (see my thread in general fallout discussion). So obviously, I do piss-poor damage with my pistol and I'm too dependent on my dumb-as-dirt companions, Vic and Sulik. I did every quest I could find in Arroyo, Klameth, and the Den and even looked at the guide to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm close to level 6 and there's hardly anything I can handle past the Den. Fortunately, I was able to survive the trek to Modoc thanks to my high Outdoorsman skill. But its obvious at this point in the game that a pistol bearer + 2 blockheads isn't enough of a fighting force to do things like protecting Brahmin from wolves, or fight off half-a-dozen bandits in the wastelands (I don't think I would have made it without Outdoorsman tagged). Unfortunately guns, ammo, and other things are so much more expensive in this game. And there's no way I could afford the hunting rifle in the Den. So what now?