Can I touch-type? Sure, in fact, I'm doing it right now! Zounds, how the modern world keeps improving.
Just about everyone I know can "touch-type". But let's see them implement capitalization, punctuation, and grammar into it. I blame chatting and acronyms for loosey-goosey replies like: "Lol, u r so rite." Then I see people go out of their way to misspell (ugh, L33T $P3@k).
Anywho, I just think it's a small sign of changing times. In my mom's days, it wasn't such a trajedy to search and peck for your keys on a typewriter. Now, most kids can type. In seventh grade, I took typing classes (mandatory) and I averaged 100+ WPM (Words Per Minute) while typing dumb sentences like, "Yellow mustard custard dripping from a dead dog's eye." That sentence alone gave me an A+.