Who can touch-type?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
In other words, who here can type without looking at the screen or keyboard at over a hundred words a minute without making any mistakes? I can, and I am only 14. :wink:
Never actually timed myself to 100+ words a minute, but I could prolly pull it off as I can type entirely without looking at the screen or keyboard (ie, closing my eyes). You got some software test, or what?
Well, yes there are software test thingies, my school has it, but i'm a bit hazy with macs, so my 118 words a min could probably be improved on. But think, the people that can type the fastest in the world can do like 150-170 words a minute...
I used to be able to do that when I was still in school. I took a secretarial course specifically for that purpose, abandoning the class(1) when I had what I wanted. I've slowed down somewhat now down to something like 80 WPM - I suspect this is primarily because A) Good_Code != Fast_Output and B) Windows punishes those who would dare like DOS by forcing them to use the mouse for too many things.

As you leave secretarial courses in the dust of life, you'll be meandered in the debugging tar pit that is the true IT professional's world.

(1) But not my skirt-wearing classmates.
I can type 100+ words in one minute. The sentenses doesn't make any sence when I do though.
Smar- I read your posts on RolePlay and I know you make spelling mistakes.

Not sure what my speed is but I would guess about that. I credit it use of the computer and playing the piano.
Back in seventh grade I took a computer class and was typing 70+ wpm on the first week! I was special and got a little pin from the teacher to commemorate it :) Nobody else in my grade could do over 60 wpm until the end of eighth grade.

I'm not sure how fast I type now, but I can assure you that I haven't looked at the keyboard since seventh grade, so that counts for something...

DOS rules!
It's not that hard to learn, I can type pretty fast and without mistakes (not much grammar though)

touch typing doesnt seem that important though, if you're typing something why would you need to talk to someone or something unless you wanted to like i dunno...be LOL WOW IM SHOWING OFF LciikL

touhc typed 2 da maxx
Just stop-watched myself a couple of times: 95 and 102. Touch-typing is easy. If you want a real challenge, try it with your feet! :wink:
Well let's see welsh, maybe, just maybe, it might have something to do with the fact that I have a broken arm, and my fingers on my right hand do not like trying to traverse the keyboard one handed. That and my keyboard is a european one, and it keeps reverting to european keyboard. Grrrrrr! :twisted:
i9 6t5r76 w96tyhu nmj6yfrd89
I try with my foot.
Har har. Yeah, and welsh, as long as what I post is readable, that's the main thing. So what, sometimes I forget the doubble L's and B's and so on, As my dad's friend used to say "It's only spelling, no children are dieing, are they?"
I never could touch type until I got the internet. Now I can zip through anything without worrying. Whoo. Try typing while paying attention to something else, like a tv or talking to people next to you. Now THATs a challenge
Can I touch-type? Sure, in fact, I'm doing it right now! Zounds, how the modern world keeps improving.

Just about everyone I know can "touch-type". But let's see them implement capitalization, punctuation, and grammar into it. I blame chatting and acronyms for loosey-goosey replies like: "Lol, u r so rite." Then I see people go out of their way to misspell (ugh, L33T $P3@k).

Anywho, I just think it's a small sign of changing times. In my mom's days, it wasn't such a trajedy to search and peck for your keys on a typewriter. Now, most kids can type. In seventh grade, I took typing classes (mandatory) and I averaged 100+ WPM (Words Per Minute) while typing dumb sentences like, "Yellow mustard custard dripping from a dead dog's eye." That sentence alone gave me an A+.